I wish Blizzard would communicate more with the community

Because Blizzard has been designing systems that are doomed to fail from the beginning. People in the Alpha point this out and they dig in their heels and give false promises. Only for in the last few patches of the game they do the thing they should’ve done at launch. THAT. Is not something to be applauded

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It’s not only about those systems but that some responses never made it to the game, like the WoD profession tmogs removed during SL development, We don´t have any follow up about that, same with other topics…Devs could just mention that those are on a queue of pending developments, there’s not a clear roadmap besides the usual seasonal content.

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If you don’t like how bear is played why even play it. Also the game designer makes the final decision on how certain class would be played it’s not up to us to decide.

Also, it was already predetermined on how the spec was designed since you speak of legion when the borrowed power and system was born and stuff.

And guess what Dragonflight has HAS DROPPED the VAST MAJORITY of them and yet it seems to me it’s not ENOUGH to please your type of people.

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I sincerely hope DF is good. But from what I’ve seen it doesn’t look like it’s going to deliver. Blizzard wants to make people happy, it starts with them listening to the playerbase and not stringing people along for multiple expansions on their idiotic systems that everyone who plays the alpha knows it’s going to fail.


I also hope Dragonflight is good. But regardless, I (and others) reserve the right to criticize it if and when we find it comes up short.

It’s true that people go overboard sometimes complaining about the game, to the point where you wonder why they still sub and give Blizz their money. But going so far in the opposite direction that you act like anyone who criticizes Blizz is a heretic attacking your sacred cow…that’s just going to alienate people.


LISTEN In what way please provided details of what since they have been RESPONDING to FEEDBACK on the talent trees but apparently it’s still not enough. And to be honest it’s NEVER seems to be enough for your type people and it seems that even when they listen your type of people still are hating, bashing, being unappreciative and being unthankful.

Even when they are taking the right step and the right direction y’all just ignore IGNORE all of it and saying it’s all an act and it’s all a lie and some other BS that your type of people will make up. Just to spread a narrative that the game developers will never change and well, guess what they are slowly changing and it all started back in 9.1.5 and 9.2 and 9.2.5 and now Dragonflight.

One last thing, even when they are responding to feedback the community or should I say the player base will make up a story and say these are just PR or some other thing. When they are genuinely engaging with the player base and giving their reason as to why certain design is the way it is. And yet even they gave a reason people will automatically attack and find some other things to attack or whatever just to be negative.

You’re claiming that I’m ignoring it when the truth is you’re acting like it should all be forgotten and forgiven. Or just pretend it never happened. Well sorry. I don’t operate like that. When Blizzard decides to make changes that nobody asked for and plug their ears for multiple expansions/patches on it LIKE the Covenant Systems ripcord, I’m not going to weep with joy when they make a change because they feel forced to rather than actually listening and following through with what players want. Wanna know how I know that change wasn’t genuine?


With them lying about it that says that had every intention to keep it in the game regardless to all the feedback given from the Alpha. And instead they wanted to give players false hope to buy the expansion and when it blew up in their face, THEN they made changes.

So for me they get nothing. When they learn to actually communicate with players and have a desire to create a good experience rather than boost their numbers, I’ll give them credit.

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Oh really you think developing a ripcord is so easy and like push of a button when it takes time to be implemented into a sophisticated system like in shadowlands.

And sure attack them and calling them names and putting them down being a arrogant person and to be honest your type are always going to complain but when changes comes your type will just attack even more and being a group of unthankful pricks.

And sure push your narrative or what have you because it’s gonna get proven wrong in Dragonflight and if you think that the game developers can’t change and can’t respond to feedback or some other things when they are capable of it.

What did I say in a previous post?

You. Are incapable of calling a spade a spade. You are blinded by your loyalty to Blizzard that you can’t even properly criticize a system that was doomed to fail from the start. You don’t even recognize that they lied to players about it existing(that being the ripcord). That white knight armor must be blinding


Keep name calling when it’s makes you look like a real coward…

Also, the systems didn’t really affect me like at all but I was glad that they changed it here and there but these systems were already intertwined to everything in shadowlands so yeah they didn’t have any way to iterate on it unlike the upcoming Dragonflight talent trees where they can do iterations on them.

But honest to god whatever I say will be called a shill or whatever and to be quite frank I don’t care because most of you will just result to name calling, bashing, and some other negative BS.

I don’t need them to communicate, they always corpo speak while lying to us anyway. I just need them to listen when the majority of the community shares the same opinion on something that opposes their design choices.

And you know…actually act upon it.

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This is a good thing, honestly. I think a lot of them have no place discussing how the game should be made. Whoever went over the apps did a real crap job.

As for the rest of us, more frequent communication would be grand.

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good threads?

Better options have been asked for a long time, in customization, transmog, characteristics, environmental story in WoW as well as new to include some more JRPG in Azeroth, races and new classes, but with or without the stupid CC oranges who don’t really do anything in that sub-forum, we saw that the WoW OFFICIAL forum doesn’t do anything , not even on Reddit and not even MMO Champions where the true Warcraft experience is needed before its ambitious new features from the new devs.

We continue to be ignored, not listened to and without giving us answers, and even so the experience that Dragonflight will give us this November 28 with a crap race and its only class that does not agree to experience the essence of the dragons known since warcraft 2

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You’re partaking in white knighting and glossing over every point I’ve made. Example below

None of this refutes any of the problems I’ve presented when it comes to Covenant systems. You flatout refuse to come to terms with the issues that came with it.


The original idea of having covenant is the RPG element “role playing” and yeah I still stand my ground on their design decisions.

Amazing. They still lied. Also the system failed


I went to the last Blizzcon, everyone was excited about covenants due to the cosmetic, RPG choice then Blizzard changed it to be a player power decision… the worst part is that the lore allow us to use each anima power while doing the campaing, then block us in a single covenant, there was a big miscommunication with the player base that during development already mentioned doing 4 alts of the same class due to player power…etc

Also, DF looks good but Devs are just focusing on the seasonal content and tuning, there’s not features besides Dragon Riding. Shadowlands had Torghast (ruined by forcing it to players like Islands expeditions) and the 4 covenant buildings (ember court, seed, abominations, path of ascension). I don’t know if the elemental attacks on DF zone will compare to this.

Besides that, there’s a lot of casual wins that Blizzard could implement but it seems like they don’t have the man power to handle a good implementation, We’re in Hallow’s end and there’s 0 updates from WoW team compared to OW that added something new each year, there’s player concerns about the promise White/Grey items for tmogs, WoD profession tmogs removed during Shadowlands development are still missing after 2 years, We didn’t receive any improvement on headless horseman mount drop, after 8 months from Love is in the air response…Hopefully a Dev doesn’t ignore the Community council post that mentioned this issue before next event in February. There’s some BLUE communication but We can’t trust that these responses will translate to actual implementation into a timely implementation.


As I told the other guy, the person you respond to literally said that the players deserve to be mocked.
The dude is unhinged, like…

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In fact, more than the mockery at the end, almost most of Blizzard’s ideas are things that nobody asked for, and they totally fail.

The news devs really fail them even more in creativity and in copying other MMO’s that are not really well known.