Sorry, I can't tolerate this game anymore

Depends tbh.

Some times the majority really is stupid and ignorant, yes. Other times the majority is absolutely right.

I’ve usually found that the majority of the time, the majority doesn’t actually know what they’re talking about and are just bandwagoning.

Luckily, DPS are dime a dozen, so it’s not important matter, they are easy to find. For other roles it’s different story.

I’ve been harassed for my views on DPS players, but it’s true - they are most numerous and, as result, most expendable part of community. With game being FPS, finding people desiring to shoot stuff in it is a piece of cake.

It’s simplest solution - they can’t be bothered to fix/redesign those maps, but simply removing them requires absolute minimum of work.

Later Homie, Stay Golden

I explained what I meant in a later comment and in an earlier comment, actually. I’ve never experienced mass leaving due to loading in Paris, which is the truth.

While I wouldn’t suggest everyone read each and every comment in this thread, I do demand you do this if you’re going to accuse me of lying, otherwise you’re being dishonest.

So now with Hindsight, do you still agree with your posts defending priority passes?

Tbh, both maps were great. Sure they weren’t that well balanced and didn’t favored most META, was more OFF-META map, which could be played with oddball compositions.

They had some issues, but doesn’t mean they were unplayable. There’s good in there, but most folks weren’t willing to adapt or change. Which raises the question, when overwatch got to the point of not willing to adapt became a thing.

They were balanced? Well…no, but doesn’t mean they didn’t worked, for that on comp should be fine because it’s a mirror confront, one defend and one attack giving advantage and disavantage for both sides. There are several maps with similar problems and still folks play like hanamura and volskaya.

I’m not saying those maps were perfect neither hanamura and volskaya. Every single map has flaws, while one of the “most balanced” one would be king’s row.

But even king’s row has similarity to those I quoted in some point.

Most of my friends dislike them, but often it’s because folks already antagonize those maps too much. Any starter player wouldn’t notice anything wrong on them as unbiased opinion. Most of the dislike comes from bias not exactly about the maps themselves.

Yeah, actually. The issue isn’t throwing, its misunderstanding what overwatch should be. At no point am I saying “DPS mains are throwing! They simply aren’t trying!”; I genuinely believe someone who comes here from COD isn’t trying to ruin the game.

The issue is looking at Overwatch and saying “Why should tanks tank that much damage? Obviously, we have to nerf their defenses so that people die faster. Killing is the main objective, after all!” simply because it was wrong from the start, and its wrong now. Overwatch was never about the killing inherently. Its the teamplay that was important.

Here’s an example from another game: GTFO is a team game made to take a really long time and bleed you of resources. You also easily die, so teamwork isn’t a suggestion, its mandatory like in early Overwatch. If people went to GTFO and said “this game needs to be faster paced! We need more ammo! We need more solo play opportunity!” the game would lose its identity.

Sound familiar to you?

I genuinely think the maps were fine for the same reasons. There’s a spot where the defending side can sit on a perch and shoot the attacking team. People hate the map because of spots like this.

The problem? These spots are defeated by WALKING PAST THE ENEMY TEAM and forcing them to get off of their perch. Obviously, the defending side has a chance to kill you before you walk past them, but you have an equal chance to force them off.

Most of the issue there is that tanks DIE before they can soak up damage for you, but that’s not paris’ fault. That’s the fault of people wanting Overwatch to be Call of Duty with cartoon characters.

Which often, symmetra and mei could solve issues like that. But again they’re off-meta heroes anyways :roll_eyes: it’s funny folks talking about complexity of the game and not willing to adapt or change. I mean, for real these days I see more one trick and main something than ever saw through all those years. I get that folks love to play with their favorite heroes but, it’s a team oriented game you should be willing to adapt to favor your team. Funny thing it’s that mei and symmetra also are great on volskaya and hanamura, which one of the reasons of some folks disliking those maps either.

You might as well could’ve written:


You didn’t quote the part where I said:

It was literally right after the part you quoted.
No kap/

You’re wrong.

I scrolled down a bit to find it, but here I am admitting I was wrong in saying that I NEVER had leavers. You might as well say

Which is malicious, by the way. It means you’re the bad guy here.

Never, the community deserves criticism, and I’m still in the community seeing as I read the comics.

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Then consider this you being deserving of criticism, too.

There, I fixed it.

Criticism for something most people didn’t enjoy?

Yeah, that’s just pointless. Waste of a time to do even.

You don’t even play the game anymore?.. Then what’s your point of making these posts? Bad faith argument actor?

Bye don’t let the door hit you.

hey side not, i think we should nuke the moon, sounds good to yall?

You’ve proven you’re trying to be malicious, so you should spare yourself the time and never contact me again.

If it did, I’d just get a streamer to complain about it. That way, you’d think it was the door’s fault.


if this game was playable and had good balance there would be less outrage about the lack of content that this game got…

but no, these devs decided to abandoned ship leaving bap brig and sigma untouched and leaving them in their most broken and miserable state so everyone that plays the game is to just suffer… but its okay because i paid $40 for this game and i can play what i want! screw trying to win and compete!

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I’m honestly surprised that they were removed at all. I didn’t think anyone was trying to fix this game anymore. Anyhow, yeah, they needed to go. I usually played them just to be playing, but they were excruciating, especially on attack. It would be great if we could customize our own arena rotations for QP, because there are two or three others that would rather wait in queue than play in.

Not sure about it. Enough people simply want to win, even if it requires burning game to ashes.