Surprised negativity- priority pass

I wasn’t surprised at all to be honest.

Trust me, there is ALWAYS a downside.

A lot of this we don’t know yet.

  • How much does a priority queue help a player?
  • Is it more effective at higher ranks vs lower ranks?
  • How many priority (tokens) are we going to earn if we win a game playing Tank or Healer? 2? 5?
  • How many do we get if we lose but still playing a Tank or Healer role? 1?
  • Will this apply to EVERY game we play when we choose all 3 roles?
  • Does this apply to only the role queue matches? (Comp and QP)
  • Will we be able to use these on either mode? (earn them in QP, use them in Comp)
  • Will there be a maximum? Will they decay or expire?

These and I’m assuming more questions are out there.

Part of the negative here, is they are again using a carrot. They tried with a loot box and currency, but that isn’t enough. So now this.

The problem (as I see it) is simple.

The Tank and Healer roles aren’t as fun for many players as DPS roles.

And Tank being the worst one. Tank roles have a lot of impact, and if you can’t play the role, (because all you do is one of the other two roles) then you aren’t going to have any fun. And that doesn’t include the tank players that aren’t having fun because of some limitations and weaknesses that tanks currently have. Again, this perception is different at different levels of skill too.

So for the vast majority of players that aren’t in the top levels, many of these non-DPS roles are not fun to play. And even in the DPS roles there are problems in the vast majority of the player base. Which is why using another carrot is most likely not going to be the best solution.

I don’t know what the best solution is. I guess we can wait and see what happens here, but I think little will change.

Game on.

Ah, but we will. Just don’t know what the exact amounts are yet. You will get more for winning and less for losing, but you will gain regardless.

That’s why I followed up with the second half of that.

1/4 of a pass for losing…
So lets say that you lose 4 matches in a row flexing tank.
Maybe 40 - 60 minutes for 1 pass. Or don’t flex and queue dps for 6-15 minutes (between silver-plat).
I would queue for dps and never flex for tank, I guess

I mean personally as a flex player, I love it.


I’m a main tank main, and I can point out multiple downsides to it.

  1. Abuse of the system by queueing flex and then soft throwing on your non preferred role for the priority. This ruins the game for the other five people on your team, as well as cheating them of SR.

  2. Inexperienced tanks and supports not being able to handle the demands of the position again increases the chance of a loss. It’s worse with tanks because frequently tanks need some form of synergy to reach actual effectiveness. (Rein Zarya, Double Shield)

  3. The increase in frustration from another RNG variable being added to the ranked experience will add to in-game toxicity.


How will it cause imbalance when each role has separate sr/mmr ?

Aaaaaand that’s why they will be 1-2 elos lower on those roles… so what’s your problem?

Also this priority pass isn’t going to prolong their queue times (cuz there are less tank mains than dps mains, and more dps will flex now) It’s just gonna overall shorten queue times…

I like it but i still seem to be concerned about it. I mean if so many people uses priority pass at once, then you still have to wait the same amount of time. It would only be useful in the late nights of weekdays in the worst case scenario.

Obviously because dps players should just silently sit in their dps queue and not trying to play other roles because according to forums they ruin games when they do. Additionally, they are apparently all bad at their dps role so the best dps player is the one who doesn’t play. So that’s why they should be kept in a queue as long as possible.

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the priority thing is bad, not because it rewards people, it’s basically not helping the mass amount of players that leave the match early.

Last night I had 2 QP games in a row where a tank left and it took ages for them to add a new player, so it was a loss obviously, same for the other team who had a tank leave the next match I had.

Leavers seriously ruin the quality of a match for everyone who just spend a short while queueing, we have to then wait for the new player to be put into the game, pick their hero etc, that is STILL a lot of time lost, even if it’s “only 1 minute”

I think if people leave a game they shouldn’t be allowed to queue again for 10 mins, especially if they’re DPS.

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But honestly it sounds more like an upgraded version of “while you wait” feature. If for example a queue is like 8-10 mins and a comp game is 10-15 a player will actually spend less time in a queue than in a game to earn a priority pass, espicially given they probably should spend some time (like a minute or two?) to queue even with a pass.

i think what htey are trying to hope on is the inherent want to succeed

It’s another useless feature that won’t change anything.
Remember endorsements? Yeah, they did ZERO. nada. absolutely nothing. It’s a great example of the dev team haveing no real solutions about anything community related.

I think people are mad because it’s another “HeLp ThE dPs QuEuEs!!!” Thing, of which there is wayyyy too much anger coming from the extremely small minority of Support mains whenever there is remotely anything positive for DPS queues (odd now because it’s literally going to force people to be flex players)

Idk I haven’t been on the forums much.

Also it could just be “omg forcing me to play other roles” from DPS players being dum dums.

This ain’t the endorsement system tho, it’s actually meant to help queues. Endorsements just did jack-all. Idk why they still exist but oh well.

You’re not even discussing what people find bad about it.

That concern is entirely valid. But on the other hand, if you only get passes when you win, there’s no incentive for people to try it whom don’t have the confidence it’ll work.

Think of it this way. The aim is to get people a priority pass for DPS queue, right? Well, if you flex and play out an entire round for 10-15 minutes and still lose, and you get nothing for it, what is your incentive to keep trying that? You still have to queue for DPS and wait for a period of time anyway. So if you don’t get a pass for losing and you’ll have to wait anyway for the DPS queue, why not go straight to DPS queue and skip the game where you were playing as tank? Without the pass for losing, you don’t have any real incentive to flex.

Of course no system is flawless and there will always be concerns or problems that crop up, but the objective is to get to a better system, since there’s no such thing as a perfect system. Does this system overall create a better scenario for the game than without it? Time will tell, but I’m leaning towards yes. I’ve read a lot of people’s concerns about the sort of things that will happen. And thus far I feel all their concerns are valid and might crop up to some extent, but not enough to outweigh the opportunities this may bring.

It might be good to have a system like, 1 pass for a loss, 2 passes for a draw, 3 passes for a victory. Something like that. Much more incentive to win, but still something for a loss.

The issue is how many people are going to buy into the pass. One tricks wont miraculously play flex for a chance at a faster queue later. This is mainly an improvement for people who do flex.

The question is are the numbers there to support the queue times? Or will they just not move as much? Will they move at all? It all depends on how well the pass is implemented and how many take advantage of it.

Alternativelt, put overwatch back to open queue. There wasn’t a problem in those days.

Well, the idea would be to try. Call it 1/2 then, I wasn’t proposing accurate math, just a concept.

The idea is not so bad. But I allready see even more ppl instalocking Roadhog in the tank roster. Or Baptiste or Moira in Support and play them like DPS.
What makes the job for actual Tank- and Support-Mains even harder and more frustrating.