Bye bye overwatch

Honestly, the first time I’ll ever say this:

Git Gud

Take Bastion yourself, I got over bronze doing that.
Take Bastion and change position often, you will go silver pretty fast. There I played my main and now I’m gold. Still not where I wanna be but I already know that blaming others will not help me to reach platinum.

others have been pushing for keeping them the same, the fear of having to relearn a playstyle (or just learn in general) is something that mains dont like

i think op is young

no other explanation

Low level whining did. Whenever a change was made because something “felt bad” I can guarantee the ones higher up were not complaining

are you leaving the game?

I don’t recall a single bastion thread asking for him to stay as is.

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ok bye bye c:

buy a new account if you can’t climb, its pretty easy to get ranked plat or higher.

i do:

  • dont rework bastion, he’s fine how he is
  • leave bastion alone
  • kolorblind saying bastion is fine

why not talk about the other heros btw?

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Sorry, had to do it.

Because I assumed that they were implied.

Links please.

Banana > Potato ?
No really just get better at the game.

do your own research

The burden of proof lies on the claimant.

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That is like people complaining that Brigitte was made to cater to the low ranks.
She was made to counter a meta which never existed at the low ranks.

Hog wasn’t played down there, because they couldn’t hit with the hook. He was a total non event in low ranks, and was something everyone wanted on the other team to charge ults off.

Since even in bronze, no one missed shots on the hog.

you’re the one who engaged about it, using this:

you dont recall? too bad for you, i’m not on these forums to make a forum posting index, if you’re honestly interested in the topic, suit yourself and do the research, eitherway i have no business with your echochamber

Kill Reaper from range with a mid to long range hero.
Bastion is just terrible, he can’t move so you can always land shots on him and peek away. Or Junkrat him.

Hanzo and Pharah are great to deal with both of them.

Fair enough: Allow me.

Meanwhile you’re the one making broad, unfounded claims, such as:

We’re as bad as each other. Have a nice day.

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or you could do a bit more research