Make mercy feel better

They tried the insta-rez before, turns out it was a huge problem. BUT, then again it was when it had two charges, I want to see how it turns out with one. ALSO BUT, the devs thinks it kind of overpowered. I.E. insta-rez (NANO BOOST ADMINISTERED) RYUUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE!

Also Mercy is pretty game changing in 3900, if you know what you’re doing.

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It’s dangerous, but not impossible.
With a 12 sec of CD, personally, i could rez 10+ people for match.

mercy mains smh. learn to play ana LOL

I like they kept the movement speed on Mercy while she rezzes during Valkyrie (from PTR).

To me, it’s an addition that makes her feel better. I’m happy the way Mercy currently is.

The only think they could tweak next is her ult : Making it shorter like other heroes’ ults and with more impact within that shorter period of time. A 15-sec Valkyrie is not needed.

It’s weird they didn’t mention anything about the speed movement buff on the rez during Valkyrie.

you can actually try it in custom games so give it a go see if you can do that
i’d be amazed if you did manage to get 10 rezzes on average
but based on personal experience once every 4-5 games you can bring someone back and rez is on cooldown

and if you managed to get 10 people to play it seriously add me and let me join as well… i wanna test it out for myself…

i’ve talked about this before…

Oh! I didn’t know. Never played many custom games. Thanks for advice!

It’s not difficult (?) Just now i do 6-7 rez in match (?) (Match, not single round)

no i mean if you managed to gather 10 people to play the custom game seriously, add me haha
also yeah that’s about average like 5 rezzes/10 mins or something like that (a round of overwatch takes about 7 mins so a full comp game is about 14-15 mins)
but you see what i mean you? you do about 1 rez every 2 mins even with a 30 sec cooldown you’re just not able to take full advantage of it

if u cant play any other hero besides mercy you are a one trick. and dont forget this is ow a FPS game. mercy doesnt belong here at all tbh might aswell go play something else if u are a mercy one trick

Never knew baptiste is the most mobile hero in the game now

so be it! who’s gonna stop me?
also did you just disregard my whole argument?

i’m really sorry sweetie but i’ll play whatever i please and whoever i please and i highly doubt there’s anything you can do about it! :slightly_smiling_face:

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yes i cant do anything about that because 100% of the mercys complaining in this forum are one tricks that cant play any other hero and cry about how mercy doesnt feel impactful and so on. no. thats exactly the reason why many ppl think mercy mains are a joke so there u go. washed mercy one trick pony u never gonna get ur mass rez or insta rez back. mercy is gonna stay the way she is forever get over it :slight_smile: move to a new game OW isnt the game for you

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Her achievement is far from impossible. I got it just a few months ago lol

Oh, no… I’m scared everytime the devs say they are looking into ̶N̶e̶r̶f̶y̶ Mercy.

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Secretly I think Mercy and Baptiste work very well together. But don’t tell anyone I told u.

Ive played him fir over 70 hours on ptr and cannot disagree more. He is useable in every map to great effect and his worst would be control maps, nepal specifically.

Press crouch and Guardian Angel at the same time?

If you need something new to play with, go play with super jumping. If you get really good with it, you can even do a bit more of an evasive Rez.

I just checked the live servers. The no movement speed penalty bug thingy seems to have been fixed? Valk Rez feels the same to me as it did before

It’s Overwatch. If you don’t like it, you go and play another game.

Because they didn’t buff her. It was a bug on the PTR and they fixed it.

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Yah, I really wouldn’t take anything they say too seriously. Regardless of their intent it rarely turns out well for Mercy. If they make any changes to Mercy I think there is a significant risk it will ultimately make her feel worse to play. Mercy is a mismanaged intellectual property that causes drama and hate due to the polarization in the community, which Blizzard is primarily responsible for due to the mismanagement.

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