The genji Patchnotes Don't exist to mutch?

I don’t mean this to be a YES JUST BUFF HIM! I want this to be more of a why has genji been ignored in the patch notes There Has only been nerfs and I don’t mind that but now there are like 15 hard counters and I thought this game was skilled based not hero based So again I sort of don’t mind that the main point is about the bugs with genji E.G. Dash hitboxes I can dash through behind a hanzo but if he shots infront of him just a tiny bit after i dash i still die :confused: I just want to see him either getting fixes or somthing happening with him because he was ballenced untill the counters to genji got buffed MASSIVLY in the resentist patch Please don’t hate on this its just what i thought about when i was playing genji

wait what genji counters got a massive buff?

Genji is blessed and lucky to remain in the same spot he is in.

if half the roster counters you, it’s not the hero that needs to be better.
It you

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Devs said they dont want to touch Genji, hench no Genji changes.

And if they ever did, they’d probably nerf him, not buff him.

It’s not really a problem.

Don’t live life on the edge. Dash earlier.

Most important thing about fixing Genji is wall climb/ghost swing and some rare deflect inconsistency. Dash is not an issue.