Symmetra 3.0 has been in full swing for nearly 3 months now with only minor adjustments being made with each subsequent ptr patch. We have seen posts that have compiled her winrate and pick rates from Overbuff. The issue with the data from Overbuff is that the patch where Sym 3.0 went live was the same patch that released private profiles so a lot of Overbuff data is considered invalid.
My question and hope is for the devs to be as transparent as possible with how the rework is performing in competitive and what their hopes are for the character in the future. Currently she is still seen as a troll pick by the majority of the community ,and while she is indeed less niche, she has almost no situation where she is needed to counter another hero.
I’d love to see the stats and see if her overall pick or win rate has improved, especially after the first month or so. You’ve got to account for people picking her to check her out and all that, and all things that are new are shiny.
I used to think that her only use would be in pro teams, but I saw two pro teams try and use Sym to get past a choke with a clearly practiced deployment and they were shut down so hard they switched after two or three tries. If even the pro players can’t make Symmetra worth playing, I’m not sure who can.
Dev’s also said they’d see how increasing her beam played out. That it had huge potential but the range and slow charge time was an issue. Is she in a good spot or not?
Do you happen to have a link to those games? I wouldn’t mind watching them!
Yeah if pros can’t make her work then something is definitely off. The amount of teamwork and coordination needed to perform her tp strats (using her kit to its fullest potential) is ridiculous compare to every other DPS character.
I’m sorry I don’t =/ It was pretty recent, and one of them was on Hanamura attack - I’m not super familiar with all of the terminology for everything so I call it all ‘OWL’, but I’m pretty sure that it was a placement match to see who would go on to OWL. The other one was on Eichenvald. I just remember being REALLY excited when I saw them pick her because I’d been trying to convince myself there was just something about working with your team that would give her this great benefit I wasn’t able to achieve in SoloQ.
Well, two very badly failed pushes later and they switched off of her, it was like less than a minute of gameplay with her because they just couldn’t keep the TP alive long enough to get anyone through it. The enemy team destroyed it as soon as it began deploying, let alone actually being used.
Edit: I’m pretty sure that they were international teams, I was just watching the livestream and it was like a lot of Norway and Sweden and all that when the announcers were talking.
Hmmm, you know I want to say I followed the link from the blizzard app that day when I watched it. Either that or it was being broadcast live through Twitch, which is the other place I tend to watch pros play. And I want to say that it was within the last week or so. They only used her for a really short amount of time, first push on Hanamura. Edit: If I had realized just how rare it would be to see pros playing symetra, I would have put on my recorder =/