Mythic Plus is harder AND less rewarding, in other words simply NOT FUN

I have a comprehensive summary of some of the issues with current Mythic +. The long story short is that the dungeons have gotten harder AND less rewarding. Most of my guild agreed in a group discussion about this issue. It’s destroying our motivation to do Mythic plus. For context, our guild is a group that got 6/9 mythic in AMTDH, and typically we have a lot of 2500 Mythic + rating players. We are NOT casuals, and that definition should not be stretched so wildly to include us. We raid 2 nights a week because we’re busy old heads. But right now Mythic + is headed for a cliff because of 3 direct issues. The first is reward structure which I will elaborate on first.


  1. Gilded Crests from 9+ is currently unattainable

    • we’re struggling to time 8s with consistency
    • in a previous season we’d slowly nerf this by getting crests from 6/7s and then feel strong enough to time 8s
    • if one thing goes wrong and you wipe the 15s death timer feels insurmountable and you just want to walk out
  2. The hero gear that drops from end of 6-7s is worse then our current upgrade levels, so gilded crests are the only thing that would make us strong enough to close this gap

  3. We won’t get myth track in our vaults like we did in previous seasons so that in a few weeks these started to feel like a breeze.

    • this means that the only upgrade we will all get is 6-8 individual piece of hero gear upgrades from runed crests
    • most of my gear is already hero or upgraded champion gear past what hero level gear is dropping so I can’t get discounted crest upgrades that way
    • I have no reason to continue to do keys, or anything else for that matter, and its Thursday after reset, i might just play other games


  1. We already had key leaver problems, and now they see the writing on the wall even sooner in dungeons

  2. I think this change is the opposite of what should happen. There should be no time penalty for wipes - wiping is already a penalty


  1. The changes to healers and tanks didn’t solve the problem - they are still susceptible to crazy one shots and health bars jump around like crazy in 7+ keys

  2. this means that even less people want to do the jobs that we’re already not being filled by many players

  3. this means getting into a key and getting it started is just as laborious and time consuming as the key itself, also making me not want to do them at all

A lot of these M+ changes went in at the 11th hour in the Beta. I was reading the news and following the story. My estimation as that the only folks still doing keys on the Beta at that point are the tippy top .25 or .5 of a percentage of players. The rest of the player base did not test or experience this, and are not able to complete this content at this level based on current tuning. Then because there are no more rewards to get for us, we have no reason to do lower content. This means ultimately we have no content to do. We’re done with raid for the week, and can’t time any keys that would actually improve our gear, so I guess week over on Thursday in a week where for the last 4 years I would have been doing 40+ keys.

If this isn’t fixed immediately endgame of season 1 will go down as the most miserable unfun mess of modern wow’s history, likely killing your expansion given that this is the most popular game mode.


As a multi 3k io tank I approve this message


They brought m+ gearing / progression speed closer to raid’s. A +9 is still easier than even the first boss on mythic.


They are objectively not harder. Were you doing +15s and above on week 1 of the first season in DF or SL? If not, why do you expect to push +5s and above in this season? A large number of players who never pushed +15s in the first week are now timing +5s this season. This is regardless of the fact that we started the season with ~605 ilvl when the season cap is 639. That’s a 34 ilvl gap.

These objective and indisputable facts actually point towards the scaling and tuning of M+ being too soft.

This is completely irrelevant without context of the individual season. Some seasons 2500 means something, and I say that very loosely, while others it actually means nothing. For the most part, 2500 is a participation trophy especially depending on what part of the season it was obtained.

Were you doing +18s on week 2 during DF S1 and SL S1?

Do you understand how the upgrade system works and the crest discounts? If you upgrade a Champion gear 8/8, you can upgrade the Hero track gear to the same ilvl without any crests.

Why lie about your experience? You got 3k once on your DH.


They killed progression in a scaling system. Its actually insane how bad they messed this up.


Of course I understand it. I’m actually ahead of you on this. What you have not thought about is that my vault rewards are currently at best 616 with no way to upgrade them further because at 615 item level I can’t do 9’s to get guilded crests.

You are the exact kind of sweat lord that’s completely out of touch with median players. Because there is no reward other than tiny little incremental gains it will take 10-12 weeks to feel strong enough to go up 2-3 key levels with consistency. I don’t want to have a 60% failure rate on my keys so that it feels “challenging” enough for players like you. For players like you, you can do higher key levels for your challenge. I want gear to mythic raid.

