To all the people crying about Mercy



Not just pick someone else, just learn someone else, If someone falls out of the meta then learn someone new, aim with hanzo and genji are totally different, they cannot be carried over.

before learning someone new donā€™t you have to pick them first?

Yes, while you shouldnā€™t pick them in comp. Watch vods from pros, and vids from popular ytbers, pick them in qp, or vs ai if you really know nothing.

i quit comp back in season 5 and donā€™t care to get back in it so for me qp is serious business and i havenā€™t touched Vs AI since 2016

QP doesnā€™t have consequences for playing poorly, except minor exp losses from total gained. Comp has consequences SR loss, Im talking about this from a comp stand point, as 99% of my time is spent in comp, maybe one or two warm up QP games. So whereas you see everything from a qp perspective I see it from a comp perspective, and there is a reason all pro games are played in comp settings.

and weā€™re back to the elitist idiocy!

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Seriously, that was one of the most nauseating posts Iā€™ve ever read on the forums.

I wanna say youā€™re just a troll, OP, but youā€™re really committed to the whole thing so I canā€™t tell.


How so, I explained how you an I look at things from a diff. perspective than you do, and so does the entire pro community

First, you assumed that skills canā€™t be learned without some sort of negative consequence. This is completely and utterly false. Then you assumed that there is some gaping chasm that separates a ā€œqp perspectiveā€ from a ā€œcomp perspectiveā€.

This is also completely and utterly false. Iā€™ve played plenty of QP games that were infinitely more serious than the average comp game, and Iā€™ve played plenty of clown fiesta comp games that were more uncoordinated and absurd than the average qp game.

and there was literally no reason for you to bring that up!

That is 100% wrong, and yes the only way to learn anything is to fail and try again, quick play games are one sided, there is no one side attacks then defends, again why do you with the OWL and OWWC are played in comp rules, think about this, the average qp player does not think of things the average comp player does. Look at this post I made earlier, it shows how much deeper a comp player looks into something than a qp player The small problem I see with Baptiste

Actually, the hitbox for allies is bigger than enemies. You can aim just outside their model and still hit them. Iā€™m garbage at snipers, but as Ana itā€™s pretty easy to hit allies.

But keep carrying on with your skill fetish.

Like I said, Iā€™ve had plenty of games where people are trying very hard to win in QP. In fact, Iā€™d say the overwhelming majority of my QP games are like this. People prefer winning. Just because you donā€™t switch sides after a round doesnā€™t mean you didnā€™t learn anything.

My personal experience in Overwatch has been one where most of my time was spent in QP. I played ranked in season 1 where I ranked around the equivalent of silver. The next time I played was season 6 where I ranked low gold. Iā€™ve since climbed to low/mid diamond, so I most definitely learned a lot by playing QP almost exclusively (I usually only played my placements in each season, except for the one where I placed in mid plat and climbed to diamond).


Placements place you within 50 SR of your skill rating at the end of last season so that argument is way out the window. QP is not serious, no real team comps, no communication, no combos

ana? sure lucio? def not! the only thing about lucio that is ā€œskillfulā€ is how fast you can get to the payload
you have better defensive tools so you donā€™t need as much awareness (iā€™m talking about boop)
and you use both of their ults in the same situations so you need the same amount of foresight
and did you say something about mercy healing and damage boosting by holding a key? did you know that lucio just has to be close to his team and occasionally press shift and any counter argument you bring to the table is invalid since thatā€™s how you described mercyā€™s healing and damage boost!

What argument?

Iā€™m telling you I initially played at a silver level and now play at a diamond level. I have climbed what I consider to be a pretty substantial amount, and I have spent the overwhelming majority of my time in QP. Seems like I learned something in QPā€¦ :thinking:

Lucio ult can save you from grav and dva bomb mercyā€™s ult does neither, Lucio is the hardest support to master, knowing when to properly amp it up and swap from heal to speed.

did you just say mercyā€™s ult is bad? i thought you think mercy is fine hmmmā€¦
but when the enemy is pushing you use both of them to survive and if you wanna push you can push w/ either of them ā€œwatch some pro gamesā€ they use beat offensively as well and weā€™re talking about the skill it takes to get the most out of their ults!

you must be either incredibly challenged to understand the character or youā€™re just trolling

i can say the same about rez, damage boost and healing from mercy and none of these abilities require any aiming whatsoever (which seems to be your main argument when it comes to ana!)

Did they say Mercyā€™s ult is bad or that it canā€™t save you from grav and D.Va bomb?

Reading comprehension.

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