Stop Posting About Double Shield

Those who think the current double shield is worse are simply dont want a balanced game. Barriers overall got huge nerfs and its much harder to keep them up. Especially with the disruptors being buffed.

Well, is it really that complicated?

  • Nerf Brig/Mei/Bap/Orisa = No DoubleBarrier
  • Buff Brig/Mei/Bap/Orisa = Yes DoubleBarrier

My guess what they end up with is
Brig: -25hp
Bap: IF deployable or all deployables take 2x damage from beam attacks (I.e. Winston Tesla)

Or they could just rework repair pack

to something like this so brig actually has a weakness, aka low healing.

Higher burst healing/peeling isn’t going to make her less useful at blocking Dive, to benefit DoubleBarrier.

Much less the idea with Armor, which is basically a 50% damage resistance against Dive attacks.

It wont, but it will give her a real weakness that other potential comps may exploit,

As awful as it was to play into, it’s weird to me they didn’t seek other options outside of gutter-stomping shield health.

One of the things I hated most about double shield was that breaking shields just wasn’t really a viable counter option.
If they just increased the damage certain damage types (I.e explosive/ beam) did to deployable shields specifically, it could have been more fun. DPS just didn’t feel impactful in general. Obv they probably would have needed to fiddle with shield health too, just maybe not to the same degree where orisa/ sig became pretty bad on their own.

Yeah, but if it’s not Dive, it will probably be going to be Mei/Reaper Rush, I.e. Wannabe GOATs. Which is really not much better.

Well doesnt matter lol, it just got reverted in ExC

They’re not going to add in random beam interactions. That sort of wrinkle is against the entire design ethos of the game.

I don’t think wrinkles that are invisible really matter.

Although you are right, it wouldn’t be IF takes 2x beam damage. It would apply to all deployables

Just like your bizarre “damage boost works inconsistently with headshots” idea this will never happen for similar reasons.

The Overwatch team values simple, easy to grasp information that people can just pick up on. Without any indication that it’s doing bonus damage, it will never happen. And reworking every beam to have a bonus particle effect when it’s hitting a deployable will also never happen. It’s confusing information that you’d have to go look up. Won’t happen.


But keep in mind I asked for:
Pharah: Fastfall on crouch
Brig: -25hp until rework
Widow: 175hp
Roadhog: Pull 0.5m closer

I might have some bad ideas, but I’m not usually that far off.

Correlation is not causation. You, among others put those ideas forward. Reflective of confirmation bias on your part. You put out a lot of ideas. You place emphasis on the ones you see as being used and disregard the others so that your can see yourself as being “right”.

I think you’re a fine poster and I appreciate your creativity. I like reading others’ thoughts and ideas. I’m also appreciative of the fact that you’ve quit bursting into threads randomly to try and astroturf your ideas.

True enough, but it is kinda suspicious sometimes how I make very specific suggestions, and those end up in the game.