Almost 1 year from the Community Council...Did it work?

They avoid talking to us because of all the hostility.

I mean pick anything that’s happened in the past couple years. It could be a small change or a big change and then there’s tons of outrage. I should clarify and say not tons of players but just tons of threads and comments.

The outrage is coming from a very vocal minority but unfortunately those are the ones that want their voices heard.

I would say the vast majority of the players either play the game or never visit these forums. If they feel like something is going the wrong way they just leave and play something else.

I have always vouched for more communication but it needs filters. I don’t know whether to consider the council of success or a failure. Perhaps there’s just some things that they just don’t want to answer or that they know that by answering them involves decision processes that they’d rather keep internal.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


The fact that there hasn’t been any kind of announcement about a new round of CC members doesn’t seem like a good sign. One of the big streamers, Towelie, made a comment Wednesday night asking “is the CC even a thing still?”. It’s just not a good look all around.

That’s not true, During 9.1.5, We didn’t have the council and Devs changed

Even when some players like me achieved that with the low RNG, there’s space for improvement on the rewards but Devs just decide to ignore most of those topics…

  • Give Nalak/Sha of Anger fixed respawn timers like Oondasta/Galleon/Rukhmar
  • Reduce spawn timers for legacy World Bosses down to 5-8 minutes

That was asked since Feb, reducing the respawns doesn’t alter the amount of attempts or drop rate…even that could be a nice improvement for collectors that spent a lot of time there…waiting for a 1 shot slot machine.

I’ve never even visited that forum. Doesn’t sound like Blizz has either.


No, and thankfully so.

Look at the most active council members, if Blizzard listened to them, it’d be a detriment to the game.

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You’d think they would have done a more in-depth check to make sure the CC applicants knew how the game works before approving them.

IMO, it’s a good point to have that kind of player because it’s a matter of perspective, something you’ll say it’s a bad idea but other players would agree, that’s why Devs participation in order to address what it could be a detriment to the game or not, it’s important but they don’t respond at all.

For example, I’d like M+ to work like Torghast, so you can target specific levels, instead of using a Key with a RNG dungeon selected for you, CM worked like that during MoP/WoD, you just needed to trigger the mode in the dungeon. Other players will bring arguments about loot, about how the key is important and depletion…etc

Hello, I see you posted a thread about a waste of time. Of course it worked! Where else are you going to see classics such as crying over a joke about Worgen tails, haha?! Not only that, I’m pretty sure half of those people don’t even play the game based on some of what they were posting! It’s great!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

I guess I like Maizou or how to spell. But not any of the others. That one is cool. And a lot of the other CMs dont like them much so goes to prove that they are good.

Maizou - Character (

This person. They are good. 100% of the CC should be abolished and only need one member. Maizou is the name.

Cuz only they were the one who used to always come and talk to us on the regular. Most the others just ignore us.

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Eh, I would argue against it being important to have a normal raider who mansplains hunter to a hunter main in Liquid.

I’d rather they didn’t change M+ into something else entirely based on what someone with absolutely no clue what they are talking about says.

Especially since it’s been the only thing keeping the game alive for the past four or so years.

That’s why it should be better if Devs only checked subforum sections instead of a single forum section, that joke came from really old threads even CC members asked about worgen tails back in february, I think there’s huge customization post on different forum section; however, If Devs response a topic for a community like cassuals/RP, then other community will feel excluded and that’s more notorious in a single sub forum section like CC.

This whole charade is yet another reason why it’s funny to hear Ion talking about how it hurts to hear players say the devs don’t care. Your actions across every medium speak volumes about why players think this.

I am going to say that the Community Council did not work. First it is not very active, it the same few people posting. While it is a voluntary thing if the people are not actively posting they need to be removed and someone added that will drive discussion. Second there is no Dev presence which would have given some type of legitimacy to the area. People want to see discussions between the players and devs. While I highly doubt there will be any heavy discussions but low stake ones could have been had.

The community council could have been interesting but the people were so cherry picked and the devs so afraid of the community that fail to live up to even the smallest expectation.

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Blizzard only participates in the topics blizzard wants to. It functions more like a sounding board than a council. Ideas only flow in one direction.


Well, It’s almost over for the first sample of CC members, there’s already a common sentiment among members that the “live chats” arrived too late.

And there’s not any announcement about any change to this “feedback” mechanic. It seems like the new road map and the workload for Devs is too much in order to dedicate some time to this Council idea.

This whole system requires an update or just remove it and use any of the specific forums for classes, professions, collections…etc.

Devs shouldn’t focus on GD, since these forums have specific spaces for a lot of focus feedback.


Almost 2 years now, I wonder what’s the ratio between threads and response.

If the rest of us are no less busy working jobs, running businesses, and raising families, and we manage to read them. They can find 20min a day to listen to what their customers are saying.


Thanks, I notice now almost 2 years into this program around 50 Blue response for 2023 against 300+ threads… Is this even working?

As I mentioned before, We already have sub forums, We didn’t need a smaller sample on which a lot of those players don’t post as you mentioned and the few that post got frustated for the lack of response. Unless, there’s response in their discord which don’t reach the player base, so what’s the point?

This idea won’t work if Devs and CMs don’t put effort and time from their end, Devs are focus on their work and it seems they don’t have time assigned to address the massive amount of threads. I’ll always mention how Devs had more communication during the big lawsuit time and now that diminish a lot, that’s why we got changes to low drop rates but Devs never discussed that with the council while some memebers posted ideas for 1 year before any change was implemented.

Same for almost every aspect of the game, there’s a lot of feedback there but it’s like another subforum being ignored.

Or CMs could filter and establish a communication path between CC and Devs, besides that if Devs are busy, them managment must schedule sometime to this dynamic as you mentioned 20-1 hour per week to check those threads assigned by CMs or check anything in those forums.


it didn’t work the first time…nor the time after, or the time after that. does that answer your question?

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