Stop Posting About Double Shield

Double shield is played about 20-30% of the time a great balance in the game and balance is perfect rn (Not brig)


I dont even know whats going on anymore


balance cannot be called perfect when double shield is a viable comp at all


Basically there’s a disconnect between ladder mimicking highest tier organized play, and GM, during the offseason.

People have a right to post about it when it is becoming meta in scrims/contenders, which eventually within months leak into GM and so forth

Hell, even Sigma is one of the top tanks in GM right now just wait for people to lock Rein or Orisa with him


To you maybe. To others, they would disagree.

Tank is quite interesting right now but seeing Sigma/Hog as a decent composition haunts me.

Because high sustain comps are boring?

i do think people are still acting a bit too early to say if its meta or not

im not sure about you but i dont think +25hp on brig is suddenly going to change the meta…

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Disagree. Double shield should be a comp, there’s nothing wrong with it existing. It’s only a problem when Double shield is the best comp and you have to mirror it to win. If you can dive/rush double shield then who cares about 2 barriers

Double shield coming back. maybe not in your mmr but I’m suffering from that I low diamond and above

double shield is NOT fun to play against a lot of the players think that ,you cant ignore it

Fun is not a determining factor in terms of what should be viable. Some people despise playing against dive, or rein/zar, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be viable.

This is coming from someone who did not enjoy double shield. It should be viable, just not meta.

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The people that make the post are golds lol

Double shield is literally all I saw in 3900+ comp today. I forgot how horrible it felt to play against and with. There’s no challenge, just annoyance

LMAO I am masters every role 14-1 haven’t seen it once tbh ALL ball sigma or hog

It’s already happening. Double Shield went from a necessity because hitscan were so broken during the power creep days, to overpowered because of the Baptiste and Orisa buffs. Brig’s 25 hp added to it, but she’s not a primary reason for it being strong again. It’s going to get even stronger when they increase Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix size-a buff that literally no one asked for. Bap is one of those characters that can go from complete trash to top tier with very small tweaks, and it just happened.

It could still be people trying it out…

until i see it in the stats for a while i wont call it proper meta

because i HIGHLY doubt that 25hp is suddenly going to change the entire meta…

Wonder how many more weeks that will be.

Probably not too long if it truly does become meta.

but i really question how a +25 buff suddenly changed things this much…

but its to be expected honestly. brig has been such a problematic character, especially after they decided to turn the half-tank character into a main healer as well…