Ok, and why are we only getting big fixes that makes Symmetra worse?
When we were first told about the secondary fire changes, we were told it would be 130 damage at 30 meters per second travel speed. Since Pharah can fire her 120 rockets at 35 m/s, this would be more than fair. 20 m/s for 120 damage each is a joke, and its part of what makes Symms orbs the worst weapon of their kind (splash projectile).
Sombra’s 2.0 rework (hack changes, no ult charge from health packs, no hack interrupt cd) actually boosted her to viable status (2% pickrate). The issue was that they then nerfed her without providing any buffs to compensate. If that hadnt happened, she wouldt have needed her 3.0 rework (the current Sombra), which is a failure in its own right.
And yeah thats true about Mercy, ut tbh I would take 11 pointless buffs to Sym over nothing at all, because she needs all the help she can get.
I have fun with Symm too, in case you couldnt guess I actually onetrick her. That doesnt mean she is in a viable state–case in point: 〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%
Symm is one of the least played heroes in this game, and has been since comp began. She is so unpopular you can be banned for playing her, even when you have a winrate as high as 70%. There is no two ways about it: Symm is weak af.
See this thread for more info: 〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%