Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and will be available for playtesting until April 8th. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions, please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.

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New Hero: Mercy (Healer)

A guardian angel to those who come under her care, Dr. Angela Ziegler is a peerless healer, a brilliant scientist, and a staunch advocate for peace.
Valkyrie Armor [Trait]
Regenerate 2% of your maximum Health per second after not taking any damage for 4 seconds.
Healing Stream [Q]
Damage Amplifier [Q]
Caduceus Staff [W]
Change between one of the two abilities for Mercy’s Caduceus Staff.
Healing Stream: Heal an ally for 100 Health per second.
Damage Amplifier: Grant an ally 25% attack speed and 10% Spell Power.
Guardian Angel [E]
Mercy flies towards a heroic target passing through all enemy units. Cannot pass through terrain.
Mass Resurrection [R1]
Valkyrie Mode [R2]

Nexus Anomalies
Nexus Anomalies are seasonal gameplay changes that directly affect all game modes in Heroes of the Storm. These events will last the entire season, allowing us time to receive feedback on them. Depending on this evaluation, some of them may become permanent additions to the game, while others may just be a limited time event.
The second Nexus Anomaly has arrived! In order to make game experiences better for the majority, we’re changing how Quick Match works since its our current most played mode. Players will no longer be able to queue to any hero they desire and instead play Unranked draft.
Quick Match
- Renamed to Draft Match.
- Players will no longer be able to queue with any hero they want, instead they will be sent to a draft where they have to pick their heroes before the game starts.
- Removed.

- The victorious team is now rewarded with 10 Shards on top of the previous rewards, vs AI and Brawl matches grant 5 shards.
Toys 2 Event
- Toys 2 Event has been extended to April 28, 2020, PT.
Storm League
- Players who are Master and higher can play solo only.
- Players who are Diamond can play in a group of 2.
- Players who achieve Bronze 5 with 0 scored points will be unable to play Storm League for a week, afterwards they are automatically set to Bronze 3, doing so multiple times would increase the duration to Permanent.
- 2+ Vehicles & type-heroes now count more than one hero, affecting abilities and stacks granted.
- This change affects Cho’Gall, Triglav Protector and The Lost Vikings.


- Bunker Drop (R)
- Health increased from 1435 to 1440.
- Cooldown increased from 70 to 75.
- Mana cost increased from 70 to 75.
- Pyromania (D)
- Additional Functionality: Damage dealt to None-Structures applies Afterburn stack that deals 7 damage per second and lasts for 3 seconds, can be stacked 5 times, Afterburn deals twice the damage against Heroes.
- Level 7
- Crossfire (Q)
- Additional Functionality: Hitting an enemy with both streams of Flame Stream increases Afterburn damage by 50%, this effect can stacks twice and lasts until the enemy has no Afterburn stacks.
- Crossfire (Q)
- Level 20
- (New Talent) Blaze It (Passive)
- Afterburn now deals triple the damage against Enemy Heroes, heroes who take 420 damage from Afterburn are stunned for 1 seconds then Blinded, Silenced and have their vision reduced for 2 seconds, can only occur once every 15 seconds for each Enemy Hero.
- (New Talent) Blaze It (Passive)
- Level 13
- Devastating Charge (Q)
- No longer increases Shadow Charge’s Terrain Collision damage.
- Armor reduction increased from 15 to 20.
- Additional functionality: Reduces healing received by 50% for 4 seconds.
- Devastating Charge (Q)
- Level 20
- Death Metal (Passive)
- Now is an Active
- Adjusted Functionality: Upon channeling for 1 second, E.T.C. dies and cast Mosh Pit in its place. [Passive] Enemy heroes who get stunned with Mosh Pit while dead reduces E.T.C.'s Death Timer by 15 seconds up to 60 seconds per stunned hero. [Passive] Upon dying cast Mosh Pit that lasts 2 seconds.
- Death Metal (Passive)
- Wrecking Ball (W)
- Cooldown increased from 16 to 18.
- Mana cost increased from 60 to 75.
- Decimate (R)
- Bonus damage against Heroes increased from 100% to 200%.
- Level 1
- Unrivaled Strength (E)
- Additional Functionality: Basic attacks against heroes reduces Wrecking Ball’s cooldown by 1 second.
- Unrivaled Strength (E)
- Level 16
- Rough Landing (Q)
- Additional Functionality: Groundbreaker’s edge now slightly pull Heroes back to Garrosh but no longer stun and Wrecking Ball cooldown increased by 2 seconds.
- Renamed to Unbalanced Landing.
- Rough Landing (Q)
- Health reduced from 2500 to 2395.
- Health Regeneration reduced from 5.21 to 5.
- (New Ability) Connected Vampirism
- Cast Connected Vampirism on an Ally, while they are above 75% health basic attacks against Enemy Heroes from allies causes Mal’Ganis to steal 1% of their Allies maximum health, Allies with Connected Vampirism receive 10% of the damage dealt by Mal’Ganis as healing, this healing effect is doubled against Enemy Heroes.
- Level 20
- Wrath of Nathreza (R)
- Damage dealt to nearby targets reduced from 75% to 50%.
- Additional Functionality: Casting Dark Conversion applies Connected Vampirism for nearby Allies for 3 seconds.
- Allies with Connected Vampirism only benefit from the primary target.
- Wrath of Nathreza (R)

