IMPORTANT NOTICE! Original Valiant, Shock, and Mayhem Overwatch League skins will no longer be purchasable after January 15th!

Hey everyone, I received confirmation that the original skins for The Los Angeles Valiant, The San Francisco Shock, and the Florida Mayhem will no longer be available for purchase with Overwatch League tokens after January 15th.

As many of you know by now each of these three teams will be getting all new team colors and all new skins starting in the 2020 season. It sounds like you will have to acquire these new skins separately. See the following tweets:

Overwatch League tokens are available to purchase from your local platform store. There is also a current promotion right now to get additional tokens in the two larger token tier packages, allowing you to get up to 3,100 tokens for $99.99 USD (originally 2,600 tokens). (This promotion has expired.)

If I get any more information regarding this I’ll be sure to let you know. But I do anticipate that any new heroes released after January 15th will not have the older skins available to collect. Thanks for hearing me out everyone. I look forward to seeing you all in my match discussion threads, when the 2020 Overwatch League season begins.

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Thanks for the heads up as always! That’s gonna be expensive :frowning:

So you’re saying I can no longer get Mcdonalds skins in a week? Oh no what will I do with my life :joy:

All fun Im joking, the redesign color schemes look awesome

ah, how i regretted “wasting” 100 tokens on “home depot 76” for the memes. so glad i did it now, or i would never have the chance

That is correct, You won’t even be able to spend tokens on them to get them after January 15th. Honestly I’m not too much of a fan about that…


Friendly reminder, that only five days remain to scoop up these skins.

Here are the links for anyone still needing to purchase OWL tokens. Remember the are no live streaming opportunities at this time to earn tokens.

Battle.Net Shop (PC) - PlayStation Store (PlayStation 4) - Microsoft Store (Xbox One)

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Hey everyone, this is a follow-up remidner that we are less than two days away from these skins going away forever.

Tokens are still on sale! Here are the links for anyone still needing to purchase OWL tokens. Remember the is no live streaming opportunities at this time to earn tokens.

Battle.Net Shop (PC) - PlayStation Store (PlayStation 4) - Microsoft Store (Xbox One)

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Oh, don’t you worry my friend, I made sure to get that nice McDonald’s Bastion lol. I’m excited to see all the heroes in new colors!

I have the only important mc’d skin.


Friendly reminder everyone! These skins close out tonight!

Not a fan either.
