Goodbye Everyone

for now the candles continues to burn
but a dark time it will become indeed when it finally runs out

Good luck out there. There are still 100 of other games you can play if Hots is no longer giving what you seek.

Just saw it was a April fool post just now the day after I wrote this. Im so easy fooled.

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Babe come back they buffed leoric for a day.


Just as I was about to make my triumphant return to my Bronze 5 throne??? :frowning:

This news really put a damper on my day, I’m gonna need some time off to grieve…

There is somethng special on April 1st?

it’s the day the last big patch


Wrong, its this patch.


pfft, that one doesn’t even have a hero spotlight :stuck_out_tongue:

it has great art though :pensive:

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I was about to do the same thing, that is until I started maining Hammer and hopping into Quick Match. Can’t wait until I can instalock in Hammer in ranked. Gonna be a blast.

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Without this. I might have believe this wasn’t an april fool’s. :slight_smile:


Seeing your post made me feel sad, but the above gives me hope that you’re not really quitting Hots and this is just April fools?

If you really are leaving, I understand, and I wish you the best. However, you had better return at least one time to post a video of your new wave vaudeville Murky ventriloquist act, now that’s something I’d love to see.

The horror, does that mean you’re not longer a Li Li main? Pink Shadowpaw skin all the way, I’m with you.


Revvick is totally going to tour your mom’s bedroom.

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That’s good to hear, she would probably vibe with his ventriloquist act, also, that’s the first and last time I use “vibe”, ever.

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That was one hell of a read thank you lol.

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Has anyone done ventriloquism with a mime puppet?

Has a mime done ventriloquism with a mime puppet?

Has a mime done ventriloquism with a mime muppet?

Has a Mr. Mime done ventriloquism with a Jinx?

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Just to be clear: I AM NOT QUITTING!

April 1st = April Fools!

I am sorry if the joke was a little too believable for some people, I thought it would funnier if it started off sounding sincere and ended on a ridiculous note.

Seriously, I could write a list of a 101 reasons why this is the best moba on the market, and the best competitive multiplayer game in existence.

The only part that wasn’t a joke is that I really do appreciate you folks! I’ll try to tone my next april fools joke back a little bit :sweat_smile:


I think most people understood it was an April’s foll joke. XD


I quit for a year my man. It was great!
Coming back has been a mixed bag but definitely needed it.

In all seriousness, it’s good to have a break… and also it’s the 2nd of April here :wink:


Thank goodness, I can go back to a normal avatar.