- Level 20
- (New Talent) Mutation (Q)
- After successfully hitting a hero with Drag receive a random Basic Ability from them, can be used once.
- Cannot receive unit target abilities that requires an ally.
- Essence Claws (Passive)
- Removed.
- (New Talent) Mutation (Q)
- Mech health increased from 2000 to 2200.
- Mech health regeneration increased from 4.168 to 4.5848.
- Pilot health reduced from 1109 to 960.
- Pilot health regeneration reduced from 2.5664 to 2.2071
- Boosters (Q/Mech Mode)
- Cooldown increased from 9 to 10.
- Additional functionality: If D.Va doesn’t take nor deal damage during Boosters, lower the cooldown by 5 seconds.
- Defense Matrix (W/Mech Mode)
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 11.
- Cooldown starts immediately upon casting Defense Matrix.
- Call Mech (E/Pilot Mode)
- Cooldown reduced from 45 to 40.
- Bunny Hop (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 90 to 70.
- Damage dealt increased from 60 to 72.
- (New Ability) Micro Missiles (R)
- Launch 20 explosive rockets over 2 seconds dealing 30 damage and 15 for nearby targets.
- 15 seconds cooldown
- Big Shot (R/Pilot Mode)
- Now baseline
- Damage reduced from 250 to 194.
- Call Mech’s cooldown reduction reduced from 8 to 5.
- Mechanized Walker (Z)
- Adjusted functionality: While in her Mech, D.Va can shoot while moving, but her base movement speed is reduced by 15% while basic attacking or using Basic Abilities.
- Level 1
- Rush-down (Q)
- Removed.
- Hit The Nitros (Q)
- Additional functionality: Knockback distance of Boosters is increased by 100% for the first 0.5 seconds of casting Boosters.
- Pro Moves (Trait)
- Adjusted functionality: D.Va’s Mech gains 1% Movement Speed for 1.25 second every time she takes damage, up to 15%. [Quest] Damage 20 enemy Heroes with Boosters. [Reward] D.Va’s Mech basic attacks and basic abilities now reduce her movement speed by 10%.
- Crash Course (Q)
- Removed.
- Rush-down (Q)
- Level 4
- Diverting Power (W)
- Movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 35%.
- Get Through This! (W)
- Removed.
- Fusion Generator (W)
- Move to level 7.
- Bring It On (E)
- Removed.
- Diverting Power (W)
- Level 7
- Coming Through (Q)
- Removed.
- Dazer Zone (W)
- Slow increased from 20% to 25%.
- Moved to level 13.
- Nuclear Option (E)
- Adjusted functionality: Increase Self-Destruct damage by 50% but Mech explosion delay is increased by 1, Self-Destruct’s Charge amount gained from losing Mech Health is increased by 30%.
- Coming Through (Q)
- Level 13
- Expensive Plating (Trait)
- Removed.
- Expensive Plating (Trait)
- Level 16
- Torpedo Dash (Q)
- Moved to level 1.
- Nanoweave Suit (Trait)
- Armor increased from 50 to 75.
- Moved to Level 4.
- Suppressing Fire (Trait)
- Removed.
- (New Talent) Exposing Weaknesses (W)
- Enemy heroes who are affected by Defense Matrix have their armor reduced by 10, taking 10% more damage.
- Torpedo Dash (Q)
- Level 20
- Pew! Pew! Pew! (R)
- Damage reduction per shot reduced from 50% to 35%.
- Moved to 16.
- Concussive Pulse (W)
- Moved to level 4.
- (New Talent) Focused Fire (R)
- Each 4th consecutive hit on the same hero increases the next micro missile damage by 200%.
- (New Talent) Nerf This! (E)
- Firing Big Shot on your Mech causes the Mech to explode in 1 second, but Call Mech cooldown gets increased by 6 seconds, this duration cannot be reduced by Big Shot.
- Pew! Pew! Pew! (R)
Level (Tier) | D.Va TALENTS | |||
1 (1) | Hit the Nitros (Q) | Torpedo Dash (Q) | (!)Pro Moves (Trait) | |
4 (2) | Diverting Power (W) | Concussive Pulse (W) | Nanoweave Suit (Trait) | |
7 (3) | Aggression Matrix (W) | Fusion Generator (W) | Nuclear Option (E) | |
10 (4) | Bunny Hop | Micro Missiles | ||
13 (5) | Dazer Zone (W) | Ablative Armor (Trait) | Emergency Shielding (Trait) | |
16 (6) | Exposing Weaknesses (W) | Pew! Pew! Pew! (R) | GG, WP (Trait) | |
20 (7) | Nerf This! (E) | MEKAfall (E) | Focused Fire (R) | Stop and Pop (R) |
- (!) indicates a Questing Talent.
- Italic text indicates a NEW Talent.
- Bold text indicates a MOVED Talent.
- Level 13
- (New Talent) Passive Aggressive (Passive)
- After not taking damage or dealing Basic Attack damage for 1 second, increase your next basic attack damage by 20% every 0.25 seconds up to 300%, if Sonya attacks an enemy with 300% damage increase generates 30 Fury. [Passive] While out of combat for 3 seconds Sonya loses 5 Fury per second.
- (New Talent) Passive Aggressive (Passive)
- Level 1
- Rolling Thunder (Q)
- New Functionality: [Passive] Increase the number of Chain Lightning bounces by 1. Casting Chain Lightning on an Enemy Hero causes the next heal from Frostwolf Resilience to heal 5% of Thralls Maximum Health over 5 seconds, this heal refreshes if Thrall is healed by Frostwolf Resilience while its active.
- Rolling Thunder (Q)

