Nerf Sombra, too OP

Though i hate Doomfist, Sombra is just on another level.
Her entire kit is so strong, especially her hack.
It literally takes 0.65s to disable the enemy completely for 6s. Not only is their entire kit disabled, also all the passives just stop working:
Genji cant Double jump or Wall climb. Lucio cant wallride or speedboost/heal. Pharah can’t fly etc.
And I didn’t even mention her other abilities,
-Her E let’s her escape out of any situation to any place on the map.
-Her Shift makes her invisable so she can sneak to any place on the map.
-And her Ult is a guaranteed win for her team.

She is soooo annoying, i hate DF as well but please just nerf sombra.

They can’t nerf the statistically worst hero in the game.


These are the forums… Your common sense has no power here.


She’s fine - A Baptiste, Doomfist, Wrecking Ball and Zenyatta player.

Nerf Sombra, then you need to address those other heroes such as Hammond, Doomfist etc.

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