Priority Pass was a bad idea

But if they can hardcarry games enough to the point of ruining them, why wouldn’t they already start winning when they can do so reliably? What would be the point of intentionally losing games to later win them when you can just win a few and lose a few where you’re already at?

I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I’m seriously doubting that you’re seeing diamond players in bronze 1 in 5 games. Like it actually takes hours and hours of incredibly dull grinding of doing nothing to drop that far, especially if you wanna do it without getting 11 reports per game. And if you even remotely tryhard down there you’ll gain like 150 SR per win, which takes like 10 losses to negate afterwards.

Your story does not what so ever reflect what my friends in silver and bronze tell me either. Most smurfs they face are from slightly above their rank, high silver or low gold.

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Well flex doesn’t mean “get a very varied experience of roles”, it means “fill whatever role is needed.” Due to how the tank role is, a significant part of flex games are gonna be tank. This system just rewards players that play the roles needed.

Yeah I actually like priority pass, but if this thing about throwing starts to become a problem, I suggest to make it so only wins give you tickets.


Its going to be like this for a while, people who just play dps are actually going out of their way to try a different role.

So for the most part a lot of these people are being placed closer to their main role rather then what their actual Support./tank roles are.

Hey Y’all!

Remember when I warned that this would happen about 5 minutes after Jeff posted the video announcing it?

Yeah… Good times.

I mean, I definitely said something like this somewhere else- winning is typically faster than purposefully losing in OW. I’m also acknowledging there are bound to be bad apples who don’t particularly care about their off roles and will want to make everyone else miserable around them in the meantime.

Would be nice if we had the playerbase to split into a que with flex players, and a que without. Without you’d wait longer, but at least everyone’s playing a role they enjoy. Maybe if the system is still in place with OW2 and they add crossplay.

Yeah, so what was your argument for them to derank to abyss-ranks? To spend a whole lot of time of losing long games just to quickly win a way lower amount of games afterwards? What’d be the point of that, apart from wasting their own time?

People that openly troll game after game tend to be handled fairly quickly due to the absurd amount of reports they rack up game after game.

Some people just enjoy others misery. If there were already players willing to derank to curb stop people in bronze before rewards for flexing, I can imagine those people will continue to exist.

I don’t disagree with you, I just acknowledge there are many people who do troll games at all levels.

Sure, and people who enjoy doing that will continue to do it with priority pass, that’s true. My point is, I don’t think priority pass will significantly increase that amount, so I think the positives will by far outweigh the negatives.

And if it doesn’t, it would probably be like a 5 minutes tweak to make it so you only get tickets for wins.

No, I also think this is a net positive. I’ve defended it in plenty of places, I’ve got 26 stacked up and my queue times were 4 minutes for DPS, meaning I was actually able to finish placements !

i think those are just people trying to derank to sell their accounts or stream getting higher rank

youre half wrong.

its not bronze, but theres plenty of difference to go from 3000sr to 2000sr.
you just insta stomp 1 game, then afk lose another… its quite faster than trying and getting those overtimes and tryhard.

Either this problem is made up from people having bad experiences with teammates and assuming it’s all DPS players, or the people throwing don’t understand that they are wasting their time.

Queueing dps will 99% of the time be faster than throwing a tank competitive game just to get a priority pass and then queue DPS. It’s a waste of time. There’s nothing gained from it.

Maybe consider that the flex role is encouraging DPS players to try the other roles since there is an incentive now, and they may not be as good at those roles. Don’t think being bad at a role is a reason for massive forum whining, though. Regardless they will fall to the rank that they belong at on that role and all will be fine.

No, they said they are seeing diamond players 4 in 5 games. Only 1 in 5 are full bronze, apparently.

did you know they can make another account and buy overwatch and throw on there too?

Economically, it just doesn’t pan out, players motivations will adapt.
People will realise you’d rather just queue the 10-15 minutes for DPS rather than queue 2 minutes to play a miserable 15-20 minutes to make your DPS queue 5 mins.

Remember every role has its own mmr. Things will sort themselves out naturally.

Yeah but it’s making a toxic game now.

I used to never be yelled at for heals. Yesterday it happened a lot.
I’m guessing people are starting to expect a crap support. They’re already on the defensive. This is also generating toxicity.