- Level 7
- Calldown: MULE (Active)
- Removed.
- (New Talent) Spawn Drone (Active)
- Spawns a Drone in a visible location targeting the nearest Fort or Keep (regardless of being destroyed) and morphs into a Hatchery. Hatcheries slowly repairs all structures nearby by 25 health every second and spawns a Roachling and 2 Zerglings every 25 seconds, Hatcheries have 750 health and lasts 60 seconds.
- 90 seconds cooldown.
- Calldown: MULE (Active)
- Level 20
- (New Talent) Evolved For Combat (Passive)
- Increase Abathur’s Basic Attack damage by 100%, basic attacks against enemy heroes grabs a stack of Biomass, each stack of Biomass increases Abathur basic attack by an additional 100% and reduces Abathur’s respawn time by 10 per stack up to 50 seconds.
- (New Talent) Evolved For Combat (Passive)
- Ley Line Seal (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 80 to 75.
- Level 7
- Arcane Explosion
- Additional functionality: Increases Force of Will cooldown by 1.
- Arcane Explosion
- Level 20
- Medivh Cheats!
- Additional functionality: Reduces Ley Line Seal cooldown by 6 per hero hit while restoring 5% of your maximum mana.
- Can now be redirected twice.
- Medivh Cheats!
The Lost Vikings
- Baleog
- Health increased from 1180 to 1095.
- Health Regeneration increased from 2.46 to 2.22.
- Basic Attack damage increased from 78 to 73.
- Erik
- Health increased from 840 to 767.
- Health Regeneration increased from 1.75 to 1.6.
- Basic Attack damage increased from 65 to 60.
- Olaf
- Health increased from 1540 to 1424.
- Health Regeneration increased from 3.21 to 2.97.
- Basic Attack damage increased from 57 to 52.
- Basic Attacks damage increased from 15 to 34.
- Basic Attacks now deal as Spell Damage.
- (New Ability) Feedback (Active)
- Steal 90% of the enemy hero’s current mana and deal 102 damage on top of the amount of mana that was stolen over 3 seconds, enemy heroes who are affected by Feedback regain half of their stolen mana over 9 seconds. [Passive] Spell damage reduces Feedback cooldown by 0.5 seconds.
- 90 seconds cooldown, 75 mana cost.
- Level 1
- Templar’s Will (Passive)
- New functionality: Tassadar Basic Attacks against heroes deal 1% of their maximum health and reduces Feedback’s cooldown by 1 second.
- Templar’s Will (Passive)
- Level 13
- Adun’s Wisdom (Trait)
- Cooldown charge rate increased from 75% to 100%.
- Additional Functionality: While Oracle is active, Feedback cooldown reduction from spells is quadrupled.
- Adun’s Wisdom (Trait)
- Level 16
- Focused Beam (Trait)
- Adjusted functionality: Oracle duration increase by 1, basic attacks deal 0.5% of the heroes maximum health, while Oracle is active, deal an additional 1.5% of the heroes maximum health.
- This damage stacks with other similar effects.
- Focused Beam (Trait)

