After defending Doomfist for the past month

i have to apologize for the “counter him” response that I’ve been giving y’all. I’ve been playing as Sigma lately and he’s been giving me nothing but hell and my teammates are afraid to approach him. It’s like he has the entire community shook whenever he appears. I don’t want him to be nerfed but we need to find a effective way to stop him from destroying this game.


And Doomfist campaigned hard until his only real counter was nerfed. So he’s gonna get a nerf and they have only themselves to blame.

He was already on the edge of unacceptable before that happened.


You can’t be seriously blaming Doomfist players for sombra nerfs :joy:


They were absolutely one of the loudest groups that called for it as far as the streamer and GM end.

It was league too though. It wasn’t all on them.


Doomfist is destroying this game? Did we end up traveling back in time? The EXACT same thing was said last year when Goats started being played.

He is NOT responsible for this horrific Meta! Neither was he last year.
Double Shield, just like GOATS, is a disease and Doomfist is just a symptom of it.
Nerf Double Shields and you’ll see Doomfist fading from the stage.




It’s easy to find a LOT of threads of people asking for or who were happy with the sombra changes.

Ones posted by Doomfist were few and far between.

And I’m hardly “cherry picking” here. I just sorted by topics and went from top down.

I can post more if you’d like. Soooooo many for.

In fact- find me any by a Doomfist main, and for every ONE you find, I’ll post 5 by people who don’t. Genuine offer

It absolutely 110% wasn’t “cuz Doomfist players”, nor were they the loudest. Doomfist mains are relatively rare around the forums as it is- there’s only a dozen or so of us who even post regularly.

I get that you loathe Doomfist. But come on.


Double Shield comps= Doomfist because hitscan are terrible against double barriers.

How you can fix doomfist with no nerfs??

Reallly “buff the counter to stop a problem” is not the solution.

Multiple of those examples were Doomfist players though? And like I said, league played its part too. People saw her getting used there against GOATs and lost their marbles.

Also one of your examples isn’t even someone that actually wanted her nerfed. They were just tired of whining

The majority of complaints were by Doomfist, Genji, Lucio, and Wrecking Ball players. Which isn’t surprising. But this thread was about Doomfist, who was also the least deserving of complaining.



Which is why I’m calling you out on your obviously dubious assertion that it was Doomfist players who “campaigned” super hard to get her nerfed.

They weren’t.

We’re there some? Of course- Sure.

But they were hardly the majority or driving force behind it. At all.

You could get every Doomfist main on these forums to have made a thread, and they’d have been a drop in the bucket compared to people talking about sombra at the time.


I have to admit that I checked your activity in the past weeks to see if you were talking the truth :joy:…man I have to believe more in the people :sweat:

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Nothing dubious about it. I never said they were the largest groups. I said they were loud. Never heard of the vocal minorities?

Even when trying to link a group of non Doomfist players to prove your point, you included multiple Doomfist players. Because they were loud as heck dude. You didn’t even successfully exclude them when you tried.

It’s not like it’s special to Sombra that people who play heroes they counter are some of the loudest for their nerfs. But this thread was about Doomfist, so they get the spotlight. On top of it, they were some of the least deserving to complain. Doomfist was obviously on a hair’s edge of acceptable, so the last thing they needed for their hero to avoid a target on their back was their best counter nerfed.

If you don’t find any poetic justice to Doomfist getting the heat now, that’s fine. But nothing dubious about the claim they were loud complainers.


Ever watched “getquakedon” this guy complains about sombra as well as Ana sleeps just because he got outplayed and cries for nerfs.

Except for its lack of accuracy.

That’s just it, they weren’t loud. They were a fraction of the complaints overall.

None of the threads linked were started were by Doomfist mains. Did some have some play time on him? Sure. But none of them were what I would call “Doomfist players”

Did some of them have Doomfist players IN them?


Were they by any means the loudest group however?


Nothing surprises me when it comes to this forum and Doomfist.

except for the part where it’s wrong.

There was no one particular group who was loud. A LOT of players from a lot of back grounds complained. No one in particular dwarfed the other. No one in particular stood out.

Doomfist players stood out to you because of your vehement bias again him.

Which is cool

But they absolutely weren’t particularly loud compared to anyone else.

And certainly not to the point that saying “they campaigned” is anything but, dubious.


Doomfist is very oppressive…TOO oppressive and everyone agrees 100% unless your a doom player.




What’s your point?

I never said Doomfist players didn’t complain at all ever.

It’s not impossible to find some who did.

I’m saying it so not “DoOm FiSts FaUlT” that sombra got nerfed- nor were they particularly “loud@ in comparison to any other group.

A LOT of players from a LOT of backgrounds and play styles complained about sombra. Doomfist players by no means stuck out” to anyone who doesn’t vehemently hate them already

Just got an idea. If two tanks with 900+ shields play together, their shields would take longer to come back up. So Orisa would have a longer cooldown on her shield and Sigma/Reinhardt would take longer for their shields to regenerate.

Doomfist player =/= Doomfist main. Different terms for a reason.

Of the 6 people who actually genuinely wanted Sombra nerfed, 2 of them played Doomfist. That was 1/3rd of your sample. That’s a significant portion. You could not even keep them out of 1/3rd of your group when you tried.

How is that not a loud minority voice?

And I don’t hate Doomfist. I think he’s overtuned not OP. And I don’t want to see him nerfed to the ground. They were simply a quite vocal group. Even your own counter evidence points to that.

They were definitely the loudest of the bunch to complain about sombra right next to Hammond mains

My offer stand for you too.

Find me a thread by those pesky Doomfists.

For everyone one you do I’ll link you 5 that don’t