Shadowlands New Class Won't Be Tinkers or Necromancers

It will be a mix of both…

Ghostbusters! :smiley:

Death-themed like a Necromancer AND technologically advanced as a Tinker!


I’d play that.

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It will have heroism and it shall be named "Total Protonic Reversal"

No, they’ll unveil multiple new classes to play. But each new class is locked behind a 30 dollar paywall.

There Is No Sylvanas, Only Zuul

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Well Since you said the word

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Ill be fine with this as long as the ghostbusters theme song plays every time you /dance

When there’s something strange in your Frozen Throne.
Who ya gonna call “Ghostbusters!”
When the lich king stops being an icy stone.
Who’s he gonna call “Ghostbusters!!!”


Im afraid of no ghost


Popcorn soda pop

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I’m boycotting it if there’s not a pet spec centered around a “gooigi” version of my toon

If Gooigi is the goo version of Luigi and Luigi is Mario’s brother, a Gooigi on WoW would need to be a goo version of Rokhan’s brother, since he is the guy with a thick accent that went down the pipes to invade the castle and rescue the princess at the beginning of BfA.

Does Rokhan even have a brother? :open_mouth:

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His name is Lukhan. Most people tend to not know about him because he tends to get overshadowed by Rohkan’s fame and they look so similar. However you can tell the difference because he wears Voodoo Stalker’s Mantle instead Rohkan’s choice of Hex Lord’s Voodoo Pauldrons

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I want to play a ghost

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