〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

Her stats this week on overbuff: h ttps://www.overbuff.com/heroes, h ttps://www.overbuff.com/heroes/symmetra/trends


26 Jun: 0.82% / 59.37%
25 Jul: 0.79% / 52.39%

So as expected, everyone immediately declared the Shiny New Toy OP, as happens every time anything new is introduced ever. But as we can see, the stats tell a very different story.

Instead of being “more versatile”, it appears Sym 3.0 is still being played in the same niche she has always occupied, but also, she’s doing significantly worse in that niche than Sym 2.0.

On a personal level, I’ve played Sym for 20 hours in comp at the time of posting, and still have to mute chat, as I find I’m still being called a troll pick/told sym is bad on attack.

And I think we all know why this is:

  1. the primary fire is, from a technical viewpoint, garbage.

This concern was noted early during the PTR phase, and has not been addressed since. Specifically, although the potential damage has been increased by 50%, the loss of autolock means that after weapon accuracy is taken into account, the max. dps is 33% lower than old Sym. Working below:

  • max dps of 2.0 primary = 120
  • max dps of 3.0 primary = 180
  • average weapon accuracy of most players = ~45%.

Using Geguri’s weapon accuracy w/Zarya as an upper-bound example (42%, h ttps://www.overbuff.com/players/pc/Geguri/heroes/zarya), we see that even the best players can only reach ~76 dps with Sym 3.0’s beam. And given that the new weapon has to be locked on longer to gain charge, AND has a smaller clip (so she has to spend more time reloading, and Sym has one of the longest reload times in the game btw), the real dps is likely much lower.

A common counterpoint to these facts is that its OK for Syms primary to be low damage unless ur getting unreasonably high weapon accuracy because its a tank/barrier busting ability

And theoretically, I agree; the primary should be a barrier buster. But its not. Y? Because it only reaches a pitiful 12 meters. And what enemy team is going to let a 200 hp hero w virtually no defence stand in almost melee range and just eat their barrier? No one, thats who. Try it and ull be storm arrowed faster than u can even reach lv 2 charge.

Even if u somehow convince urself that its ok for a hero to need another hero, like Rein or Orisa, to protect them whilst they attempt to get value out of the so-called main firing mode of their weapon, that still doesnt work, because in all likelihood the enemy teams dps will break ur barrier faster than Sym will break theirs.** In particular Hanzo, Junkrat and Bastion can all break barriers faster than Sym.**

And as for being a tank buster, the fact that most tanks have armor makes that idea pure fantasy.

Sym’s inability to counter barriers (which she lost when she lost the shield penetrating orbs) is 100% the biggest issue holding her back. Adding more range would be the easiest fix to this issue, as it would allow sym to eat barriers safely whilst also retaining the weaknesses that balance the weapon (hard to hit skinny targets).

  1. Symms turrets have been nerfed

Im going to be quite plain about this, because there seems to be some confusion on this aspect of the rework: the turrets are worse. Here are the full changes that happened to the turrets, and then ill explain y:

  • individual damage increases from 30 --> 50 dps
  • individual slow increased from ~25% ----> ~40%
  • hp increased from 1 to 30
  • field capacity reduced from 6 to 3
  • storage capacity reduced from 6 to 3
  • turrets now throwable, travel at almost same speed as old orbs (12 m/s); can be shot down mid air

This translates to:

  • 17% less max power (3 x 50 = 150, vs 6 x 30 = 180)
  • 50% reduction in coverable area, because they have the same range, but u can only have 3 out now
  • easier deployment
  • slightly sturdier

Overall, the turrets provide a slightly weaker defence in a drastically smaller area, and the only real bonus being that they are easier to manage.

A common criticism of new Sym is that she feels better on attack but worse on defence. This is why.

Personally, I would like to see the turrets each have their range increased from 10 to 16 m, and/or have the number we can keep in storage increased from 3 back to 6.

  1. Syms orbs are the worst weapon of their kind

They have the lowest minimum splash damage in the game, at 12 (same as Zarya), even at maximum charge. They dont arc or bounce, they just travel in a straight line like Pharah rockets. Except pharah rockets travel at 35 m/s, and Sym orbs travel at 20.

When we were told about this rework, we were promised orbs at 30 m/s and w 130 max damage (as opposed to current 120), and that a large percentage of that damage would be splash e.g. 70.

Buffing the orbs in this way would greatly improve Syms damage, and actually make her a viable alternative to the other splash damage heroes like Junkrat and Pharah.