- Level 7
- Anti-Healer (W)
- Additional functionality: All damage dealt and crowd control effects are 50% more effective against Healers and Supports.
- Night Terrors (E)
- Adjusted functionality: During sleep and for the 2 seconds after, their vision is greatly reduced, their map is disabled and non visible areas are replaced with a black fog.
- Anti-Healer (W)
- Leap of Faith
- Cooldown reduced from 80 to 60.
- Now can pull enemies.
Li Li
- Healing Brew (Q)
- Healing increased from 175 to 212.
- Now a skillshot.
- Cooldown increased from 4 to 5.
- Blinding Wind (E)
- Now hits all targets in a radius of 4 in an arc in front of Lili.
- Damage reduced from 133 to 119.
- Level 1
- Free Drinks (Q)
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 2.5.
- Health threshold increased from 50% to 60%.
- Free Drinks (Q)
- Level 7
- The Good Stuff (Q)
- Healing increased from 42 to 50.
- The Good Stuff (Q)
- Level 13
- Mass Vortex (E)
- Adjusted Functionality: Increase Blinding Wind’s arc and range by 25%, Blinding Wind deals 50% additional damage for 2 Heroes hit and 25% additional damage for each additional hero.
- Mass Vortex (E)
- Level 16
- Two For One (Q)
- Adjusted functionality: Upon healing a hero with Healing Brew, share a drink with the nearest target (prioritize heroes) to that hero, if there are no targets nearby the healing effects are doubled.
- Pick Me Up (Q)
- Adjusted functionality: Healing Brew grants 15% movement speed for 1 second.
- Two For One (Q)
- Devotion (Trait)
- Armor reduced from 25 to 15.
- Armor duration reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds.
- Additional functionality: [Quest] Heal and prevent 60,000 damage to you and allies with your basic abilities. [Reward] After accumulating 60,000 healing and damage prevented Uther acquires Redemption.
Redemption: After Eternal Vanguard ends, Uther revives at the spirits location with half of his health restored. This effect has 300 seconds cooldown, everytime Uther heals and prevent damage reduces Redemption cooldown by 1 second.
- Holy Light (Q)
- Healing reduced from 362 to 340.
- Healing received for healing allies reduced from 181 to 170.
- Additional functionality: [Quest] Heal and prevent 15,000 damage to you and allies with Holy Light. [Reward] After accumulating 15,000 healing and damage prevented with Holy Light, Holy Light mana cost reduced by 20, range increased by 25% and cooldown reduced by 2 seconds.
- Holy Radiance (W)
- Healing reduced from 177 to 160.
- Damage dealt reduced from 177 to 160.
- Additional functionality: [Quest] Heal and prevent 15,000 damage to you and allies with Holy Radiance. [Reward] After accumulating 15,000 healing and damage prevented with Holy Radiance, damaging or healing Heroes with Holy Radiance refunds 5 Mana and reduces its cooldown by 0.5 second.
- Level 1
- Silver Touch (Q)
- Removed.
- Wave of Light (W)
- Removed.
- (New Talent) Faith (Trait/Quest)
- [Quest] Heal and prevent 60,000 damage to you and allies with your basic abilities. [Reward] After accumulating 60,000 healing and damage prevented, Devotion grants 10% additional armor and duration increased by 1 second.
- (New Talent) Divine Haste (Trait)
- Devotion grants 10% movement for 2 seconds.
- Silver Touch (Q)
- Level 7
- Guardian of Ancient Kings (Trait)
- Adjusted functionality: Healing a Hero that is Stunned, Rooted, or Silenced doubles the Armor amount they receive from Devotion.
- Guardian of Ancient Kings (Trait)
- Level 16
- Benediction
- Cooldown increased from 60 to 90.
- Now resets all abilities upon activation.
- Benediction
- Level 20
- Redemption
- Removed.
- (New Talent) Unstoppable Justice (Trait)
- Uther can use Holy Radiance during Eternal Vanguard, each hero healed or hit by Holy Radiance or Flash of Light increases Eternal Vanguard duration by 0.25 seconds.
- Redemption
- Health increased from 1400 to 1498.
- Health regeneration increased from 2.9218 to 3.126326.
- Basic Attack damage 62 to 69.
- Desperate Plea (Q)
- Mana cost increased from 45 to 60.
- Mana increase per stack of Desperation reduced from 45 to 40.
- Healing amount increased from 140 to 160.
- Inquisition (W)
- Cooldown increased from 12 to 13.
- Scarlet Aegis (R)
- Duration reduced from 4 to 3.
- Armor increased from 40 to 60.
- Healing amount increased from 250 to 275.
- Divine Reckoning (R)
- Mana restored from damage dealt reduced from 25% to 20%.
- Zeal (Trait)
- Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30.
- Armor reduction increased from 25 to 30.
- Clemency (Active)
- Cooldown increased from 12 to 13.
- Now removes all stacks of Desperation upon casting, each removed stack restores 50 mana.
- Level 4
- Unwavering Faith (Q)
- Adjusted functionality: Increase Whitemane’s Basic Attack range by 1. Whitemane gains 10% increase damage dealt for each active Zeal buff.
- Unwavering Faith (Q)
- Level 13
- Lashing Out (E)
- If Searing Lash’s second strike hits an enemy Hero, reduce its cooldown to 1 second and increase the next Searing Lash damage by 25% per hero hit up to 50%.
- Saintly Greatstaff (E)
- Damage reduced from 55 to 40.
- Mark duration increased from 3 to 4.
- No longer removes the mark after the first basic attack.
- Lashing Out (E)

