Sorry but Mercy is absolutely terrible


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whenever there’s a death-bally meta burst healing becomes very prevalent OP isn’t wrong about that but the meta might change next patch… even though mercy is going to be in a better spot i doubt the meta would change in a way that’s going to make mercy a meta hero since beat, trans and ana’s whole kit haven’t been touched… but i’ve been wrong before and i can be wrong right now too who knows…

Bait rating 0.5 out of 10

damage being spread works really well with mercy because being able to juggle your teammates is a skill that you’ll learn over time
and i don’t understand how moira, lucio, zen or brig can benefit from damage being spread
ana is in the same boat as mercy and i’m not sure about baptiste yet because he’s relatively new!

Please Blizzard im begging you please
Buff Mercy

i’ve talked about this before lemme dig it up for you!

What would you say if the Dev’s changed Mercy and removed single rez and reworked Valk?

a lack of burst healing has nothing to do with mercy’s place in the meta

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i don’t know about dodo but i’d say… damn they actually did it

Mercy isn’t terrible and excluding the fun aspect of it I’d say she’s the most balanced. In saying that, the rest of the support roster is relatively overtuned, bloated or otherwise broken (excluding Moira, she’s balanced out by having no utility).

It’s similar to McCree or Soldier in the dps roster. They clearly are balanced, maybe a little undertuned but they’re always going to look terrible because the rest of the roster is overtuned.

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Mercy could use a small buff, but she is fine in Gold. Frankly she is stronger than Ana there, so many Anas in Gold just can’t aim yet insist on playing her because she is meta.

She is balanced, They balanced her kit however they nerfed her healing way too much. 60h/ps would make her a perfect support.

You’re partially right.

Jeff said you need AOE healing or awesome throughput to be a healer.

Mercy isn’t a healer.

Mercy is going to be good once all these changes happen. Lot of DPS buffs and support nerfs which are all good for her

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That’s a part of the problem on the whole of OW.

Sustain should go all of it sustained damage and sustained healing, because innately “sustained” abilities lack in gameplay interest i.e. they are bad design.

If so then good for not good reasons. Sustained healing and damage are poor design choices since they reduce the player controlled viability since there is no viability in the ability’s nature therefore these sustain abilities are lacking in interest.

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That why you have a rez

Rez should go… (some extra characters)

And Rez lacks in interest as well.

Mercy isn;t going to be the hiesght ouput healer ever again she is too easy to play and breaks the game

She breaks the game because the design is a problem. All of what you mention point to this.

And she is not the only one.