Mercy is in a weird spot

I’m on console what Does that have to do with my opinion? I dont see why my opinion should be valued as inferior to yours just because you play on a different machine…


That’s why I’ve been on a win streak recently?

Please never give advise or give suggestions for Mercy again. I can’t believe some of the things I’ve read coming from you

Believe or not, all of that actually happened.

I stand by my words: Mercy has high survivability(GA + Valkyrie) but not enough power to warrant hunting her. Just take care of second support instead - they can really ruin your plans with their stronger ult.

I won’t deny, that in higher tiers it can be like that. But players there just got too far into their “shoot healer first” habit to change it, according to present supports on the field. Which can be exploited.

i don’t care if what you’re saying is true or not but if you were to say that about me i’d be very much hurt so… don’t say stuff like that about others?

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lemme dig up an answer for ya

yet another attempt at console shaming…


the game is the same
same maps
same heroes
same modes
same metas
same strategies
same same same

the players who play console are equals in every way to pc players


dannggg, yall got into a really heated argument that I didnt even wanna read it lol but I did read this post specifically and you are 100% correct! She has high survivability but no one bother to hunt her down anymore because she doesnt have power compared to her old mass rez days where it was kill Mercy first, and kill her fast.


Im actually in agreement with you, Im a Mercy main btw, but there are somethings I wanna point out. Yes she was a top priority due to her ultimate with Mass Rez, and then the same with Moth Meta but we can’t deny now that she is underperforming. Now can you still make her work? Yes. But why would you pick her over Brig, Moira, Bap, or Ana.

the one thing I was surprised to read was, who goes for the person being pocketed but not Mercy First. Always take out the support first, if you take away their life source they’re going to drop. Its why playing Supports is a dangerous role, we’re easy targets, we’re the ones who dictate the turns of the battle if we’re smart and make the correct choices.

Mercy while yes, is balanced, she’s very underwhelming, she doesn’t provide very much anymore. Most people are going to point out Rez and Mobility but a Rez that stuns her mobility by 75% and a cast timer makes her a sitting target, Valkyrie is a good ultimate but its power output is pathetic to say the least.

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Entirely incorrect. Soldier, Widow, and the hit scans are much more accurate in PC, however on console they underperform because of the hardware involved. You’re statement is just not true. You can still Valk high in the sky on console without being immediately gunned down by hit scans. There are numerous other advantages to the mouse + keyboard hardware vs console controller. Mercy is phenomenally easier to play without those constant threats.

Don’t you dare try to say that a person saying the game is played differently is the equivalent of saying the players are not equal. This is why you get shut down all the time.

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Thank you. I thought I was gonna lose my head during that exchange

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Given the recent nerfs to Moira and Baptiste’s raw healing output, it looks like nerfing those supports down to a more reasonable level is becoming more likely.

You think DPS are going to get nerfed to compensate? Hahahahahaha like that’s ever gonna happen. The last meta DPS to be absolutely rinsed in the way that meta tanks (Sigma, Orisa, before them and meta supports (Mercy, Brig, Ana briefly) get rinsed was Junkrat way back when.

Can’t really count on Blizzard for anything, so this game is basically going to be another Call Of Duty installment.

I say this as an ex-Brig, current Sigma main… a storm’s coming buddy, and it’s time for all of us blessed with short queue times to batten down the hatches. I expect the next big nerfs to come to Ana, more to Moira and Rein. Maybe some Hammond sprinkled in too, just in case he ever starts to become more than a meme.

Except they drop easy regardless, due to Mercy having low healing output. And, if you are good Mercy, you won’t be exposed to enemy fire, requiring extra steps in situation, when you can just kill her pocket.

Kill second support + all good players Mercy could damage boost with noticeable results and that’s it, she is harmless and mostly useless. It also allows to avoid her main advantage - mobility.


Balanced differently

Far from it. Ana was never meta on console.

Yet Mercy is viable on console, whereas the other main healers do the same thing she can for the same minimal effort.

They arent. I would say they are inferior, but seeing as that is controversial, at the very least they are not the same at all, hence why mouse and keyboard on console is seen as a problem for the developers.


Agreed. Which is ironic since mass rez was buffed quite a few times because it wasnt usable in the middle of combat, including invulnerability so that you would be able to use it in combat. And now we’ve gone back to where they dont want it used in combat and actually encourage and force the same behaviours they didnt like (e.g. hiding and stopping healing respectively).

SHe was changed due to a lack of impact. Go back and look at her changes. Every single change Mercy got up to her rework was a buff. She was given the ability to move when using resurrect because she would often die using it, then the time it takes for allies to react was reduced from 3 seconds to 2.25 seconds, because again Mercy would often die to resurrect and then have her whole team die again. Then they gave her invulnerability which made it uncounterable and she was still unviable because of the situational nature of only being useable when you have failed and everyone else is dead in a 15 meter radius with Mercy as the sole survivor.

So when they reworked her they gave her a single target resurrect which was much more overpowered since you could rez as people died and not have to risk death by attempting to resurrect more. Hence she became a must pick where she never was before.

Of course that was overpowered, but having an ultimate as an ability is going to do that, especially one that is a pseudo full heal.

Yet, for some reason, Mercy never received ability, that should be used mid-combat. And I don’t mean resurrect here.

console players are in no way inferior to pc players

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