If WOW listens to players like you, they will lose groups of players like me which is a way larger portion of the player base.


If you are full Hero track gear and 619 ilvl and still cant push +9s, then that’s a skill issue. Get better by grinding lower keys while waiting for Great Vault Myth track to compensate the skill deficit. Not everyone is meant to be a Mythic Raider and not everyone is meant to hit the top end of the M+ system.

I play a few keys a night and somehow a sweatlord? Also, the “median” players shouldn’t be complaining about Mythic raid equivalent gear. This just screams entitlement.

Like I said, entitled.


You literally don’t get it. You can’t get myth track anymore, it drops from 10s not 8s. And it’s about percentages. I can time a few but not all, and because of the death timer it’s punishing beyond belief. It’s not just me it’s my entire team of mythic raiders that have never struggled like this.

Get out of your bubble and consider a different perspective for a minute please. How is it possible that 10-15 mythic raiders are all suddenly bad? The rewards change needs reverted. Gilded from 7s, myth track from 8s.


It doesn’t really mean much by saying your team of “mythic raiders” are struggling. The real question is: Were you consistently timing +20s in the first two weeks of Season 1 of a new expansion?

LOL this is hilarious coming from someone who feels entitled to easy loot. M+ gearing was completely broken before and made raiding obsolete. This balances the paying field so raiders don’t need to M+ to the same degree. If you can’t time a +10, then you can’t time a +10. This is literally the same as if you can’t get CE, then you can’t get CE. This circles back to double standards and entitlement.

It’s not that you are “suddenly” bad. It’s about how long it took you to get CE or +20s timed.

For the record, I think it’s cute that you call yourself a mythic raider when you never got CE. Killing the loot piñatas don’t make you a mythic raider.


Good luck in the future of your dead game. People who want this insane level of difficulty curve are nuts, I give up.


Not everyone gets CE. Apply the same standards. Your argument falls flat.


Yes. I was. This season is way harder than every season of Dragonflight for worse rewards.

You get the same track in vault for doing a 3 and a 9. That’s just stupid. They made bottom of the barrel myth track something you only get for doing a 10, and made doing a 10 (or even getting a 10) much harder than it should be. A terrible change the overwhelming majority of people seem not to like.


I personally preferred the DF s2-4 difficulty and was hoping they’d stick with that. I have an untimed 10 and 11 done so maybe I will get there eventually, but this just is not fun compared to most of the DF seasons.


RIO shows otherwise. Try again.

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RIO was wiped, check my achievements.


LOL no it wasn’t. Achievements don’t show you doing 15s on week 1 or 2.

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It wasn’t? If true, that’s good news! Pretty sure it was, though.

And if I’m wrong, misremembering. Could of sworn I was timing 15 (and higher) pretty early all three seasons I played.

Edit: Looks like they have at least some of my old runs recorded! Granted, isn’t completely restored. Again, check my achievements, I have KSH for season 3, got to 2800ish, but RIO is only showing me at 2400 for that season.

Regardless, I’ve gotten a 9 and 10 done this season, and likely will get more. I don’t have to be failing to get the gear to think they botched the implementation. +3 to +9 offering the same track in vault is very stupid. It’s self-evidently stupid. Everyone who isn’t trolling knows it’s stupid.


Yup, at the very least 9s could do rank 1 mythic and 10s rank 2 in vault. So at least from 3 to 8 its a 5 rank difference. But alas, will get easier with gear no doubt. 10 to 20 ilvls later will be massive for those getting to 620 and 630 from maybe 610 or so.


You’re getting gilded crests and mythic track from the raid instead still though right?

My biggest concern is this: I’m barely able to scratch out a +10 as a well-geared, mostly competent tank. In order to improve my gear significantly henceforth, I basically HAVE to get myth track stuff. If I didn’t, in about two or three weeks I’d be around 619 and done upgrading.
If someone is stuck at like a +7 or 8 and can’t do 9 or 10, they are going to have the issue of not being able to progress their gear, and the longer that goes on, the more they’re going to fall behind, because groups are always going to take the people who have 625-630 ilvl over someone who is capped at 619. It’s setting up a trap a ton of people are going to be unable to escape.