Genji's pick rate in a tank meta proves he's OP

That says more about those heroes being terrible, rather than Genji being too good. He’s the most picked DPS in a meta where DPS are terrible. Being the best of the worst doesn’t mean anything. He’s also not a statistical outlier in the DPS category. If we’re talking all ranks, he’s closely followed by Reaper, McCree, Ashe, Hanzo, and Widowmaker. Widowmaker actually outperforms him in GM, having both a higher pick rate and a higher win rate.

If he was an outlier and was blatantly overperforming compared to other DPS than you’d have an argument, but he’s not.

I wouldn’t say thriving, tbh. Nanoblade is all he really has going for him. Even then, nanoblade doesn’t stand a chance against GOATS. Nanoblade is only strong against 2/2/2 comps.

Hopefully never, because he’s not actually OP. The last time they addressed him, Jeff said that Genji is not on their radar as a potential balance issue. The forums should get over it, accept that Blizzard doesn’t agree with Genji being OP, and either accept that fact or quit the game. Coming on here and seeing 3 or 4 posts whining about Genji everyday gets old after awhile.


That’s disingenuous. The GOATS crew have a lower winrate than Genji because you have to run counter GOATS to beat GOATS and if those heroes are on both teams winrate and lose rate aren’t as powerful indicators as pick rate overall. But what do I know? I never successfully countered GOATS lol. Goodbye plat.


I wonder if it has anything to do with that support with Nano?
Yea, the one that has 3.5x the pickrate Genji has?

Capt, I could’ve sworn you were whining about it the other day. Funny how you just conveniently forgot about it on this post.

It’s almost as if… you have to pull things out of your rear to make a point that still isn’t valid.
That’s why you ignored replies that disagreed with you in the last post.

Presenting only half the evidence, because the other half doesn’t abide by your agenda, is both pernicious and dishonest.


Goats doesn’t get played in plat.


It did season 13 when I fell into gold losing to it.

Widow has a higher pickrate than Genji in Gm in a tank meta. Maybe this means …oh idk… but maybe… just maybe…

Goats isn’t always played

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I don’t think your plat experience was typical.

And secondary fire shiruken…Nanoblade and secondary fire shuriken, that is it.

And dash…Nanoblade, secondary Fire shuriken and dash, that’s it.

And deflect…Nanoblade, secondary fire shuriken, dash, and deflect, that’s it.

And double jump…Nanoblade, secondary fire shuriken, dash, deflect, and double jump, that is it.

And dash reset on all deaths, including assists. Nanoblade, secondary fire shuriken, dash, deflect, double jump, dash reset on all deaths including assists, that’s it.

Outside of that, what has Genji ever done?


I remember when there was a DPS character that if played correctly could destroy genji. But his big hit box and loud punchy sounds where to much to handle so they gave him a paper mache glove.

Nanoblade is OP, Genji isn’t. At least he isn’t OP under the circumstances of everything else in the game (high burst healing + CC + tanks being popular).

Doomfist was good against non mobile heroes much more than against mobile characters.

Thats cause goats isn’t meta anymore?

Genji is generally strong for his very forgiving kit and high mobility. Dash reset on assist is just one of those many things. Him and Tracer have been very much constant from the beginning to now because Blizzard refuse to apply their “balance philosophy” of nerfing things down to the common denominator… to those two characters (Tracer and Genji.)


I thought everyone was saying how OP Mcrightclick was?

What happened to suddenly silence this train of thought?

To perform a 1-shot combo as Genji outside Dragonblade, you have to:

  1. Dash at someones feet or at perfect dash range.
  2. Hit headshots with shruikens- or else you miss the 1-shot.
  3. Melee cancel to kill.

Performing that combo is tough ingame. Really tough.


People realized he was still garbage.

Why does it matter if it’s hard to do? The rest of his kit is super forgiving.


Forgiving? Can you explain how? Seeing as Flash, Bash and Hack as well as Zarya beam and Moira grasp ignore deflect and to dash away he needs to confirm the kill? And shruikens aren’t free spam either. Up close, you need to hit all 3 of a fan to do meaningful dmg.

this right here :drooling_face::drooling_face:

Difficulty definitely matters. Do you remember how irritated people were when we were asking for McCree buffs, and they said no becuase Pine could left click everyone into oblivion? Like, I could argue that Reaper can oneshot people. Who cares if he has to be in your face and barrel-stuffing? He CAN oneclick over half the roster, and 2 tap tanks. So nerf Reaper?

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Imagine wanting a dps nerfed because he’s the second best option in a all tank support meta only because another Support synergizes well with him. Guess i have to break it to you guys Genji is balanced get over it and get over the fact that you got outplayed by player that’s better than you or get gud or don’t and just run 3 tanks and 3 support and press w+m1. These are your options cause Blizzard isn’t going to nerf a balanced character.