Surprised negativity- priority pass

I know the forums are generally negative about things most of the time, but I’m actually surprised about how negative people are being about priority pass. To me it seems like a great thing that doesn’t really have any downsides. I’ve heard people complain about all the dps 1 tricks going to flex but I don’t see that as a bad thing if that happens and also if they love dps and hate tank and support that much they won’t switch over, I think overall there really are no negatives but all I read are complaints.


I love it. ANYONE ELSE IS CRAZY! :upside_down_face: (I’m not crazy… keep saying your not crazy)


I feel like I’m missing something…? What priority pass?

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This ^

Yes, you missed the dev update today

Well, the idea isn’t a new one, and the concerns have always been the same: If players get priority passes for losing (which is true in this implementation) on roles they don’t necessarily care about, then the worst kinds of players won’t bother trying to win while playing those roles, which results in lower match quality for everyone.

Kaplan mentioned players would get “more” passes for winning than for losing, so the accuracy of the above concern will depend on whether it’s enough “more” to actually convince people to try their best.


Ohh I see. I checked both the announcements and PTR feedback but found nothing so it was very confusing seeing dozens of threads about it all of a sudden.


I think the current negativity is that overwatch urgently needs new heroes to bridge the variety between classes. there is no 100% optimal system, it is still a small novelty. good, but still small compared to the real solution.

I don’t blame anyone for feeling almost bored in this waiting room of OW2, but 1, it’s always a great game, especially for new gamers and 2 always better than the almost deathly silence of Heroes of the Storm or the general stop of many other games whose development cycle is finished (eg Starcraft 2).

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Oh I agree, waiting for ow2 is a long process but it just seems silly to me reading all of these complaints over something that generally just sounds like a nice thing. We are aloud to get small nice things without people complaining all the time haha


I don’t think you should get a pass for losing… or maybe have it generate so you get 1/4th of a pass from losing… You’d be spending so much time purposely losing games just to get ahead on your dmg role you might as well have qued dmg role.


yes I know :slight_smile:

but we know, the world is always in need of new complaints xD

Yes, queuing in flex to get faster dps times is such a time saver.

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I’m assuming it only really would be if you were to win, which means trying, which negates any reason for purposely throwing to get 1x pass (or however it works).

As long as it takes longer to gain a pass through losing than winning/trying/just queing dps then there shouldn’t be a lot of downsides outside of the match maker needing time to balance the influx of players to the role.

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Which is exactly why there is nothing to worry about.

I don’t care about my tank role, not that much care about support, even both support and dps are in gm on my main account. All I care about is how much time I spend in q. If I can halve my 8 min avg dps q time, I will derank both my support and tank role down to bronze just to have pQ for looses and pQ for free wins after. Also I will increase normal Q for gm dps-players, cause I will get pQ on that from lower elo. This system is already dead at announce. All it costs, 900 cp + 24h ban for gameplay sabotage (and you can even bypass that)

Yep, this will cater to one tricks more then anything. I’m a support player. My dps is average. I’m a terrible tank.
This new system is going to stick me on tank because no one wants to tank.
But if I ever want to queue for dps, I will need to flex. For the quality of your games, do you really want the guy who plays Ana, mercy, moira, to be your tank?

It’s a step in the right direction. I am a flex player already, so it has no downsides.

If you don’t get a pass if you lose, why should you keep playing tank? I mean, if you are not a flex player.
You lose and still have to wait the same time for your dps game…
It does not make any sense

I wasn’t surprised at all to be honest.

Trust me, there is ALWAYS a downside.

A lot of this we don’t know yet.

  • How much does a priority queue help a player?
  • Is it more effective at higher ranks vs lower ranks?
  • How many priority (tokens) are we going to earn if we win a game playing Tank or Healer? 2? 5?
  • How many do we get if we lose but still playing a Tank or Healer role? 1?
  • Will this apply to EVERY game we play when we choose all 3 roles?
  • Does this apply to only the role queue matches? (Comp and QP)
  • Will we be able to use these on either mode? (earn them in QP, use them in Comp)
  • Will there be a maximum? Will they decay or expire?

These and I’m assuming more questions are out there.

Part of the negative here, is they are again using a carrot. They tried with a loot box and currency, but that isn’t enough. So now this.

The problem (as I see it) is simple.

The Tank and Healer roles aren’t as fun for many players as DPS roles.

And Tank being the worst one. Tank roles have a lot of impact, and if you can’t play the role, (because all you do is one of the other two roles) then you aren’t going to have any fun. And that doesn’t include the tank players that aren’t having fun because of some limitations and weaknesses that tanks currently have. Again, this perception is different at different levels of skill too.

So for the vast majority of players that aren’t in the top levels, many of these non-DPS roles are not fun to play. And even in the DPS roles there are problems in the vast majority of the player base. Which is why using another carrot is most likely not going to be the best solution.

I don’t know what the best solution is. I guess we can wait and see what happens here, but I think little will change.

Game on.

Ah, but we will. Just don’t know what the exact amounts are yet. You will get more for winning and less for losing, but you will gain regardless.

That’s why I followed up with the second half of that.