Supports how do you do it?

Looks like that is what I AM saying.

Their choices SHOULD matter, bads choices should lose you the game, good choices SHOULD win you the game.

But that would be mean the removal of A LOT of Support mechanics in this game and essentially reworking every Support into a DPS type hero because there’s only so many ways that you can heal vs. dole out damage.

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Oh tell me about it, I have 600 hours, and all of them is a waste.

Totally, it does, a little

It should do a LOT, but it doesn’t.

Yeah, I hope people find that waiting for games in the DPS queue fun, because it is subjective, and it is being driven by other roles amount of fun.

haha. got lot of hours on support. feel like support sr/mmr should be based on mostly performance (how much healing you did/how little deaths you had etc compared to your average and that of players on the chosen hero(es) at your tier).

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The sad reality is that support stats are mostly similar across all ranks, but healing average per 10 minutes is a little lower in lower ranks, and deaths per 10 Are usually higher and lower ranks because nobody knows how to protect their support herors from death below like diamond.
Deaths per 10 and heals per 10 are STRONGLY correlated.

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It doesn’t have to be like that, HEALING should be pretty direct, but most of the power in their kits should be NOT healing.

WHO you damage boost and when should make a huge difference for instance.

You can’t just put healing on a hero and call it a day, because healing is the most countered ability in the game.

ALL one shots totally counter it, you skill is completely removed from that equation, there is nothing you can do as a support to save someone.

Things like REALLY short term bubbles on low cooldown would require awareness and timing at a level which supports just don’t have now.

Thowing big buffs on your team mates at just the right time should be a big part of their thing.

People who are good at it will save their team mates a lot, they will tilt the battlefield STRONGLY for short but critical periods. it doesn’t mean turning them INTO DPS, but it give them the same skill requirements but in different areas.

I think what I am trying to say is

That is shouldn’t be healing which changes the outcome of the games. It should be a thing, but they should have NON healing powers which they support with as their primary way of doing this…

It isn’t about the healing.

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How do I do it? I sold my soul and I’m dead inside. That’s how.

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Totally, I can tell you that my Moira healing stats are VERY different at different ranks, but that is because people group up a LOT closer to each other at higher ranks, so healing effects more of them.

It isn’t ME driving the change.

I did too, but I didn’t know the terms until I started DPSing and saw the game from the other side.

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1200+hrs here

i’m sorry if i fail to feel empathic towards people who have been saying mercy is fine and what you want doesn’t matter for over a year

How, I mean… just how?

Look I am IN those queues and don’t have empathy towards the DPS mains who post that rubbish. I can’t do it. They have BEGGED for this very problem. They have asked for it over and over again, and they keep doing it.

I am a person only playing DPS, but I can’t accept myself as a DPS main, the difference in culture to just too far.

I am a support main, who is only playing DPS, which sounds weird, but is how it is.

I’d rather be supporting, but I just can’t face the lack of impact doing do.

All 3 roles are impactful and unless you’re playing against a team even worse than you all 3 roles need to do their job.

It’s not that supports aren’t impactful it’s that they are dependent on the other two roles doing their job. I can heal the DPS all match long but if they can’t secure kills than we aren’t moving anywhere and I can keep the tanks healed but if they are making poor decisions again we’re not moving anywhere. But if I’m not keeping people up than we’re not going anywhere either.

if i cud i wud

i’m just very frustrated…

You have no idea how much I empathize.

and yes, skill transference is ALSO a HUGE problem.

Yes, but as a DPS I can work around my tanks not pushing, as a Tank player, I can get in there and do the DPS’s job.

As a support, maybe with Zen or Baps, but you will never really have the same level of carry ability.

You just don’t.

Speed/damage boost, damage block (like Zarya bubble), vision (like widow/Hanzo), mobility (a tele or even a ladder!), reducing cooldown of or amping abilities (not just damage eg increasing size, aoe or number of charges), reduce flinching (if flinching was in the game), attack speed, ammo/reload speed

Interesting, that’s exactly why I play Support.

I mean role queue has helped DPS matter significantly (if both your DPS are smelleh, you’ll have a hard time now), but they’re still far inferior in “game worth” to the supports and tanks.

That’s because among both of those roles you’ll find high damage output (Zenny, virtually all tanks) or instant kill ability (again Zenny, also Brigitte and Lucio depending on map, Roadhog).
But there’s few DPS who are adept at protecting their team (only Doomfist and Symmetra come to mind) or healing it (Soldier 76, and it’s laughable).

Meaning it’s far far easier to fill in missing damage from the Supports and Tanks than it is to fill in missing healing or missing tanking.

And as a result, I always end up feeling like I would be better off playing a support when I am on a DPS.

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I’m just going to reply to the title considering your drunk report (hehe cute) has been going on for ages and I’m not one to read a story.
although that being said I can write long paragraphs sometimes so sorry.

Supports how do you do it?

Supporting a team, providing them resources to help assist in fights has got to be the most satisfying action I have ever had in a game. I think mercy as a hero, has helped me dedicate my time to healing my team, providing damage boost and help resurrect others.

But it’s proven difficult over the escalated time of Overwatch that it’s getting harder and harder to do such job, when people will want to insult for not resurrecting, not healing, not damage boosting, not pocketing etc. and it does get to a point I ask myself the same question.

How do I do it?

Well, if I love doing something, I can persuade myself (regardless of what) to play support. And support is just a enjoyable role for me.


This was more about lack of impact as supports compared to DPS,

I don’t know, but I can’t, I just… can’t any more.

Good luck with that. The devs seem hellbent on keeping supporting as easy as possible (save for a few exceptions). By their design, the mere presence of most supports is the most impactful thing in this game (evidenced by the positive correlation between the chance of winning and the number of supports on a team (at least up to 4) in mystery heroes), but besides that not so much. Now with the implementation of role queue, the impact of presence has been eliminated, which leaves the impact of agency as the only one left which happens to be minimal in supports.

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Good post guys!

I am absolutly in line with you about shifting the playstyle of supports (they are called supports not healing bots), from straight up healing to all kinds of support abilites.

Someone above mentioned buffs/debuff. We dont really have all to many of those outside of auros and ults. I would love a more buff oriented Support character. Single target, shortimed buffs.

Anyway, lets give the Supports more “active abilities”, aka good us of those result in kills, instead of just healing abilites, like nade. (pls dont start nade balance discussion)

Lucio is a prime example for support done right in my opinion. He can do so much more then just heal and has an extremly high skill ceiling with good values at lower tier as well.