Genji's pick rate in a tank meta proves he's OP

Blizzard just won’t nerf him because he’s popular. He’s not balanced.


I’d also hesitate to take Blizzard’s claims as absolute fact, either. They have been wrong before, I’d argue often even. We’ve also seen clear biases over time, sometimes subtle, like not really getting how a character works and why certain things are essential to them functioning, and sometimes less subtle, deliberately controlling who is viable based on what they prefer to watch/how much work it takes.

They’re clearly happy with Genji’s kit, and while he’s not immune to getting nerfed, as we’ve seen with other favourites like Ana, it’s also unlikely. They would rather shape the game around heroes like Genji, than put in the work to allow heroes to stand on their own.

that moment when widowmaker is picked more than genji on grandmaster which proves op’s point wrong

also the reason why genji has high pickrate this meta is because of tanks feeding his blade and ana being meta

nano blade depending on what type of goats it is, works quite well

Probably because people don’t care anymore and just want to have fun with the game. Tank meta ISNT FUN. Goats isn’t fun. Flying around as a cyborg ninja who yells angry Japanese is fun.

Did you watch contenders? Goats was rarely used. Because it’s just not fun. People ran Widow, Pharah, Tracer, Genji and such because it’s fun. If pickrate PROVES a character is broken, then nerf Rein. He’s the most picked main tank at the moment.

Pickrate alone doesn’t prove that a character is overpowered, no, but it does prove that the game is imbalanced in one way or another. People don’t just pick characters for fun when money is on the line, they pick what they perceive to give them the best chance to win. This goes for ranked to a lesser degree, becoming more serious the higher the stakes become.

Reinhardt being one of the most picked tanks throughout most of the life of Overwatch could mean he’s overpowered, but it likely has to do with just how strong his barrier is combined with a powerful combo ultimate. Prior to Orisa, we didn’t have comparable barriers and her barrier is smaller and weaker(though quickier to replenish), and even now Rein has one of the strongest ultimates in the game. The more lethal mid and long ranged characters are, the stronger barriers need to be to compete.

Yeah, but there’s Genji 1 trick on the developer team - as Jeff Kaplan has said many times - so there’s probably always someone advocating for Genji to be strong whenever they discuss balance.

I’m absolutely certain you’re trolling at this point.

That’s sort of the point… Genji is too strong in every meta. He doesn’t have any weaknesses.

It is pretty ridiculous that Genji is picked so often in this meta when he’s supposed to be weak against tanks…


all these people say characters like genji are “broken” but never have any ideas on how to fix him. I bet they don’t even play him.

What are you talking about? I constantly post my suggestions to fix him:

  • .5 second cast time on deflect; and
  • no deflect during Dragonblade

that’s yours i never see those ideas

Then what’s your excuse for Widowmaker being used over Genji during dive meta?

Not only should Genji be a perfect fit in dive meta with his mobility to back up the Winston/D.Va and the Tracer but Widowmaker should be weak against dive heroes, despite this Genji was a third place pick and Widowmaker found a spot in the Top 2, which is the magic number for a 2-2-2 meta.

Why? If you’re not capable of predicting Genji’s deflect but he’s capable of predicting your action and investing his cooldown ability accordingly he should be rewarded?

If he’s deflecting during Dragonblade he’s already wasting it’s limited time.

They might not completely kill the character but they’d be incredibly unnecessary nerfs considering he’s already balanced.

No he doesn’t need a nerf we should just make a genji counter Comp
Moria brig as healers
Roadhog zarya tanks
Mccree and a good sym
Boom countered :joy:

Genji would farm up ultimate from a distance every minute against that comp, and then kill the Brig/Sym/McCree.

So instead of that comp run the Cree comp.

It’s GOATS but you substitute D.Va for McCree.

Playing Genji into that is hell.

Good luck convincing all five teammates to swap in matchmaking.

We don’t currently perceive Genji to be a balance problem.


Wish you could say the same about Widowmaker.