As a GM/t500 Sombra One Trick, I want EMP nerfed

I have close to 1000 hrs on Sombra, peak 4443, and I’m really tired of EMP being her win condition. I have all the cool Sombra tricks down, and can do some pretty crazy stuff with her base kit, but why should I need to? In higher ranks of gameplay anyone can get away with playing Sombra just by farming EMP. I hate it. Why should I try to pull of some insane hack or go for some smart play, when I can just spam their tanks for EMP, which is a much easier and more reliable way to win?

I love EMP, just like I loved mass Rez back in the old days, but it really does take too much to try to counter. I’ve never been one to farm EMP all game, but I despise how that’s still her optimal playstyle


As a sombra main I feel exactly the same
It s not fun to be an emp bot

When I am playing sombra it s just better for me to just shoot at the tanks to farm emp faster
but this playstyle is boring

I want a nerf on emp size just a small emp for close ennemy
and a buff on the rest of her kit

  • she stops talking everytime she do something ennemy team hear you when you use/put your translocator , when it get destroyed , when you decloack when you go invisible everything she does she has to say somthing but even when she doest ennemy hear voice ( it s a bug , it s really bad since most player dont understand why enemy team seems to know where you are) like when you put your translocator
    a stealth heroes shouldnt anounce every move like that
  • reduce her spread for her to be a decent threat to 200hp heroes outside of zen

The only trick I know is to decloack with out any voice /sound by emoting
I use that against widow


I also dont like how EMP is her strongest ability she has to rely on.
But Sombra overall is not too strong. If you nerf EMP she would need ridicilous buff to her base kit to make up for it.
And at this point you open another can of worms.


As long as she would be a sombra who s not a emp bot with better winrate I would be fine with the change

and I’m a sombra main and Mercy main that loves EMP and loved mass rez. Now what? You should know better than anybody that messing with a kit of a beloved hero is in the end detrimental to that hero no matter how good the intentions.


Yeah that might go for you, but the last time they nerfed EMP in favor of buffs to her regular kit, the community went on a temper tantrum and demanded nerfs, which they got after 2 weeks skipping the PTR leaving her in a broken buggy state for months to come.

With blizzard keeping a promise “To keep a close eye” to her to make sure she ends up in a good spot. Then eventually they came up with the horrible infinite duration patch every Sombra player and their mother was against.

We flooded the forums, reddit, did polls on twitter and Sombra experts were giving interviews on youtube saying how its not a good idea and Geoff went on and pushed it live anyways.

I’m missing any confidence that the community allows her being viable and that blizzard get her right if they attempt another rebalance patch.


Imo, as long as ‘fun to play against’ is a thing, hero changes will never be reasonable or good.
It’s also hilarious how a soft silence which isn’t even that strong is so hated in a game where cc and abilities are also hated :joy::joy:


This is something that we should always keep in mind. I have absolutely 0 trust in the balance team to not completely screw up heroes. I don’t want to bring other heroes into this but they tried all these shifts with at least 3 of my mains and it all backfired.

Besides if they nerf EMP they’ll have to give her stronger midfight which means damage. You think shes hated now? Wait till she appears behind zen with a machine gun.

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it’s almost like if ultimates are too strong and people want to enjoy the base kit of their character more than getting what feels like “cheap wins”

i don’t think emp is the only thing that stands to be nerfed, i think all ultimates needs a bit of a blanket nerfing.


I can see where you’re coming from. Although an ability might be considered “strong”, doesn’t always mean it’s fun to play or use.

I felt the same about mass rez, I was really happy when they changed it, even as someone who played a lot of Mercy. It took a lot of fun out of the game for me being told by my team to hide when I just wanted to play the game.

But sitting behind a wall and rezzing a team wipe after the enemy had used all their ults was pretty damn optimal. :man_shrugging:

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I kind of want to see the forums after they buff her damage.

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  • Suicide rate of Zen mains increased by 300%
  • Forum flooded, “why is Sombra allowed to pop out of stealth and just kill me?”
  • “Great blizzard, you created Tracer 2.0 with invisibility and hack to add insult to injury.”

I still don’t understand how it’s too strong. EMP is still a soft silence. It’s not cheap. It’s an ult like any other ult.

And it doesn’t even win her games unlike other utility ults :woman_shrugging:t5:

That’s entirely subjective. It also wasn’t optimal in every scenario just like only going for six man high noon isn’t .
Fun to play against, often is from people who don’t know what they are talking about. It wasn’t mercy feedback that made valk on release. It was, “now you have to think about Rez” non mercy players.

That worked great


“Great we needed EMP. But now we die faster from her gun”

I mean, most people can ult track. I’m not saying you needed to hide the entire game. But you did need to hide nonetheless.
But this isn’t a Mercy thread so I won’t go on any further about it lol.


what i mean by this is that emp is probably so good because abilities and ultimates are so good in general and have such high power, if you weaken ultimates then you are weakening the emp by proxy.
less reliance on ultimates leads to less usefullness of emp.


Sombra is balanced and fun.
Learn how to play and adapt.


yeah dva players said that about dm 12 nerfs ago. be careful what you wish for. she is a CC based hero that people already want nerfs for. the fact that she cant duel any dps or an A D spamming anna doesnt matter.

that said she does need buffs.

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But that’s the thing

That’s not a mercy problem. It’s a player problem

You don’t have to hide from Mei ult, you can spread out and be ready for bubble

You don’t have to hide from McCree
You can close distance and keep a shield up even as brig

It’s not unfun . It’s strategy. And tbh, something I wish blizzard stopped catering to.

Ah, I get you.

I guess. But people didn’t like when her ult was weaker either. The babies cry over the soft silence in general and in general, base kit utility is constantly being nerfed for dmg and mobility
Look at Zen Lucio and brig
Like, I don’t have any interest in being tracer that makes zen impossible to play.
And I don’t want to be soldier with less mobility and more dmg but hack instead of heal station

Enemy players not looking to play against the soft silence will never be happy with it. No matter the skill or utility in it unless it makes her kit unintuitive.
It’s ridiculous that people complain about her at all

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Good job reading the OP. Did you miss the part about him being in top500 and a sombra main? “Learn to play”. Lmao