Almost 1 year from the Community Council...Did it work?

There’s an aprox of 410 thread on this forum section; however, there’s only around 20% response from Devs and some response are topics answered on the GD, Class , Beta forums.

Besides the endgame content (M+, PvP, Raid)…there’s a lack of response on other topics:

All the following post are just before March…0 Blizzard response.

Example, We had request for world bosses changes almost since CC was created, before 9.2,9.2.5 patches that could bring some of those changes…
( Remove Weekly lockout on Legacy world bosses for mount farmers )
Why Devs fixed the drop until now? Some players requested just lower respawns, daily lock outs…not even a drop increase, it took a bug for Devs to change a frustation point in the game. Can we’ve a more proactive Dev response to frustation grinds?

Then you’ve Council members doubting if they’re being listen, because there’s a lot of topics being ignored and that taking in consideration that only a minor % of CC members actually post anything.

So far, We only had 1 live chat for retail regarding quest design…

If Blizzard plans to continue with this feedback idea, then they need to do some changes, otherwise It just show a bad image due to the ratio of threads/response…It’s a feedback mechanic without proper coordination with CMs…Instead of being something different, it turns into a GD with less players.

I’d prefer if Devs actually just response directly into any sub forum section, We didn’t need a sample that’s less players for a discussion, there’s already class forums, gameplay, lore…etc Or CM and Devs can start a discussion like on Beta forum section for specific classes and activities.


It was posturing. If you thought it was anything more than corporate posturing, I sincerely feel bad for you.


It’s not a perception it is reality unless the CC actually gets listened to. They did it amid a PR crisis to placate WoW diehards during a content draught. Don’t worry though, Ion is “sad” that that we (rightfully) think they aren’t listening. There is no pipeline to communicate with devs, none. Not even if you’re a precious council member.


That’s the other perception among players that it was just a PR movement…and everyday seems more like a reality…


I can’t embed surprised pikachu face or I would. It was doomed from the start. Dev resources need to be spent on the game, not forums.


While I understand why this is requested by some it’s also super out of pocket.

Some questions have no answers, that’s like asking why can’t I start at max lvl.

Well because no, there isn’t a limitation just a choice, same with raid lockout, they could just easily remove it and allow people to run it until their hearts desires but as also a collector I would hate that, it completely takes away from the act of collecting imo, some mounts are only cool because they are rare, same with titles.


That’s why CMs could gather data and provide it to Devs and maybe just response or handle CC forums better…If they plan to do a second round of CC members, that feedback mechanic needs big changes.

The Call of Duty developers literally talk directly to their community more than WoW, a community driven MMO. It’s sad, even on Twitter they don’t say anything that doesn’t seem sponsored or contrived and that’s where they told us to go.

The community council is actually just an insult to the community? Impossible. Blizzard has a perfect track record these days!


No it didnt work because the selection process was tainted by bias.

They picked the wrong people IMHO.


They actually picked a lot of people who are intensely critical of the game and wanted major changes representing a lot of major voices in the community. They just don’t actually make live changes based on anything they say.


It’s pointless. When it first came out a podcast did a segment and I agree with what they said then . Essentially blizzard came out with the community council to be more in touch with players and their feedback.

The reality is players ALWAYS shared feedback and often very passionately and loudly. Forums, twitter, podcasts, Facebook, YouTube.

The issue was blizzard just didn’t care or listen (both?) …

So how is the community council any different? Now magically blizzard pays attention?


I dont agree with this statement at all.

I read those threads and most of them were just non issues like tmogs and stuff like that with a couple of fix this particular pet peeve issues thrown in.

It was just PR stunt

I agree there’s players with different point of views, I don’t see any problem with the selection but the lack of Dev involvement and there’s a few % of participant players among the 100 sample.

that’s the important part, someone could consider pet battle important and other players not, that’s why I mentioned some old topics that aren’t related to end game…IMO the issue is with the CM and Dev response and how it’s being handle.

This, there’s forum sections for specific topics but Devs just look at GD like the standard and they’re like afraid of the forums just because of the section that doesn’t focus properly on feedback compared to the other sections…Just hire some CM that interact with sub forum sections and ask the right questions.

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Blizzard: let’s get all the feedback in one clean area with less trolling so we can ignore it better.


Just to add on to this - we were asked (when testing alpha/beta for DF) to post our feedback to those forums instead of the CC. Not saying you’re wrong in your numbers, just clarifying that point that there was a 2-3 month period where lots of feedback was given and seen/answered there.)

Aside from that, if you’ve seen many of my posts on the CC / GD / Alpha forums, you’ll know that I have fairly consistently been the guy saying “Lets see how this plays out before we get riled up over the issue”

Looking back on the past 11 months, I do feel the CC was a success, but it also could have been much better.

Personally I was hoping for more communication than we got, more live chats, more conversations with devs/cms on the CC forum instead of one-off posts that we respond to and don’t hear much more about, but at the same time, some of the responses that were received on the forum were fantastic pieces of communication. I think my personal favorite was the response to one of my threads on Tier Sets. The response that we got there was incredible. That is more of what I was hoping to see consistently throughout the program.

That all being said, this is just year 1. I don’t know yet if I will be able to participate in year 2 or if the plan is to have a new crew rotate in, but I would do it again, because I will remain hopeful that lessons have been learned from year 1 and will be carried forward in the years to come.


True but some responses from Blues on CC forums are like “this was response already on this X/Y forum”, since some member created another topic. That shows that Devs could use subforums instead of doing a smaller sample, IMO.

At least for me, It seems like a big ratio between ignored post and those good communications, also the lack of live chats for almost the whole year…

You’ve some good post, you created the QoL that I just linked, there’s so many small wins there…

" * Access Ordos on Timeless Isle without MoP Legendary cloak" Why we don’t have this yet?

  • Better legacy raid skips… another one that even during an interview, Wowcrendor asked Ion about a Siege of Orgrimmar skip.

there’s a huge list of QoL that could be implemented now, instead something that you asked before, it’s being asked again during an interview…why?

I can’t imagine farming this as a warlock now…

  • Make the Ritual of Doom for Warlock Class Halls soloable (Still requires 3+ people)

That was never changed.

From an outsider perspective the CC doesn’t matter. I hardly ever think about it and I don’t even know if it matters to anyone else. So did it work? Maybe? I guess maybe they are using the feedback from that to try to make the game better and gauge what people might want.

I’m pretty sure they already read the forums as it was anyway. The issue with Blizzard is they usually make tons of bad choices in the way they develop the game and we as a community have to come forward and ask why it is the way it is. CC or not this would still happen.

The reason D3 is the way it is today is due to community feedback and devs listening. It’s its own game and it isn’t PoE, but it does work and a lot of people love it for what it is. The same can be said for WoW. WoW isn’t the way it is today only because of Blizzard but because of endless amounts of feedback from the community. They do listen but they can also be stubborn about it.

I will say in fairness I think it’s cause devs and players are both very passionate about Blizzard titles.

CC comes down to a bunch of collection minded players whining about drop rates and wanting things to be generally easier to obtain in game.

CC wasn’t and isn’t really a productive forum of interaction with devs because of the aforementioned whining.

I’m sure the devs knew this, but wanted to show goodwill to the players, even if they decided to ignore the overly whiny posts by some entitled CC members.

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I think the problem is that a lot of it just turned out to be smaller GD with orange text.

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They do ignore dumb posts tbh.

I would too if I were in their shoes. Players asking for my dev team to make the game easier, and make rewards faster to get. Naa. I like how my game is designed, thanks.