Sym nerfed on PTR--no buffs to compensate

If she was really so powerful, why dont the pros use her then? They are literally the best, why wouldnt they use the best, which you are alleging is Sym? If she’s as powerful as you say, every OWL game woudl be Sy v Sym mirror matches.

Lol, that’s rat main life since the nade bugs.

Yes, it’s already on the Symmetra subreddit.

If they really made that change why is it not in the patch notes?

Blizzard is notorious for having terrible patch notes. Don’t ask me.

Here is the Reddit thread:


I’m pretty sure you can use it from slightly farther away though if you’re looking directly at it. It might just be a console thing or I could be completely wrong

There is a UI for this. You can even use the cool down indicator judge this.

She is god tier with a coordinated team. People don’t know how to play her efficiently as her kit is tough to play efficiently

“Nah fam, go watch some OWL, its the main thang anyway”

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It seems like she was buffed as well.

It can be both, if it makes the hero weaker its a nerf. Given this is such a small nerf overall and only vs 1 hero who is rarely played. Doesnt really matter imo.

You’re disappointed they fixed bugs? :no_mouth:

They never said she was going to be versatile. Jeff explicitly said Sym is a niche hero. The changes only made her a little more viable.

What nerfs did they do on PTR? I didn’t read anything like that.

No, they explictly said they wanted Sym to be more versatile.

Also, the changes have made Sym LESS viable, not more: 〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%


Is that y no one plays her in GM


No theres not. Guessing by the cd is not a ui indicator. We need a little arrow over the ability icon like Junkrat has when his trap is up.

Sym’s only F Tier for heroes who are bad with her…I love having Sym on my team and hate facing good Syms…seems good to me.

Do u not think its an issue that yhe large majority of the playerbase find less use for Sym (and win less w her) now compared to before the rework

Might be a bug fix. Might be a subtle way of nerfing a hero by putting the “bug” sticker on it. Mercy was nerfed because they “fixed a bug allowing her to damage boost certain abilities” like hanzo’s ultimate. That was their answer to the problem, because of course it takes two years to uncover and fix such a bug.

Moira can no longer heal through barriers, “it was a bug”.

They don’t have the balls to admit when they nerf a hero like that. Just say “Moira can no longer heal through shields.” “Mercy can no longer damage boost dragonstrike” and “Sombra can now interrupt symmetra’s ultimate generation”

It’s not hard to blame it on a bug instead. “Fixed a bug that allowed lucio to gain speed while wallriding” even though that was there on purpose. Yeah right.

Symm needs this, sym needs that.
(After the new Mercy nerf.)
Blizzard seems ok with it that some heroes are unplayable.

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With this logic then fixing it so Symm can’t place her turrets in walls where they can’t be destroyed would be a nerf.

If Blizz is fixing something that was never intended to happen in the first place then it’s a bug fix not a nerf.

Technically its both. Given the sym wall turrets is a much more impactful bug than others. Its simple really, if it makes the hero stronger or weaker its a buff or a nerf. Bug fixes do 1 of those 2. Its still a bug fix, but its also buffing or nerfing the hero to an extent.

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