People actually throw for the passes

I don’t understand why people do things that are so against their own interests. It takes more time to throw games for less reward. So, you get less but spend more and have the chance of a ban. Yet people do this.

It’s like if you went into the store because you really wanted a snickers bar. Then instead of just buying the candy bar you bought a box of cereal, some eggs, and a gallon of milk but stole the candy bar. That’s how silly it is to throw for passes.

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I mean, I had a DVA one game that fkew up to the top of the rocket on Gibraltar and spammed “I need healing” while emoting to the enemy.

This was way before any priority passes. Moral of the story, there has been throwers in every rank since the inception of competitive and I doubt priority passes has made them that much more prevalent.

Because it’s easier.

It’s much easier to sit in spawn, do nothing, and loss to get a priority pass despite it being much more efficient to actually try to win.

Which is why these losers keep throwing, they’re far more afraid of putting the effort into winning. They fear the sensation of trying hard and then losing, so much so, they rather just condemn themselves into losing a game by their own choice.


Disagree because now it gives people more of a reason to than before.
Just look at how healers queue and do nothing but dps? Why? Because it’s shorter than the dps queue times (and they have openly admitted to as such.)

If people can find a way around and take the path of least resistance they absolutely will.

It still incredibly dumb. And if you are right dumb and also lazy. They deserve the ban hammer.

I did warn that this would happen in my post 5 minutes after Jeff announced it:

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Its not like it took much brainpower to say “people will throw for passes”. Mainly because “people will throw” was always true.

The question is if passes are making MORE people throw than before. Right now, the answer to that question is “no”.

What is weird is it is by far the less efficient approach. Even a long game which you have a 50/50 chance to win is better than a quick loss in terms of earning tokens.

I do think a lot of people who are playing roles they have not played for awhile are going to be losing rating because they just are not good enough to be that rating and that will sort itself out shortly.

this is why i think you should get no tickets for losing. in order to compensate for that tho is give only 1 ticket for winning but drastically reduce the queue time . should be better since not many people will have tickets then right?

afking is not time consuming.

They have to keep getting in combat, so yea, they cant be doing too much else at the same time.

watching movie rn, 40/40 almost

People who throw passes are just dumb. You get more out of the system if you play to win.

2 is more than enough to not win, 1 is enough.

Nah the math is sound, you get more out of your time if you win rather than if you lose.

quantity doesn’t matter, options matters

Then those people are fools

I will give you 2 grand if you will sit at home today, your answer?
If you will sit at home with 5 friends, I’ll give 2 grand for each of you.
2x6=12 even better if quantity matters

I mean the real questions we should be asking is if it’s worth trying in a tank game for a win and six tickets versus putting in minimal effort and get a loss for two tickets. It seems to me that people flexing don’t care about the outcome of the game as long as they get some passes. It doesn’t matter if they’re idiots or not because in their own mind they don’t see it as a waste of time or a waste at all (probably because they don’t value time as much as most people do). We’ve got to think about the people who aren’t normally in the position of tank/support/flex and are now finding themselves in it. Do they want to try or do they want the ticket? What will satisfy them? Throwing the game for less tickets doesn’t seem to be a punishment. How can we make them try? That’s why I don’t like this system because it requires a lot of work to sift out all the ne’er-do-wells.

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These kinds of players don’t need special reasons to be an awful human beings, it’s their nature.