Legacy Loot - A Wishlist

I have gathered a list of all legacy loot improvements that I would like to be addressed. This list has been gathered from my own personal experiences collecting 7+ years, from various collecting communities, forums, twitter - everywhere I could find. Forewarning that this will be a laundry list, as that is the easiest way to communicate feedback of this nature.

  • Remove Rings/Trinkets/Necks/Artifact Relics from Legacy Loot tables, or drastically reduce the drop rate of these items (until all “learnable” items have been obtained)
  • Introduce duplicate item protection
  • BFA/Legion dungeons should drop 2 pieces of loot, instead of 1
  • Prioritize unlearned transmog
  • Update tier set items in Legion to become usable tier tokens
  • Update World Bosses/Rares to use Legacy Loot instead of Personal Loot
  • Increase common boss drops / trash drops across the board
  • Modify trash drop items to become Bind on Equip (BoE)
  • Auto-enable Legacy Loot for ALL legacy content (including the previous expansion) or provide players a reasonable/immediate way to unlock it with the release of a new expansion
  • Audit all Dungeon/Raid items and apply a vendor sell price when missing
  • Update/Add the Dungeon Journal “Bonus Loot” section (added in 9.1.5) content, and include ALL bonus drops (ex. quest items, profession recipes, mounts, pets, etc.)
  • When in a group, distribute legacy loot items to the appropriate players who can use the armor types automatically.
  • Always award legacy loot from bosses. There are issues when bosses are killed too quickly making them unlootable (Ulduar).
  • Update Legion Dungeon Recipes to drop on all difficulties

That’s all I have been able to compile for now. Most of suggestions are quick wins, and I am looking forward to seeing them implemented. Thank you to everyone who has provided their feedback on this.


My goodness, yes. So tired of getting “transmog artifacts” when I go in there with friends.

I mentioned this in the gatekeeping post - but this is INCREDIBLY frustrated and makes 0 sense why it’s not tokens. We had tokens when the raid was current.


I love that you brought this up. I don’t do mog runs all the time but when I do it’s so frustrating the way loot works in them. I would also like to see some QoL changes that allow skipping of RP at the start/end of a boss fight. Kael’Thas in TK is a great example. Why does that fight still need to take 4 minutes? The rest of the raid together takes that long, and most of it is running.

Speaking of running, I’d love to see a legacy base movespeed increase, or at least revert some of the movespeed changes (RIP Runeblade of Baron Rivendare) to make slow people like me be able to get through it faster.

Yes. Yes yes yes yesyesyesyesyesyesyes… did I say yes?

That too.

Oh please yes

The All the Things (ATT) addon does a great job of this already!


I’d also like to see a system like this for mounts and pets, perhaps a pity timer on some of the more elusive ones.


Pets… yeah
Mounts… I disagree. They have had their drop chances set the way they are for a reason. If Invincible was suddenly a higher drop chance than it has been since WotLK the outcry would be insane from all the people who have put in hundreds of attempts.


Would needlessly hurt XPoff players.

Should straight up be removed from the game. There is no point in Artifact Weapons anymore.


That’s why I suggested to also drastically reduce the drop rates as an alternative. Additionally, with duplicate loot protection, as well as the additional piece of loot in BFA/Legion Dungeons, the effect of having these in the loot pool is not as substantial.

Another alternative could be that once you have all the “learnable” transmog from an encounter, any loot prioritization is then eliminated. I’ll edit my post to clarify that

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You could argue the exact same about transmog though. I’ve run Ulduar more than 1000+ times to get all the mogs from it, and if it suddenly became easier and you’d need to do it less than 100 times, that would be the same as getting the mount on the 100th run or the 1000th run. (It’s actually much faster to farm the mounts than all the mogs in some of these raids, too!)


I’ve read some feedback and had some discussions about this outside of this forum, and some good points have been raised and I’ve drawn some conclusions.

There is no prestige in getting a reward that has a random drop chance, and saying it will invalidate a lot of people’s work is only partially true. The thing is: you could theoretically run ICC now, and get Invincible on your first try. Or you can get it on your 1000th try. Does it feel bad when someone else gets it on the first try and you get yours on the 1000th? Yes, and I would argue that is much worse than suddenly having a deterministic way of getting a rare mount. First off: this system would be applied to all future mounts as well, which means that the only salt in your wound would quickly be allieviated by a system that you now benefit from. And let’s also talk a bit about why it takes so damn long to get these mounts in the first place.

Mythic raid mounts have a 100% drop chance when they’re the current tier, and drop down to 1% afterwards. I think that’s good design - this is how prestige works. You do it when it’s hard, and you get the reward! But that only accounts for a handful of mounts. What about the world boss mounts from Pandaria? There is literally no level of prestige in getting them, they are so ridiculously rare that people are still farming them multiple times a week to this day. That feels really bad.

And a pity timer doesn’t even necessarily mean that you’re going to get it easy. If a mount has a 1% drop rate, maybe you have to do it 100 times to be guaranteed to get it. That’s almost two years of work. You might get lucky to get it sooner, but you might also get bamboozled and have to put the 100 runs in.

And let me just use some anecdotal evidence here, I used to run Ulduar a lot. It’s probably the raid I have spent the most time in, ever. And do you know what piece of loot managed to elude me for more than 10 years? A mace from General Vezax. I’ve looted Mimiron’s head maybe 7-8 times.

Mounts, pets, transmog and other collectibles shouldn’t be treated differently if we’re going to implement a catchup system. Mounts hold a special place among collectors because it was one of the few things you were actually able to collect and show off to people, but we shouldn’t deify mount collection as something more sacred that we shouldn’t make it more accessible to people. Especially when you are facing a daunting potential thousands, or tens of thousands of attempts to actually collect it.


I think we’re confusing some terms here. There is a difference between prestige and dedication.
I don’t think those mounts have prestige; they show dedication. Prestige is stuff like the MoP Challenge Mode Sets, “Famed Slayer” & Gladiator titles, even the original ZG mounts. These were rewards that had a limited time, were challenging events that you completed.

Running ICC once or a hundred times isn’t prestige. I don’t think the drop chances should be changed because a drop chance is a drop chance. 1% can still be obtained on the first try, or the 50th. After 100, yes, the odds are against you now, but eventually the mount will drop. Its dedication. Dedication is continuing to run ICC until Invincible drops, however many times that is.

I kinda feel like this is the one exception. 1/2000 drop chance does feel rough for something not spammable (without alts) but there is also a recognition of either dedication (with a bit of luck) or an obscene amount of gold spent on the BMAH.


You are right, prestige is not the best word for this, english is not my first language :> But pity timers do not necessarily take away any level of investment. If the pity timer is too low, then yes, that will feel like it is invalidating your efforts. If the pity timer is high enough, your dedication is still required of you. If, for example, you were 100% guaranteed to get Invincible on your 100th run, you would know that everyone who has that mount were either lucky or willing to do at least 100 runs to get it. That is more than enough and does not invalidate others’ dedication and investment.


Bringing this back up; I decided to run Antorus yesterday for some mog and another chance at the mount. Over half my loot was either Artifact relics, rings, trinkets and necklaces. Full clear and I got only 3 new appearances.