  1. Photon Barrier uptime is far too low

The following graph, provided courtesy Omnic Meta, shows how Sym’s damage blocked has changed since the rework: Rhttps://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Oc9MKDgEkEI/W0yjarewAyI/AAAAAAAAB7E/Gpdytv5uUCIVgaNzEELXMgrs3DIoZkH3QCLcBGAs/s640/blocked.png

Although her damage blocked has increased 45% overall (2600—>3770), Sym 3.0 on average doesn’t block as much damage as her barrier can absorb (5000), whereas Sym 2.0 could block more than 2.5x the health of her original photon barrier. This indicates that, like her gun, although the potential of the barrier is increased, its uptime lets it down. This is likely why players find her ult lacking and non-impactful.

As part of the rework, Sym’s ult cost was increased by 50% (1000—>1500); Reverting this change, or making the damage Sym does charge her ult more would fix this issue.

Other quality of life issues I’ve personally noted whilst playing Sym:

  • Teleporter interaction radius too small
  • Small objects, particularly railings, prevent the teleporter from being placed in vital positions, like high ground.
  • turrets hitboxes so big they often clip onto unintended objects in flight
  • Photon barrier will not deploy unless there is a fair amount of empty space in front of Sym
  • Syms secondary fire emits a blinding glare whilst charging. See the following post for comparisons: http s://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/sym-3-0-a-failure-worse-pickrate-than-2-0-winrate-down-7/162005/1126?u=onelyf1trick-2867
  • in FFA only, Sym barriers delete any other Sym barrier on the map at the time
  • Teleporter sometimes deploys in front of Sym, sometimes underneath. It should ALWAYS deploy underneath u imo.

Something needs to happen soon, or we’re gonna be having another Sym rework next year.

Regarding "bUt PRIvATe prOFIles"

There is a myth going round the community at the moment that because private profiles exist now, we don’t have enough data to make judgements. This is blatantly false, and based on a misunderstanding of statistics.

The justification is that the sample size of public profiles is too low to gt accurate assessments of the community now. However, what this fails to take into account is that Overwatch has 40 MILLION PLAYERS, as of May 2018. Thats 40,000,000.

According to omnic meta (http://www.omnicmeta.com/2018/07/first-look-at-private-profiles-and.html), 16% of the comp community have public profiles.

Whats 16% of 40 mil? 6.4 million. Scientific studies are considered valid with sample sizes of “only” a couple hundred to a couple thousand.

"buT sYM PlaYErs HIDe tHeiR pRoFILEs mORe"

There is no evidence for this, and its an argument that clearly stems from hatred of the Sym community. And even if this were true, and again, we take a lower estimate and say that 1% of the public profile players from above (6.4 mil) are Sym players thats still 64k profiles. And this is an extremely low estimate. The real number is quite likely to be factors higher.

Another fact that blows this idea out of the water is that the default option for profiles is “friends only” (a.k.a. private) anyway, so most players will be hiding their profiles by accident. Even if Sym players were keeping theirs private, so is everyone else, so there is no reason it should affect the data.


Don’t worry, the devs will buff her if they need to or it would be an embarrassment


Awful. Maximum potential of maybe 2 heroes getting through it, teleporting roughly 50 feet before she has to put down another one.

Absolutely useless compared to it’s previous version that got heroes to the front lines extremely quickly and had long use periods. I’ve never missed an in-game feature more.

Her turrets though, I have valid complaints. Most of the time they’re just annoying, but even just being slightly distracted for a second opens up a window for Sym to place a turret near your face and melt a hero or two while your team is advancing.


I do worry tho, because historically the devs have massively neglected Sym.

After her last rework, she clearly still had huge issues, and was left to rot for a year. We had a megathread going 6 months before the rework was announced, with nearly 3k comments (more than the Mercy megathread at the time) and it was NEVER responded to. They even went on record saying Sym was fine before they finally admitted she needed help.

She’s one of the oldest heroes, an original, yet over her long lifetime the devs have never given her a straight buff even once; it has only been reworks or nerfs. Yes, Sym, the epitome of trash tier, has actually been nerfed multiple times.

So I am quite concerned.


I do miss the old tp, and they should really give us the option to put the entry pad in spawn, but I find TP 2.0 much more powerful if you use it as a personal mobility ability.


The only thing wrong with new Sym are her teammates.

If they don’t want to use your teleporter it’s on them. But you aren’t any less capable of a dps than almost any other dps for all intents and purposes.

And of course she’s still being played in a “niche fashion” because fundamentally she is a niche hero, at least when it comes to synergy. I would point out the hard meta slavery that is going on at the moment as well. And also that overbuff stats shouldn’t be used to prop up an argument. But bears do crap in the woods so…


I would point out the hard meta slavery that is going on at the moment as well. And also that overbuff stats shouldn’t be used to prop up an argument

Y tho. They’re objective statistics, and historically, they are good indicators of meta trends. Whenever a hero becomes OP, their pickrate rises dramatically cf. Mercy Meta, Hanzo, Bastion with pre-nerf Ironclad. And likewise, when they become underpowered, they swiftly fall out of favor (Ana).

