Priority Pass hot take

:clown_face: Priority Pass :clown_face:

For those who don’t know what it is:

You can queue as a “Flex” player and the matchmaker will place you into a game in a role that’s currently needed (ie. tank / Healer).

You will gain ‘some’ (2) priority passes for a loss, and ‘lots’ (6) for a win.

You can then use these passes to be placed into a ‘faster’ dps queue

What this will accomplish:

DPS mains getting placed into roles that they don’t main and don’t care too much about (As your tank or healer), and likely playing those roles like a DPS - Eg Zarya, Roadhog, Zenyatta, Reddit Lucio, etc… just completely destroying your game experience because these are players that DON’T WANT TO PLAY THAT ROLE!

This is a bandaid for the current DPS Queue time issue that is a result of imbalance in the game, that WILL have a negative effect on gaming experience!


IMO if you play flex to try and get passes, you shouldn’t get passes for losing, i feel this would encourage (like what you said) people to throw to end the game early and grind passes. So maybe you get 2 - 3 passes for winning and none for losing, encouraging people to actually try to win.


“players that don’t play that role” ok

well i think this is a good oppurtunity to get some new support and tank players :slight_smile:


Did you even read the post? The only reason they’d queue this flex role is to get priority passes for their next damage queue(s).

They’re not interested in “becoming a new support or tank player”


But the reality is, you have to actually win, and by winning with Support and Tank, you gain more game sense, which translates over to you getting better at Damage as well.

If you screw up and throw, then you’ll just plummet and not get anywhere.


What’s the problem with DPS player playing other roles? The SR is unique so it’s not like they’re ruining games anymore so what is the issue?


I mean… they get more for winning, and playing matches takes time, therefore they’d rather win a lot so that all that time doesn’t go to waste for like 2 priority passes, and if they want to win, they learn the character, it’s that simple.


The issue is that no matter what, DPS are to blame.
Now with the priority pass, they are just going to blame DPS and say they are throwing on tank just to get a pass.

Yeah mate, let me waste 15mins throwing 2 matches as a Tank, just to get 2 min faster queues as a DPS (instead of just queueing 6-8 mins for DPS).



I did, People will be required to play tank and support to be priority passes, this means more people may find out they really enjoyed playing tank and support :slight_smile:


This just seems like DPS players queue dodging and playing DPS Moira/Hog for a faster damage queue.


No, it’s stated that you also get some for losing.

Do you want one of your two healers to be a Genji main in the enemy backlines riding on walls and shooting at the enemy team while your team dies, or would you rather have the person who WANTS to play a healer to HEAL your team?


This style is not effective anymore.

You better interact with your teammates way more than just with enemies.

Where are people seeing this?

My first reaction to this news is ‘well that least they are trying something but far too f-ing late’.

Like support and tank is so miserable to play of late… if they did this back when they introduced 2-2-2, would our game be in a better state? Probably.

Guys there’s always going to be trolls to flex to just gain passes and not really care. That’s okay, screw them.

There will, however, I’m sure, be some players that may end of liking more tanks or supports or discover they are good at them and grow on them. I’ll stay optimistic for now. Hopefully it does help some wait times without screwing the causal play up even more. Hopefully we also can get a few more tank and support players even if they can flex it’s better that way. If you play more roles you have a better understanding and more empathy too.

I’m just happy blizzard is finally trying something on this issue.

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EXACTLY!!! This is the reason for the bad queue times! THIS is what they should focus on, not just some bandaid that will just make the quality of games go down the toilet!

This is quite literally sacrificing quality for quantity of games!



You’re ignoring the fact that a lot of DPS skills transfer into other roles.

A DPS main is going to be great at Roadhog and Zenyatta, for example. Since core DPS skills are important to both of them. Because of that, there’s no reason to assume the DPS are just going to throw.

I really don’t think this is the end of the world.


I don’t even know what this is. Is it in a video, somewhere?

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I don’t think Q times will improve enough to make it worthwhile for “dps mains” – I mean you have to sit through at least 10-15 minute games in roles you hate, I don’t think the math will add up.

This system rewards flex players by allowing them to Q as dps occasionally without the horrid wait times. If anything it will lead to more bad dps players in matches :laughing:

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Ah yes, I’m sure that Tracer main will be a great flanking (feeding) roadhog! Especially when they’re used to having an entire clip to 1 shot a player rather than landing a carefully aimed hook!

I’m also sure that the Widowmaker main will be a great Zenyatta sniper! It’s not like there’s a difference between hitscan and projectiles or anything! I’m also sure they’ll definitely be focusing on healing too!


If he’s that rank on support then why would I care, if that’s where he belongs on support that’s where he’s not gonna be a detriment

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