Patch 1.34 [Speculation Time]

What do you guys think we’re going to see in 1.34

While 1.33 changed a fundamental interaction with health, we haven’t exactly seen or got any hints toward potential balance changes.

Just about the only thing we know is Genji is probably not up for a change this patch.

OWL saw some decent hero variety but was largely dominated by a much smaller hero pool. We could assume they might try to knock some power off the dominant characters?

How close do we think they are to releasing the mysterious social feature that’s been pushed back several times?

It’s possible the spectate feature for the OWL is in focus, maybe we’ll get see that?

Based on historical data - Hero 30 might be revealed next week and be in the 1.34 patch.

It’s possible they are working on secret stuff and the patch will be relatively slim on the balance changes and content but I think it’s fun to speculate.

What do you guys think we’ll see and what do you hope we’ll see?

Reaper gets a 20% speed boost with 75% life steal.
Brig’s rally duration reduced (obligatory nerf obviously).


Zarya damage nerf.

Even in qp people are making jokes about her being the 3rd best dps in the game. Plus it will undermine Goats.

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We’ll probably get that change to tick weapon damage on armor that Goodman mentioned.

Maybe even the updated communications wheel.


Funny because nobody sees lucio as the problem of goats. No matter what you run as tanks, lucio+brig is always there. If they want to kill it? Lucio needs a nerf before anyone else. It’d be idea if they introduced a new character to counter lucio’s speed

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That guy just hates tanks. 90% of his posts are about it.

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I just hate how tanks are right now. They need to be adjusted a little. And only some of them.

Yeah, but you keep making new topics that are all about the same thing and it’s kind of annoying.

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If it helps, I’m not planning on making any more unless the situation changes or something.

They weren’t the same anyway. A post about Rein and Zarya being obligatory on ladder is not the same as a post about DPS not really offering any unique advantages to offset their fragility.


  • Lower the coffin into the ground.

was that at all a surprise…?

probably a nerf to brig and probably to some other heroes in goats.

Nerf Lucio and Zenyatta

great post. I think the next dev update will be a good one.

  • Stopped beating Brigitte’s corpse and gave her a proper burial.

I could see them nerfing Zarya.

there is a chance she will be left alone in 1.34 just because the armour/shield changes have gone through and they might want to let those settle before they change her further.

I don’t think they’d straight up nerf her damage, I wouldn’t be surprised if they tuned back her energy gain per barrier or made her degenerate energy faster.

I think there are also some other options with her they might consider such as increasing the CD on allied barrier.

They’re probably nerfing lucio and zarya.

And reaper. Sorry reaper mains.

Potential maybes are buffing junk, and nerfing rein and ana, but I doubt it.

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Honestly I think just capping her maximum charge damage at 70% of current or whatever is the most sensible nerf and would do the least damage to her out of Goats and in lower rank.

I really don’t want to ruin her, just make her not a better DPS than DPS and shut down or at least weaken Goats.

When the tick weapon changes go through, she will probably get a damage buff vs armor.

Symmetra is not buffed cause Blizz wants us to forget her

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Who is Symmetra? :thinking: