Sombra: I was right all along- nerfs needed

Someone took sombra and made a game in the work shop. It’s all over gaming news on how Super OP broke Sombra is at the moment.

Her emp radius is bigger than a dva bomb. Her hack doesn’t even need LOS

EMP and hack both need nerfs!


So someone changed some rules in a workshop game… Why does that make Sombra “super overpowered”?

By the way took me 2 seconds to look up bomb and Sombra EMP range. Incase if you’re wondering, you’re wrong.


i mean… it’s not the worst exaggeration i’ve ever seen

but hey it’s the forums

where people think dva isn’t a tank anymore because they sit in the choke and hold m2 and call that tanking


Her hack needs los tho and her emp radius is smaller then dva’s bomb.


Press X to doubt.

Seriously, can you even read win rates?

But if you want to convince blizzard to rebalance the hero to have average win rates don’t let us stop you :slight_smile:

You just may be surprised at the “nerfs”


Hack doesnt need LOS and emp have bbigger radius than dva bomb. Sombra isnt OP, you have been seduced by lies

I think they buffed mccree to sombra’s level.
Get there.

this is how delusional sombra haters are


Since when has hack not needed LoS?

Is this like the “Oh no someone visualized McCree’s flashbang, nerf him to the ground” all over again?


I still see no evidence that EMP’s radius is bigger than Dva bomb’s damage radius, and yes, hack needs LOS…

Wtf is up with these lies? Some people are blinded by hate. God damn.


I could be a total smart aleck and say,

Git Gud

But I won’t.

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Let them!!!
Let them be like this…
Get them to beg blizzard for a Sombra rebalance.
Let blizzard rebalance her…

Watch the horror in their eyes as they realize what a Sombra rebalance would look like.

I’m sick of people not understanding what is coming, it is time they got an average win rate Sombra both barrels to the face.

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I legit thought this post was satire. O_o am I wrong to not take it seriously???


Literally less than a minute in google to learn that there are only three articles that come up related to Sombra being OP and they’re all from the same website posted within the last week. Not only that, but D.Va bomb has a larger radius than EMP according to the Overwatch wiki.

I know this was bait, but I actually really like Sombra and I don’t want to see more people pretending that she’s OP.

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You will be wrong if you did took this seriously.

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Nooooo let’s take it seriously!!!

Let’s have the rebalance. They are begging for it…

Can you guys pls stop?
This meme is getting pretty old.

If you’re not pro/dev pls dont talk about how to balance this game :slight_smile:

based on blizzards rebalancing changes in the past, I would have to past on this idea honestly.

They messed up the rework.

The rebalances work. It is the reworks that are hit or miss.

Oh I’m so ready to see this in action.

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I honestly don’t know.