Priority Pass hot take

Lucio mains already do this


The old pre-222 system threw 12 people into a game with a high chance all 12 wanted to play DPS and we some how managed to survive.

and I think the sort of jerk who has a thrower mentality isn’t just every random DPS player. As even trying to lose a game will burn way more time than sitting in queue for a role.

my main concern with a priority pass is there is a chance it makes DPS queue times even longer for people not in the flex queue. Being why would a tank player not just queue flex all the time? You’re odds are going to get tank anyways with a bonus of a priority pass. Then maybe those players decide to DPS more, being they have the priority.
+1 even more people into DPS, most with a pass, making waits for those only queue DPS longer.

errrrrrrrrrrr but then again there are like what, a dozen of us tank mains left? Maybe I’m concerned about a non-issue.


This is in line with the response I thought I’d get from you, but you’re not taking egos into account.

A masters DPS player could land somewhere in plat or diamond on heals. They then say to themself; “I’m a Masters DPS Player, I’ll just play healer like a dps and if I lose, it’s obviously my team’s fault and not mine since I’m a masters player… Whatever, I just got my free dps priority pass, i dont care”.


~2:40m in.

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I didn’t even think of that actually, I’m also one of the tank mains myself. The game’s in such a bad state right now though, I think I’ve played maybe 2 games in the last month.

I’d probably be at cap for priority passes the majority of the time, and I’d get fed up with how bad tanking is that I’d just dps for a while.

Close, but not quite. I’m sure the DPS main won’t forget core gameplay mechanics related to the character they chose just because they have to heal now. You need to play Baptiste almost exactly like Soldier 76 at his core, so there’s no reason why someone who’d used to Soldier can’t learn Bap.

Me too, but without the sarcasm. If someone can aim well enough to snipe with hitscan, I’m sure they’ll be great at learning how to shoot an ultra fast projectile. You can already snipe as Zen now, so the fact that you think a DPS main will go “augh, no! Projectiles! There’s no possible way I can learn this guy!” is silly.

In reality, they’ll miss a few shots at first, and then quickly learn how to click heads as Zen. Chances are it’ll take them a single match or two to understand the guy.


I mean would people really do this? It feels like such a waste of time that would be better spent just playing tank/healer normally.


Priority passes sound like a huge win for me personally.

As a flex Player I pick all 3 roles most of the time so just picking the flex Queue thingie isn’t much different. However every now and then I want to play DPS as well so I had to sit through the Queue time and wait. With those passes I don’t lose anything while skipping a lot of Queue times.

However we still don’t know exact numbers which will be pretty much the make or break for those things. Like how many passes do we need to get into the fast Q and how many do we gain per loss/win.


I dunno, as a flex player it’s nice to hear that there will be a queue for “I just want to play a game”.


Its likely going to be faster to accept a loss and get passes from that then try to win and take a while to get the passes. Tbh, it will just come down to how many passes the devs give you per win or per loss.

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Yeah, I fear something like that. :smirk:
It sounds like won matches get more “tickets” than lost matches, so there is at least some motivation for DPS mains to try at least with support/tank. But of course I would prefer passionate players that like their roles in my team.

Ok, it may be good for flex players like me, I play Support, Tank and also set the little check mark onto DPS but of course this tripple choice usualy leads into non DPS roles. Which i’m fine with since I am very impatient and don’t want to wait for DPS alone.
This new system could lead to some fast DPS action if I want to, why not. But I doubt that it will work good over the entire Overwatch playerbase. To many “one tricks”, to many DPS only players.

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I already do that now. Play the fun heroes, I know play more tanks then dps. But I totally love that I can bank dps queues when I’m in the mood for them.

I’m looking forward to playing Rein against players who are just playing him to get a PP

Using the flex queue to “destroy games” to get even slower queue times makes little sense because they’ll be in the match (where they’re likely tank) longer than they would be in a dps queue. They can do the same thing right now and “ruin your games”, what’s stopping them?

And you very likely will not get a pass for every loss, more like every 3+ losses or something. I’d expect a pass every win or something like that. I don’t know how they’re tuning it though, but it’s definitely gonna be less for losses.

It’s actually a good thing for players to play tank more. Even if they don’t win, they get more experience in another role. That helps.


They’re not going to play Rein. They’re going to play Hog, Hammond, ir Zarya, with the added bonus that the Zarya won’t be interested in synergizing with you.

Welcome to QP with gold guns.


I mean the enemy tank. I don’t love playing Rein but if I’m against a nervous Rein or double offtank I’m going to enjoy it more and win more.

But they won’t be ruining games or anything so what’s the issue if they have an ego

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My input on this “Priority Pass”.

I would be fine with support but I really suck at tank role. I will likely get tank role most of the time.

The system should try to rotate you between the 2 most needed roles.

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so I can basically throw on tank or support role which SR I don’t care and get pQ for dps…thats got to be the worst thing they’ve ever made. I will derank 1 role to bronze, get tokens for pQ for looses, then I gonna do some ez wins in bronze, and just keep doing it back to back, on top of that, who will not be doing the same - would get increased q time in gm, cause me and others would farm pQ in lower elos. ERA of pQ deranks. And you cant even blame ppl for that, cause, who wants to sit in Q forever?