Melee Assassin
- Vault of the Wardens (D)
- Cooldown increased from 13 to 14 seconds.
- Additional functionality: Deals 15% more damage to Illidan.
- Level 16
- Cruel Chain (W)
- New functionality: Umbral Bind grants 25% Movement Speed for 2.5 seconds, and its pull damage is increased by 30% for each tethered target beyond the first, up to 120%.
- This is a reversion of the reversion to Cruel Chain’s last functionality.
- Cruel Chain (W)
- Betrayer’s Thirst (D)
- Additional functionality
- Now grants immunity to Blind.
- Vision is greatly reduced.
- Deal 15% less damage to Maiev.
- Additional functionality
- Level 20
- No Sanctuary (Passive)
- Removed.
- (New Talent) You are Already Dead
- Casting Blood Rage reduces healing received by 50% for all affected heroes, if the affected heroes are below 10% they die instantly instead.
- No Sanctuary (Passive)
- Health reduced from 1725 to 1656
- Health regeneration reduced from 3.5898 to 3.4462
- Basic Attack damage reduced from 102 to 96.
- Level 16
- Thistle Tea (Active)
- Cooldown increased from 40 to 60.
- Additional functionality: Now increases all damage dealt by 20% for 4 seconds.
- Thistle Tea (Active)
- Level 20
- (New Talent) Cold Blood (E)
- Activate to increase the damage of Valeera’s next Evicerate by 80%.
- (New Talent) Cold Blood (E)

