Sombra recall /hack needs a nerf

If she is getting damaged she shoudlnt’ be able to recall for at least 3 seconds.


put recall on a 30 second cool down.

Also her hack duration and how long it takes her to hack a target should be nerfed by 1 second.

This character, in the right hands, is OP to the point that she deletes 1/5 of the roster.

Dva,hammond,winston, doom fist, genji, tracer + sombra = deleted.

Tbf… She doesnt ‘‘need’’ any kind of nerfs.

Oh? I thought that every hero is good in the right hands, not just Sombra…

But shes nowhere near to be op.


Of course, wouldn’t have it any other way.

Now all she needs is Recall as one of her abilities and she’ll be good to go. :smirk:

Who is the right hands exactly? Like a couple of people? Because it is definitely not league players or GMs in general, since her stats are still bad. I don’t think a hero needs a nerf because of one person, unless they have some way to laser target that person for a nerf without destroying the hero for everyone else as was the case with the JJonak Zen nerf.

Even if she needs nerfs, your suggestions are just plain bad.

Try again and be sensible this time. Outrageous nerfs are nonstarter.

Dvaismywaifu master of nerf sombra threads.

Seriously though its getting old, stop SPAMMING these threads.

She could have those big clown shoes that honk when you walk in them for a nerf

she’ll have to wait until dva is done wearing them as she keeps saying “nerf this”


Way too much.

No. Hack is balanced.

No, no, no. She is in no way OP. She’s the opposite.

Just stop trying and go practice Sombra if you think she needs nerfs.

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Wow I didn’t know Sombra had the ability recall I thought that was tracers thing.

Anyway nice bait/troll lol

They could make it so whilst running she can randomly fall over