For the last month, Genji’s got a higher pick rate at GM than Sombra, Reaper, Torbjorn, Doomfist, Symmetra, Pharah, Soldier 76, Junkrat, and Bastion COMBINED
If Genji should be bad in any meta, it’s a tank heavy meta. But he’s thriving in it. This is the worst possible meta for Genji, and he’s still the strongest dps.
When is Blizzard finally going to admit Genji is overtuned and needs a nerf?
The meta isn’t consistently played until GM. So yeah, hopefully DPS are still being picked everywhere else. I’m in diamond and 2/2/2 is still the thing.
Also, pick rates don’t mean too much unless they lean to extremes.
When those heroes are used on both sides of any given game, one side has to win and the other has to lose, this brings the overall winrate of those heroes down.
There’s a reason during the height of moth meta Mercy had a 50-52% winrate while having a pickrate that eclipsed almost every other hero in the game.
Hell, there’s a 0.01% difference in the pickrates of Genji and Widowmaker, with a 0.39% difference in winrates. Seriously, one of the DPS has to be at the top, complaining about a hero purely because they happen to be at the top by a very slim margin is nonsensical.
so that would mean that Reinhardt is the most overpowered hero in the game seing that he has held a higher pickrate and winrate for a much longer time then?
pickrates mean nothing without context, and they mean especially less on the ladder where no actual competitive rules are enforced, and you can actively play against winning with no consequence
You realize Genji is still played to this day only because he’s mechanically fun? He’s not even strong lol. He could be dogsh*t but still have the highest pickrate because he’s literally fun.