My rank in comp wont change after winning all 5 matches

well its a starting point and I can at least give advice.

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5th rank update (25 games won) STILL MINIMUM VALUE (0 points) BRONZE 5. At least I get to farm comp points for a golden gun ig :/

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Yeah I just want to know why in bronze I’m vs plat players Like blizz plz I can’t even have a fair chance at the start like ffs :pensive:

You’re going to want to win those gold games. I think it’s testing you, but I could be wrong.

Look at your rank update, there is a percentage of the skill you are in saying when you rank up above the average of that rank. Mine 'you are ranked higher than 92% of players in this division ’ when I was already plat 1 after my first rank update and stayed in plat 1. Meaning when I am ranked higher than the remaining 8% of plat 1 I’ll rank up to diamond 5.