Ranged Assassin
- Level 16
- Trample (Active)
- Range increased from 6 to 7
- Damage increased from 275 to 295.
- Additional Functionality: Enemy Heroes that die within 2 seconds of being hit with Trample reset the cooldown.
- Trample (Active)
- Sand Blast (Q)
- Maximum amount of Sand Echoes increased from 1 to 10.
- Sand Echoes Abilities and Basic Attack damage reduced from 40% to 10%.
- 15 mana cost, 2 seconds cooldown.
- Dragon’s Breath (W)
- New Functionality: Launch 8 blasts into the air that land every 0.25 seconds in a large area randomly, dealing 153 damage each.
- Dragon’s Breath Impact Radius increased from 2 to 2.5.
- Cast range increased from 13 to 16.
- 50 mana, 10 seconds cooldown.
- Temporal Loop (R)
- Adjusted Functionality: Choose an enemy Hero. After 3 seconds, they are teleported back to the location where Temporal Loop was cast on them, during that time Sand Blast cooldown has been removed and Dragon’s Breath has been set to 1.5 seconds.
- Cooldown increased from 50 to 60.
- Level 1
- Once Again for the First Time (Q)
- Adjusted Functionality: Upon quest completion increases Sand Echoes damage by an additional 10% and allows Chromie to spawn 2 more additional Sand Echoes.
- Quest completion stacks increased from 40 to 60.
- Once Again for the First Time (Q)
- Level 18
- Stuck in a Loop (R)
- No longer increases recharge rate.
- Stuck in a Loop (R)
- Basic attack damage increased from 44 to 48.
- Basic ??? ?? from to 10
- Level 6
- ?!?? (W)
- Armor ???? from undefined to undefined.
- ?!?? (W)
- Level 20
- Removed.
- **(New Talent) undefined ()**
- Nova’s Holo Decoy also cast which deals undefined% damage.
<b>Developer Comment:</b> Nova has been ???? in general, these changes should ? her in while ?????? ? ???????? ?? ??? and kill ?? ???? ?????.
<a href=“#top”>Return to Top</a>
- Level 4
- Triumvirate (W)
- Removed.
- (New Talent) Ess of Johan (W)
- If Arcane Orb hits an enemy Hero after traveling at least 85%, they are pulled toward its center.
- Triumvirate (W)
- Level 7
- Zei’s Vengeance
- Damage reduced from 30% to 25%.
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 3.
- Calamity (E)
- Damage reduced from 300 to 290.
- Zei’s Vengeance
- Level 13
- Glass Cannon (Passive)
- Maximum health reduction reduced from 15% to 10%.
- Glass Cannon (Passive)
- Level 16
- Arcane Orbit (W)
- Travel distance reduced from 25% to 15%.
- Additional Functionality: Increases distance travel damage by 15%.
- Arcane Orbit (W)
- Basic attack damage reduced from 26 to 25.
- Level 1
- Slipstream (E)
- Adjusted functionality: Recall cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds, but the amount of time Recalled is reduced by 1 seconds.
- Slipstream (E)
- Level 7
- Jumper (Q)
- Removed.
- Bullet Time (Q)
- Adjusted functionality: Basic Attacks lower the cooldown of Blink by 0.05 seconds, this gets tripled against Heroes.
- Spatial Echo (Q)
- Removed
- (New Talent) Space Sickness (Q)
- Activate to increase your next Blink range by 75%, heroes that are caught through that blink are stunned for 0.5 seconds.
- 25 seconds cooldown.
- (New Talent) Time Paradox (Q)
- Blink grants 1 stack of evasion that lasts for 0.5 second, can only have 1 stack.
- Jumper (Q)
- Level 13
- Bullet Spray (W)
- Additional functionality: Reduces Tracer’s Melee cooldown by 2 seconds.
- Bullet Spray (W)
- Level 16
- Focus Fire (Trait)
- Adjusted functionality: For every 5th basic attack on the same target, increase all damage dealt by Tracer to them by 5% up to 15%, lasts 2.5 seconds, basic attacks refresh this duration.
- Focus Fire (Trait)
- Level 20
- Get Stuffed! (W)
- No longer reduces Melee’s cooldown.
- Get Stuffed! (W)

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an unexpected search result in queues resulting in insanely fast games being found in 5 ~ 15 seconds in QM.
- Fixed an issue where Whitemane Skeletal Mesh “Legs” Component would stretch more than intended.
- Tracer’s “Recall” no longer causes a time paradox and duplicate herself on the battlefield followed by a server crash for that match.
- Fixed an Anub’Arak in the game.
- Tracer’s Melee no longer misses the target.
- Samuro can no longer swap while in the Hall of Storms.
- Thrall’s “Earthquake” no longer makes Sky Temple fall out of the sky.
- Fixed an issue where Mercy deal a surprising amount of damage, unintentionally.
- Probius’s “Warp Rifts” no longer disable the map’s lightning while they are inside the player’s screen.
- Multiple multiplicative fixes for multiple abilities that grants Spell Power and Physical Damage multipliers.
- Brightwing’s Polymorphs no longer replaces the victims texture with the animal they were turned into.
- Rehgar going back from Spirit form no longer causes to displace one of his shoulders for the rest of the match in Orc form.
- Infinite Quests
- Fixed the occurrence of dealing infinite damage due going below 0 points and overflowing the value.
- Fixed an issue where the player can go lower below 0 stacks on a quest.
- Fixed an issue where players can receive negative stacks on their quests.
- Fixed an issue where Probius cannot play his death sounds.
- Lucio no longer plays “It’s Everyday Bro” while having Speed Boost active with Crossfade.
- Models no longer randomly T-pose in replay mode.
- Leoric no longer spawns a tower when he dies, again.
- Multiple fixes for UI in replay mode.
- Several AI fixes and improvements.