Throwing for passes

Yep. Guys going tank to play rein because with 2 healer pockets, hes literally unbeatable.

This is just sad.

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Currently playing in Diamond / Masters and had about 15 games so far since the update, no intentional ticket throwers yet :confused:

Passes should only be given to players that engage enemies at least 75%-80% of the match. It can be set that players that do damage/healing/barrier gets depleted (maybe for healers & barrier tanks there’s a minimal combination on minimum how many heals or how many barrier hp depleted so they also do their job and not just dpsing) counts as engaging.

With this system, feeding and throwing isn’t categorized as engaging and they’ll not get any priority passes.

And also they can apply this system in comp too, to determine throwers that afk from their engage time and auto ban them.

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Maybe they should consider only giving tickets to those who win? At least it’d be an incentive to win I guess


Hey Y’all!

Remember when I warned that this would happen about 5 minutes after Jeff posted the video announcing it?

Yeah… Good times.

To fix this, how about you get 0 passes if you lose. Then people have to try their best.

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But people can try their best and still lose.

What if there was a cap - like you had to perform over x amount.
Heal x, or d y amount of damage.
Like what is considered “average” for that character.

More of a player problem than blizzards mistake

They can’t fix what people do, there’s not really any point in making this post(no offense)other than to share your experiences because they LITERALLY cannot do anything about it.
They can’t physically stop others from making new accounts to boost or win trade for example

They will probably need to reduce the amount of tokens given for a loss down to 2 or 1. Instead of 3.

It is 2 right now, though, not 3.

Idk. I think they give it two weeks and see how it shakes out before they make those decisions.

Stop tilting your teammates with toxicity.

It’s not like we didn’t see this coming. Not sure why it flew over the devs heads.

Sadly, to the best of my knowledge, this is the first thing in OW that essentially requires farming. And we all know thats a terrible thing to introduce to any videogame. Actual gameplay doesn’t matter, just that your character is present for something, so that you can go better enjoy other aspects of the game you like. Maybe could argue comp points are on farm, but gold weapons don’t improve the user experience per se so apples to oranges.

That being said, happy to see they’re trying something. Interesting to see how it all shakes out. Will undoubtedly help inform the format of ow2. But Blizz, come on, lower points for a loss. 2 throws are often faster than 1 well fought win. 4 throws on the other hand equalling a win, well now people are motivated to try.

I predict they will reduce it to 1 for a loss and 3 for a win.

I only play tank (now more DPS) but I don’t even mind that.

Another problem i think it will create is people who actualy dont throw but play badly (like not knowing hero, or just not being good at the game) going to be called throwing more offten on tank and healer. And reports sadly do work, just need to be a lot of them. So someone who want to abuse piority pass will get like 5 reports in one match will not get banned for plaing normaly later on on dps, but the tank who is just bad and try could be reported way more non stop and get himself in bad spot because people will be overreacting after so many people throwing games on purpose.

Seems like yet another system, that was introduced, but was not polished well before being out (even if you love role q, you have to agree it was not ready for the state game was in, what is proven by devs trying to fix problems it created to this day)

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Anyone with half a brain could see this possibility

Throwing a match for a shorter queue time is not faster than just queuing for a match. So when people realize this process is annoying and are tired of getting their accounts banned, then the system will be used for its intended purpose.

Also, so far I haven’t encountered any of this hooha myself, so I’m skeptical as to how much a problem it really is.

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Not sure it’s toxicity actually asking people to play the game and not throw. Asking them why they do this and if they have any enjoyment out of this. I am definitely mad, wouldn’t you be? How would you react if both supports would jump off the map while you’re of def on Hanamura right before the enemy team engages? Respawn and do it again. Just so you know no one wrote anything or spoke in voice chat until that point.

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Just make it so there’s no passes for a loss

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Please don’t lump all dps into the same pool. This isn’t dps players, it’s toxic trash players.