〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

When looking at this week via the link you gave, her pickrate is .66%, and her winrate is 58.34%.

This is slightly different than what the main page says for some reason, but STILL confirms my original post: Her pickrate and winrate are still poor, the rework has failed.

EDIT: Nvm, you’re referring to the bottom graph, I thought u were looking at top right corner.

That said, if 1.06% is her true pickrate rn … why are you happy about that? That’s still very bad. And again, her winrate has also lowered to compensate.


58% winrate is poor? Are you drunk?


Her winrate would go up in lower ranks too if people would stop picking her in solo queue. Everyone is so damn used to 1v6 solo carry DPS that a character with a teamwork ceiling just forces the collective brains to go to a halt.

Pick her in LFG and ONLY in LFG.

Also she’s better on attack now. Teleport turns everyone into flankers.


Funny thing is, even looking at her winrate across all ranks, it is still the 2nd highest overall.


…What are you talking about? Her pickrate on PC is at 3,28% in quickplay, and 0,78% in competitive, in which, once again, she just recently was enabled, so that number means not much. What stats are you even lookign at?

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You realise her pickrates are going to seem lower because you literally haven’t been able to play her in competitive till just a few days ago, right?

Yeah. She’s a monster in LFG. Any team, no matter the composition, becomes dive with her teleport.

First off, love your icon! Is it still available for unlocking? Now, regarding your data, I find this Sym a little more challenging, because she has now a kit for both defense and attack, teleport give more mobility but, your teammates DO NOT use teleport for flank. I have literally SPAMMED to death the voice line “Group up with me” (for use teleport and flank enemy team) and nobody give a sh*t, last night I made 4 consecutive POTG with Sym and my teammates endorsement me the shot caller. But this is a teamwork game, Symmetra can not win 1v6. I’m second class citizen so, our “data” doesn’t count. Just my 2 cents. And I love magician Sym so pretty :heart_eyes:

Needs more coordination that most heroes, but mainly, you need to communicate with your team on when youre dropping the tp. Just being silent in chat and using it isnt going to help too much.

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no, look at the graph. the kept the stats fixed on the last value when she was being able to get picked.
so it didn’t drop to 0% on those days, it stayed on whatever the last average was.
it’s still not accurate but it’s not as if its far off

When there’s heroes like Brig with a 56.6% winrate and 3.6% pickrate, yes I do think that is poor.

Sym was meant to become “versatile” with these changes, yet the reality is she’s only being played ever so slightly more, but losing ever so slightly more too. Nothing changed.

Sure her pickrate isnt very high, but to say 58% winrate is poor is just nonsense. There are prob a variety of reasons why her pick rate hasnt really gone up. We are in a sniper meta, many people do not enjoy sym, and unless she is blatantly OP and meta they have no interest in picking her, she requires communication, etc.

Meta trends, the last value for comp, this week on the pickrate graph is 1.07%.

So we’re gonna ignore that private profiles have screwed up stat gathering sites? Okay.


Yup. That’s why she works really well in LFG.

As I’ve said before, nothing ruins a Widow smurf’s day more than a teleport followed by six angry people going through it.

We finally have a teamwork-based weapon against sniper smurfs. And after playing some games on LFG with a Symmetra on our team, I was left very happy with the result.

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Regardless taking one look at her stats shows that her pickrates have increased. She’s still got one of the best winrates in the game. Methinks people are complaining for the sake of complaining.

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Found your problem. Most peoples’ profiles are private now, so Overbuff is even less accurate than it was before.

Overbuff’s data is now complete garbage since they can’t just brute-force scrape the overwatch site for data. You have to set your profile to public in order for them to do so, and most people don’t even know that they have to do that (much less actually do it).

Don’t quote overbuff anymore. We don’t have accurate information about hero rep outside of what people compile about OWL.


Yeah to be honest I don’t think we can really trust the stats anymore, given there’s so much less data.

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They have affected them, thats for sure. Smaller sample size and its prob more skewed towards certain roles, id be willing to bet sym mains are one of the higher groups of people who are using hidden profiles, but its still the best data we got. Its a shame its worse, but what can we do.


private profiles killed overbuff, no reason to check stats anymore, they’re not even remotely accurate, not even on larger scale. Just because you need people with open profile go there and update their accounts on constant basis.