Tracer and Genji stay trash?

Torb buff: Has never been a Genji and Tracer counter.

Torb is a brutal Tracer counter. She typically can’t do anything until her long-range allies take out the turret. Torb is no problem for Genji, however.

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I main Genji, and he is fine right now! The devs even said Genji wasn’t on their radar in terms of unbalanced-ness. Leave him alone PLEASE!!!

You not Genji main. You just play on him in QP and few minutes in competitive. You Moira main dude.

I been played against smurf from 4400, he was on Genji, I - McCree and he could not kill me.

What makes you think he was, specifically, a 4400 smurf? Are you a smurf? Did this happen on a different account?

This just my enother acc.

He killed all my team on Widow and in the end took Genji, I - McCree for counter him. He was dead all time when I flash him, he didn’t kill me on McCree. Then I asked his about main acc.

Because he underpowered

That would be a balance problem.

No, he not problem cuz he weak. No power - no problems.

Underpowered is a balance problem.

Mei freeze is only good for cleave, and was never good for single target dps

Torb is… eh

Sombra’s only buff was to her hack being reduced on healing packs…

McCree got a nerf to right-click damage, and his ult is unchanged for <=250 HP heroes

Moira’s only buff was to her healing, which is ineffective against burst

and Brigitte can’t kill Tracer by herself anymore, unless she’s already taken damage

This problem only for underpowered hero but Jeff talk about game balance, generally

She can oneshot Tracer, freeze Genji and escape.

What? Torb is pretty good counter to Tracer and now will good counter for Genji with 250hp.

buff McCree - more McCree in ranked - more flashes.

Same as McCree, More heal, more Moiras - more counter.

Same, but now she can more and more hacks, by very brain dead ability btw

You answered yourself:

In generally!

He specifically said he does not believe Genji to not be a current balance problem.

Arguably, Genji and Tracer are just as equally brain dead…

considering they rely on burst damage and don’t like to be in fights for too long, using every button mash they can think of to get away or kill their target

Which account is your main?

Brig is not OP anymore. Please stop spreading false information.

Please stop spreading false information.

300lvl or you mean SR? For what this information?

You, a low Diamond player, wrecked a 4400 rated Genji player with McCree… oooookay. :roll_eyes:

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I mean, genji has the highest pick rate of any offence character in the game and has the 3rd highest win rate. how is that trash?

Tracers pick rate and win rate is pretty much middle of the pack for offence characters

Her winrate is atrocious. At Diamond and below she’s in the bottom 3 of ALL characters and only gets into the bottom 6th and 7th in Masters and GM.

She is basically unplayable by people in their rank at the moment and is an almost guaranteed loss compared to almost any other DPS.