DPS Q times are the reason the game is dying, lets face it

Usually, what is most “impactful” isn’t very exciting or interesting, but get the job done.

Eg, the most effective way to fight off diseases is daily hygiene habits, but everyone prefer to highlight the new drug that “cures” it. Which, for day-to-day stuff is usually ok. You make people acquire new habits and that benefit compound over time.

But games are different. Unless you are a professional player/streamer, we don’t play games to fall into a daily habit of doing boring stuff that need to be done. We play to distract our minds of real life stuff, and to have some fun.

Tanks may still be impactful as heck because the game revolves about taking and protecting objectives, and tanks are the best heroes to perform this job. But since they started the tank patches, we are feeling less and less like the big bear parent that protect everyone. That is pushing away the kind of players that have the mindset that would work better on a tank.

So now Blizzard is trying to attract players with a DPS mindset into the tank role, and they will not do so without some kind of bribe because they don’t want to protect others, and tanks lack tools that allow them to secure kill as efficiently as DPS.

Blizzard solution is pushing even further down this line, with the Brawler reimagination they announced for OW2 that will hit all tanks. I can’t see that working long-term, but we might have other changes in the game to support that. Some people are speculating changes to the game format from 6v6 to 5v5 with solo tank. We need to wait the release to see what is coming.

Myself, I only hope they let us be the unstoppable immortal juggernaut we want to be in PvE with the right talents.

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Just select priority pass below damage icon and the queue is typically less than 3 minutes.

One cannot simply “Fix” a Queue.

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Only 2 from each line can get on the roller coaster at a time… Which line do you pick when you’re the newcomer?


You put more seats on the popular rollercoaster. You make more of that rollercoaster to meet demand.

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yeah… its no that we only have a trash small pool for tanks and healers, no content, worse matchamking in the world, most amount of cheaters, SR has not been reset in 5 years, smurfs, bots, false reporting being false banned and not having customer service to claim it, being censored and not being able to complain about actibli$$ard decisions cause you will be banned for several days, several layouts but the chief getting 200 millions for himself as a bonus etc etc

dps ques am i right


Weird, I predicted this 5 minutes after the Dev update announcing it came out:

Would it be weird, that someone from fired workers sabotaged matchmaking on their way out? With how complex it is, it would take a while to notice, let alone to fix.

As long as their is open queue, this statement seems a little disingenuous. People either like are hate role queue. People who like it don’t mind queue times… People who don’t hate queue times.

Me personally if they really wanted to fix role queue should of just let you force a 2-2-2 once in game not before game only problem would be dps insta lock. The perk doing it this way though would allow a change up via player skill set if a player wishes to swap rolls with another player to better assist the team.

DPS queue times are a 100% player created problem. IF you want to be part of the solution then queue flex.

I mean you get prio passes and the queue times are sub 3 minutes at most ranks (I cannot speak to where they are at all ranks, only where they are for most ranks).

The playstyle Tanks have isn’t fun enough.
That’s a dev created problem.

Designing the game around a playerbase with preferences they don’t actually have.


I tank and I heal, I like it

The trick is devs need to convert a sizable portion of DPS players, to become Tank players.

Even if that means giving up on RPG ideals about designing shooter game characters.

Or giving up on the “ideal” of balancing to prevent 3-4 Tanks on a team, in 2-2-2.

There is a thing called “Game Design” that is supposed to deal with player-created problems, either by discouraging them, or adjusting it in a way where it is not an issue anymore.

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Problem is, DPS-friendly tanks usually are awful for teammates, due to lack of protection for their team.

Well if they did go that route, they’d need to solve the issues that arise with “zero barrier”.

OW2 PVP, Low Barrier problems

Wonder how, when maps are designed with barriers in mind.

There is also another catch - with lack of protection tanks would have trouble keeping their supports alive, but without supports they end up dead - not encouragement you need for tank role.

Try speaking in facts instead of opinions

  • Sniper spam = downed players can crawl to cover, are very durable, everybody can Rez
  • Bionade = Needs directhit to antiheal
  • TankUltChargeFeeding = 1/3rd the amount to enemies/healers, + faster passive Ult for healers
  • Random poke damage = Healer passive
  • EarthShatter = Tanks can bodyblock piercing attacks (Which also solves the firestrike/railgun spam)
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DPS killed this game by there inability to get kills so they then complained they needed buffs to kill tanks when in reality there they were the problem, what did Blizzard do they went with the most toxic group & nerf tanks & supports