I wonder why more mercy mains

Don’t just move to console? Other than financial problems (needing to buy a console + new copy)…

Why not just go play on console…she’s super popular and playable there and you don’t need to join chat, which I know many Mercy mains don’t?

And sometimes I see arguments about how Mercy isn’t viable in every scenario, which imo doesn’t necessarily have to happen anyways just switch sometimes, but on console the Mercy mains just brute force themselves into any scenario anyways…

I feel like so many Mercy mains would just be happier on console lol

I cant speak for people who main mercy, but i would not like to play overwatch on anything than mouse and keyboard, even when i play heroes who dont aim. Just my preference that probably some pc players have.


Console sucks. I would get a PC if I could.

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that’s fair! Although Mercy’s movement is way better with controller imo

to OP: I believe Mercy fans should be free to play on whatever platform they desire, be it console or PC.


i’m not saying they shouldn’t, i’m just curious why more don’t move, just curiosity since so many of their issues could be solved by that, especially mercy one tricks

i bought the game first on console and then i moved to pc
and i can assure you it is much much better to play on pc
as mercy you want to do 180s constantly to check flank routes good luck doing that on a console
the game is less try hardy on console like i was a plat player on console and i got placed in silver when i started playing on pc
the controls are awkward like after a month of playing on pc i got on my ps4 to play a qp game and i just couldn’t control my character it was just not the same
pc gives you more freedom in general since you own the hardware and you can run additional softwares on it like the auto-hero pick script that i use
the game is balanced around pc

on top of that i don’t think exile is the right move when it comes to one of the most played heroes in the game…

i used to join vc when i played comp back in season 4-5 but i don’t anymore
bc qp doesn’t require that much planning and coordination and it’s filled w/ toxicity so i’m good you can judge all you want

it’s not that it’s just that the only thing she’s really good at is following someone and holding right click which is boring
and even if you don’t do that she has issues w/ herself rez clashes w/ the rest of her kit and feels awful
and valkyrie just simplifies the character she’s all about positioning and target priority and that all goes away w/ valk


i personally hate pc movement with a passion, but that’s just me :woman_shrugging:

i’m not trying to exile anyone, i was just curious for reasons why more don’t move there is all

personally i never play her like that, i’m always switching who i pocket throughout the game, plus what else is she going to do? isn’t that her thing since launch? being “boring” and just standing there (not literally ofc) holding one key?

it does. but a lot of mercy mains spend too much time one tricking or borderline one tricking and then wondering why they can’t play something else when they actually want to switch

of course if you play 1 ana game out of 20 mercy mains you’ll never be able to comfortably switch…

if you want to only play one hero, that is fine, but you shouldn’t delude yourself into thinking “just switch” doesn’t apply to mercy

this is coming from a mercy main who can comfortably switch to all supports btw, i’m not just another dps trying to trash on you, please don’t think that :cold_sweat:

no there’s a difference between pure pocketing and constantly switching
check out ml7’s videos on mercy you’ll see what i mean if you heal the whole team and try to dmg boost whenever you get the chance you get stuck at masters then if you wanna rank up you just have to find the good player and stick to them for the entirety of the the game

if you heal everyone you make a lot of decisions who do i heal who do i let die, who do i rez, which ultimates do they have available, where should i be to avoid them, which of the enemies are missing (most likely flanking), do i get more value if i damage boost and let someone die
but if you’re pocketing you’re holding down one button and if they die you either rez, get back and wait or die you don’t make a lot of decisions

abt the boring since launch part… even though i prefer valkyrie, mass rez was exhilarating it was an ability that 99% of the time failed to be any good but it was like a shot of endorphin getting directly injected into you and it was the ultimate anti-bs ability the problem was that it was bs itself lol
and when the initial version of valkyrie came it was so incredibly powerful you couldn’t help but enjoy it you were almost literally trolling the entire enemy team and there was nothing they could do about it

skill transference issues still exist no other hero plays like mercy
and it raises the question why do we one trick in the first place could it be bc of what i just said?

lemme ask you a question would you take a silver ana over a diamond mercy if the mercy isn’t really a good pick?

Why do you assume that I one trick Mercy? I have equal amounts of playtime between Mercy and Ana. Why don’t console players switch to PC if they are so terrified of Mercy being OP. She is trash on PC, come over here.

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Mercy mains are saying that she should be viable not only as a dps pocket bot but whatever…

Hello. Console support main here. She’s just as boring and unwhelming on console but she’s easier to aim with, thus her “popularity”/higher pickrate

Console isn’t so different from pc, especially in higher ranks with mouse and keyboard adaptors. Overwatch is still Overwatch regardless of the platform.

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I can’t imagine next gen consoles won’t run m&k on everything if you want. They are basically going to be cheap pcs right?

lmao no i can’t play doom eternal on console no thank you

Mercy aside, why would you want to move to consoles where in the XXI century you are forced to pay a subscription fee only to be able to play online with other people (the pool of which is also limited by the usual absence of cross-play)?!

It is a rhetorical question.

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I said “sometimes,” there are some i’ve seen say they want her viable in every scenario…but whatever.

hm idk if they will allow m&k…i mean you can now? it’s just looked down on

I always thought it had more to do with mobility being more “broken” on console since others can’t hit the enemy mercy lol Same thing for Lucio and Pharah…console players struggle to shoot them even more than pc players so a lot of time mercy is free to just fly around doing whatever

Imagine moving to a whole different console so your main is viable… yikes