Meta slavery is real, and thats why this happens. People, on the whole, don’t play what they enjoy, they play what’s good. And SYm is quite clearly just not good enough for them.

And of course she’s still being played in a “niche fashion” because fundamentally she is a niche hero, at least when it comes to synergy.

But that was the complete opposite intention of this rework. The devs specifically stated they wanted to make her more versatile, and considering that supposed to be building on the versatility they were supposed to add with Sym 2.0, there is every reason to expect she shoudl be moving beyond her niche, but she’s just not.

The teleporter was clearly intended to increase Sym’s synergy, particularly with low-mobility heroes. The devs specifically mentioned Ana and Zen as heroes that would benefit from it. And again, that clearly hasn’t happened.


Well they did say they are looking into her primary when Seagull pointed how eventhough her orbs are good, her primary is VERY bad. I forget where it was but it was during a stream with Seagull and the devs.

On that note as well, I hope they address her teleporter cast time and deployment, should at least be 0.2s-0.4s faster, its other use is to also help escape a teamwipe but it takes a while to set up.


I’m not ready to call a twice reworked hero “neglected” while Reaper and Bastion are still in the states they are. Besides, it’s still early.


Nerf her again and call it a buff.


Give Sym’s beam a hitbox the size of Moira’s and it will probably be good. Maybe decrease the charge up time, perhaps 1.5 for each or 1 second from 1->2 and 2 seconds for 2->3.

As a bonus, have the beam visually lock onto the center of your target and bend as you move your crosshair so it visually looks similar to her old beam.

A minor slow debuff when enemies walk through her ult barrier would also be nice.


I’m glad they’re looking at it, but once again I’m disturbed by how much influence the sea bird seemingly has on the game :confused:


Errr, OP? I’m sorry, but what are you talking about? Her pickrates are up all across the board, you know? And her winrate is slightly down, which is normal for a character that was reworked.

Here is an actually relevant page to asses that.



I kind of like the way her primary works now like Zarya. I dont think its hitbox should be like Moiras because well, we’d have a crap ton of “OH SYM HAS A SOFT LOCK NOW, NERF HER” or bla bla like the s*** Moira gets. Plus, Moiras hitbox is slightly bigger is so she can recharge her healing, while Sym is more towards DPS output.

I think its better to increase its range from 10m to like 13m or 14m and reduce the ramp from 2s to 1.6s


Reaper has nearly triple the pickrate of Sym, and has received multiple straight buffs in his life, rarely having been nerfed. He is certainly in a more favourable position than either Bast or Sym.

Also, just because some other heroes are also neglected (Torb and Bast being particulars), doesn’t mean Sym isn’t also. She’s been reworked, but these reworks were not progressively built upon like with Mercy. They have not “kept an eye on her” as they are with Sombra. She just gets crazy changes, regadless of her current position in the meta.

Besides, it’s still early.

We were told this when her new primary hit PTR. We were told this when it was still bad live, and we are still being told this now it is demonstrably bad in comp. How long will it be til its not “too early” to discuss the obvious flaws holding 3.0 Sym back?


You have to remember that Symmetra’s winrate was inflated in Sym 2.0 because of her very low pickrate.


Symm 2.0 was good in ONE niche. Capture Point defense. She was played heavily in her niche and swapped off immediately after. That’s why her winrate stats were so inflated. Symm 3.0 has lots more niches and maps she’s good on, BUT she’s weaker on her previous ONE niche. Symm is better overall now and more balanced as a hero, which is why her winrate has gone down, it’s because she’s being played like a normal hero instead of a gimmick


She actually broke into the 1% pickrate zone which is one of her all-time highs too which is great.


Teleport is pretty damn amazing in LFG, but is useless in solo queue. It needs ALL of your mates to coordinate and go through it. If they do, for all intents and purposes, the team becomes dive.

Let me tell you, few things are more satisfying than teleporting your entire team right up a Widow smurf’s a$$ and having her easy braindead escape denied because nobody expanded their cooldowns to get to her to begin with. And there’s no chance a Widow will destroy the teleport in time with her puny sustained damage.

Don’t pick the new Sym without LFG.


Yup, not to mention that she’s only playable in comp since the 10th or the 11th, so she’s still not very stable both on winrate and pickrate.

Also since we wanna talk about pick and winrates after not even a full week, she has a staggering 61% winrate in gm. Seems lower ranks her winrate fell, higher ranks it went up, makes sense when the hero is more teamwork based now than b4.