New Tinker Class would make WoW more immersive

As a WoW player, you get to travel to a lot of interesting places, and bear witness to a lot of different fantasies: As you Quest, Dungeon, and Raid your way through Warcraft, you will see everything this universe has to offer

For Example,

A new player could find themselves exploring the Cataclysm zones, or Draenor. They could find major characters like Thrall and Drek’thar, and they could find themselves looking at the Throne of the Elements. They could Play Warcraft 3, and get introduced to the Farseer hero unit.

And maybe this player would think: "The Elements are Awesome, and these characters are cool, I wanna play as a Shaman!"

Another Example:

Someone could find they Really enjoy Wrath of the Lich King zones, They See the might of the Scourge firsthand, and Watch Death Knight Characters lay waste to everything in their paths. Maybe they’re inspired by Arthas or Thassarian. Or maybe they played Warcraft 3, and Really loved the Undead.

And maybe this player would think: "The Scourge is unstoppable! These characters are so cool, I wanna Play as a Death Knight!"

So, Imagine if you will.

Another Player: They are fascinated by zones like the Storm Peaks, they Explore every inch of Gnomeregan with their friends, they do quests in Azshara, They explore the Mechagon, They laugh their butts off during the Goblin Starting zone. They even see awesome mounts like the Sky Golem or Mechano-hog. They see characters like Mimron, Gazlowe, Or Mekkatorque. Or Maybe they play Warcraft 3, and get real laughs out of the Goblin Characters, or the power of the Tinker Hero unit?

That player: They can dress up like a Tinker, equip cool goggles and the like, They can get weapons covered in gears and gyros, they can get mounts like the Mechano Hog or the Sky golem. But they innevitably have to Pick a class based on something Else

It must really stink, considering how we see Tinker NPCs all the time, even as enemy “players” on island expeditions.


You are going on a full tinker campaign and I’m all here for your support. <3

We want the tinkers!
We want the tinkers!
We want the tinkers!
We want the tinkers!

We need a cool chant… can anyone think of something? Lol


Tinker class would be the biggest waste of resources this game has seen.

Tinker… That just sounds absolutely stupid.


Hey you. No.


I actually couldn’t have cared one way or another, but the Tinker thread spam has pushed me over into “no”.


No thanks. Don’t need more classes for blizz to butcher.

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There’s a pretty obvious hole in the class roster if you ask me.

You mean to tell me that Warcraft 3. The game WoW is primarily based off of, was stupid?

Has anyone actually made a good idea of what “Tinker” would be besides the bad name and the fact it sounds restricted to gnomes/goblins


No it wouldn’t.


Blizzard did actually. The Island Expedition them is nearly divided into 3 specs with unique abilities,

A ranged DPS, a Healer, and a Tank.

The game needs more Trinity classes, and it doesn’t need more melee dps.

I’d be down

Better than FF14 threads. Those aren’t even about wow


yes, Blizzard has already released several tinker concepts in other games. They just have to bring them here.

Also, we had that tinker team in island expeditions. Undeads can be tinkers too.

No more hybrids. Not after this season.

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Oh right the NPCs

One wears a robot, another puts down turrets, and another heal beams things

Sounds like a complete class right there



You think your funny but all those concepts totally work.

Robot suit = Tank
Turret dropper = Deeps
Heal beams = Healer

Sounds like a Tank that isn’t like other tanks.
A healer that isnt like other healers.
And a DPS that isn’t like other dps.

I’d be down

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What makes it different from other tanks?

A pet class that’s immobile?

I got 0 issues with this one actually, tech healer is a different “type” of healing at least cuz we already got light, nature, elements, …mist?

We have mechagnomes and engineering
I don’t see what that class would even be outside of using engineering tinkers that already exist

No to tinkers and yes to adding more specs to existing classes :ok_hand:

Probably the fact that it would use Intellect as a primary stat. It would probably wear mail, and focus on energy shields or repairing the mech suit.

Tanks in this game are cool, but there’s plenty of creative room left.

Let them “Scrap” their buildings like The Tinker in Heroes of the Storm.

You break your own turret, and it gives you a “scrap” and “scrap” refunds the cost and part of the cooldown for the gun.

Give them a 15 second cooldown ability that scraps all their turrets at once.


Tinker is the obvious choice in my mind for the next class.
Hunters need someone to finally share ranged weapons with.
Hunter and Shaman need a 3rd for Mail armor finally.

Sure if you ignore 20+ years of Warcraft history.
Tinkers and Gnome/Goblin gadgets have been a part of the franchise since WC2.

Tank, ranged DPS, healer.
Scrap/Ammo system. Some abilities generate scraps when dealing damage or healing allies. Scrap would be kinda like DH and souls.
Scrap can be used to refill Ammo and Ammo is used for big skills. Players can choose when to “reload” for an extra layer of play, reloading fast gives less ammo for quick access while waiting to reload after maxing on scrap will give you the most bang for your buck.

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This is an awesome idea.

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