To all the people crying about Mercy

What a nice, thoughtful post.

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You actually think Mei is main tank, lol, Truely a work of art here folks doesn’t even know the main tanks role is Hahahaha

No, she’s a mein tank you fool. :sunglasses:

Very funny, still doesn’t know the role of a main tank.

:rage: You got me. :rage: Exposed my tiny brain for the forums to see. :rage:

now here’s the problem with your whole argument mercy does require some skill granted some other heroes require more no one’s denying that
but here’s the thing let’s say you pick up genji and play him for 20 games in a row then you’re like ok i think i wanna play something else so you just pick up hanzo some of the skills that you acquired while playing genji can be transferred to hanzo like aiming, properly wall climbing and double jumping
but now let’s say i pick up mercy and play her for 20 games straight then i’m done w/ mercy… but i can’t play anything else because none of the skills that i acquired can’t be transferred to another hero and that’s why most mercy mains remain mercy mains
this mentality of “just pick someone else” doesn’t work with mercy

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But she’s my favorite hero! The only thing I have a problem with is everything about her!

-People who cry about Mercy

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Mercy mains are cultists and are completely unrealistic with their demands!

-People who cry about people who cry about Mercy.

We need to go deeper.


I don’t think you’re capable but I encourage you to try.

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oh WOW!

Thank you for your encouragement.

I will continue to make broad, sweeping generalizations. Perhaps one day I will be as good at it as you. :sob:


You won’t.



Not just pick someone else, just learn someone else, If someone falls out of the meta then learn someone new, aim with hanzo and genji are totally different, they cannot be carried over.

before learning someone new don’t you have to pick them first?

Yes, while you shouldn’t pick them in comp. Watch vods from pros, and vids from popular ytbers, pick them in qp, or vs ai if you really know nothing.

i quit comp back in season 5 and don’t care to get back in it so for me qp is serious business and i haven’t touched Vs AI since 2016

QP doesn’t have consequences for playing poorly, except minor exp losses from total gained. Comp has consequences SR loss, Im talking about this from a comp stand point, as 99% of my time is spent in comp, maybe one or two warm up QP games. So whereas you see everything from a qp perspective I see it from a comp perspective, and there is a reason all pro games are played in comp settings.

and we’re back to the elitist idiocy!

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Seriously, that was one of the most nauseating posts I’ve ever read on the forums.

I wanna say you’re just a troll, OP, but you’re really committed to the whole thing so I can’t tell.