To all the people crying about Mercy

Personally I’ve learned other heroes since the 50 hps nerf, I play ana and zen as much as or more than mercy nowadays, when the nerf initially dropped I dedicated all my time to getting good at ana, but I still think mercy needs a small buff and I’m not just gonna move on, you gotta stick with your main through the hard times lmao

This is why you main Zenyatta.

While other heroes rise and fall, Zenyatta lurks in the shadows, an unchanging, cold-blooded killer.

Except that one little 15% volley fire rate nerf. Thanks Jjonak.


Just nothing but the devils work.

A plat can know more than a GM by pure gameknowledge not pure mechanics.

Just the dam devil…

Then wouldn’t you not be in plat you less you’re talking about lore that correlates nothing to this.

I get it. I’m in plat/diamond and know a ton about game mechanics yet failing to preform them cause either my team or me. But seriously…

Oouuu the ghetto chile

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There is difference between knowing game mechanics, and knowing gamesense

oh you know this guy’s going down when catchphrase has our back!


it’s more like go afk til you get your ult press q hope your ana presses q as well otherwise blame them for everything

And game sense will also help you be in GM. Whether you like it or not, you DON’T know anything like you think you do. You know some things a GM does and some a GM doesn’t but I assure you they know FAR more than you do. If not you’d be a GM.

Or is it just your “team”.

“Our guardian angel.”-Moira

I may not have the raw mechanics a GM does but like I said earlier a plat player who plays all heroes at plat level is better than a Genji one trick in GM


Not really sure what you mean by this.

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That plat player is overall better at the game than the HM

Then wouldn’t you be in GM too… No I didn’t think so. That one trick genji atleast has priorities and knows what he has to do. Let’s focus on common sense instead of game sense. Common sense would’ve told you that if you were “better” but you were still in plat while he was in GM then flexing isn’t working for you and one tricking might be a good option.

Seems like a pretty vague and nebulous claim in my opinion.

To get to GM, especially on a hero like Genji who requires exceptional mechanical skill as well as exceptional game sense, positioning, etc, is no small task. While I don’t expect a GM Genji one trick would be able to play Reinhardt or Ana at the GM level, I have no doubt they would be able to play them at a plat level at least.

It’s honestly is, such good hilarious memories. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

i really wonder how you managed to figure out the synergy between mercy and pharah… you must’ve practiced and studied twice as hard as that t500 guy… yeah that explains it

As I said I don’t have the raw mechanical skill that the Genji has, a person who has good mechanical skill can out preform someone without it, but I bet you that Genji one trick will say the wrong answer when I ask how many main tanks there are.

Knowing how many main tanks there are is not game sense hand has absolutely NOTHING to do with getting to Gm.

Not to be rude but that’s exactly why you’re still a plat and that genji is a GM. Nothing else about it.

Dude. Please. Why is this your litmus test to prove how knowledgeable you are.

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