Deflect vs Shield Bash

Good meme, but i was talking about the skill itself.
I understand the confusion, but you cant kick a dead horse even more. Stop adding nerfs to Shield Bash, they are absolutely not needed. Specially when in this case it “buffs” Deflect too.

~41% to ~21%, close enough.

Tracer had ~62% usage rate.

Once those heroes were balanced Brigitte was able to take the spotlight and power GOATS. What you’re saying is the equivalent of saying “After Ana was buffed she didn’t magically create the triple tank meta” as that didn’t become a thing until a few months after her buffs.

I’m trying to follow this thread but I’m cracking up at the thought of Brig needing nerfs because of her pickrate and shield bash damage :joy:

2% and 5 damage. Soo scary lmao

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pls provide sources when dropping numbers.

Remind me, how were Widow and hanzo balanced to allow brig to power goats?[]=86&specificMatchupTeam1=0&specificMatchupTeam2=0&team[]=&map[]=&roundtype[]=

It shouldn’t be hard to understand, when the most powerful comp gets weaker, another comp can take it’s place. Just because it took slightly longer for teams to pick up on 3-3 doesn’t mean it’s any less of an issue.

Brigitte, Zenyatta, Lucio and Zarya should be getting nerfs (or more nerfs in Brigitte’s case) to balance it.

Deflect even blocks melee damage, Brigitte is not exactly hard to deal with after all the nerfs, Genji can already outplay her with all of his other abilities.

That is not hard to understand at all. Thats not what I asked tho.
You claim Widow and Hanzo were balanced out and that allowed Brig to power Goats. I honestly dont remember how exactly were Widow and Hanzo balanced to allow Brig to rise to the top?

Genji can block her melee weapon. He can’t block rein charge, so he can’t block brig. He can deflect bash if mace can finally smack him

I’m okay with a buff to Genji, if you are okay with making him skill-based and fixing his hitbox-bugs/issues. :blush:

Does that sound fair to you?

Broken dash-interactions

gfycat. com/GroundedEcstaticIberianchiffchaff

gfycat. com/AlienatedWastefulKakapo

gfycat. com/FondLegalAfricanrockpython

Broken blade-interactions

gfycat. com/ColorfulTinyGlassfrog

gfycat. com/TenseWarlikeIberianchiffchaff

gfycat. com/BaggyFastFrigatebird

The Hanzo nerfs were a factor in the meta shifting back towards dive if I remember correctly, the GOATS meta as a whole can be attributed to the ‘GOATS’ team’s run through losers bracket in BEAT. It probably still would have been just as strong during full power double sniper considering the fact that it was played into it to great effect.

Brigitte may not have instantly created GOATS but once teams worked it out it’s become one of the strongest comps in the game, not possible without Brigitte.

I assure you every Genji player in the world would be contempt with trading a buff for the removal of these considering the fact they’re not beneficial in the slightest.

It’d be like trading a single millisecond of sleep time from Ana’s sleep dart and in return giving her an actual buff, the times where that millisecond of sleep is remotely useful are so rare, especially in comparison to the time an actual hero buff would help.

That being said removing these is probably a bad idea given Blizzard’s track record with causing abilities to become far more inconsistent than they should be with hitbox reductions. (Deflect, Rocket Punch, Seismic Slam, etc.) Knowing them all removing these literal nonissues would result in is a plethora of dash and blade noregs even when swinging at a target right infront of you.

I really don’t get why you’re so obsessed with these interactions.


I lol’d.

Good meme, Genji OTP, good meme.

I literally just explained why… But sure, ignore that.

Everytime Blizzard has reduced a hitbox in this game it’s caused noregs and inconsistencies even when the ability is being used on someone head on.

You can pretend and claim I’m an OTP as much as you want, it won’t suddenly become true.

I’ll quote the Lord himself:

So buffing Deflect is a no-no.

prnt. sc/mmpeox

:open_mouth: How dare someone pick the hero they have the most fun playing!

Having a most played hero doesn’t make you a onetrick.

Maybe it has something to do with GOATS still dominating like 80% of the meta in OWL? I mean, it’s still seen quite a bit in regular comp games, used to see Genji’s all the time, I only see them on occasion now and it’s usually one tricks who refuse to play anything else.

How does his deflect even stop brigs mace.

It’s scary how many likes this has, I’m so glad that you guys aren’t devs lol.

Deflect is perfectly balanced
Source: Jeff

How about no? Niet? Nein nein nein? If anything nerf that bloody thing so it doesn’t deflect everything, including energy balls and bad puns. I swear Genji is the most annoying prick in the world to play against, simply because he has a bloated kit that does way too much with way too little down-side to him.