Tables, A Way To Play Hearthstone With Your Own Rules. (Gamemode Concept)


This is a concept for a way to play Hearthstone with your own rules, such as Tournament Mode, Endless Adventure, 2V2 (Two Headed Ogre), Tables of Time, and My Table. Please read and spread the word, Team 5 WILL put at least one of these modes into the game if we stay vocal about it.

Feedback is appreciated.


That would be the dream. :star_struck:

I really hope this will get some attention. It would be absolutely awesome to have something like this. I would even kickstart that with like a few hundred euros and/or pay maybe 30 € or so more each month for something like that.

No matter the cost. Make it happen. Please. :pray: :pray: :pray:


I’d settle for a game mode that truly randomized the decks without any sort of manipulation.

Oh my, If this somehow become a thing, I really feel bad for some players.

Filled with

Rogue/Priest (rezz+tons of removals)
Rogue/Mage (0 mana combos aka oneshot)
Priest/Druid (rezz combo :face_vomiting:)
Warlock/Driud (whelp)

Will never happen. No matter what Blizzard really does, people with bad luck streaks will always claim it’s rigged. And people who suck at the game will always claim it’s bad luck and not their lack of skills.


oh you mean tavern brawls
the randomized deck ones

I mean if people don’t like that they shouldn’t play it. Currently we don’t have many options. With something like “your own table” you can always have the game you actually like to play if you can find like-minded people. That would be the great thing about it.

If I just read “Will never happen”. I think in the very year that the first functional prototype of a flying machine was constructed “experts” “estimated” that it would take about 1 - 10 million years until humans would be able to do that. “Will never happen
” Depends on a lot of things but nothing is truly impossible, just not very likely maybe. Just like the artist guy from the Dalaran Heist: “It’s all in the details.”

What about people that just want to have fun playing meme decks with their friends? The point of this “table thing” is to have it exactly how you want it. That way people could only complain about not being able to implement a specific rule. So it might even decrease complaints from the player base. But of course that does depend on if people actually want to play the game “just for fun with friends”.

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That’s not a fair statement tbh. Mabey they like the game but with such thing it might destroy what they like.

What? How? It doesn’t take things away. It’s only an addition. If people want to play “normally” they can still do it. I don’t understand.

Sadly it does take things away for some people, and that’s the point. Now you might not understand it but it does.

How about you tell me then? I would really like to know. I don’t see it.


Sadly it does take things away for some people, and that’s the point. Now you might not understand it but it does.

Giving more ways for players to play with and use their cards & imaginations takes away from them


Randomised doesn’t work, the tavern brawls don’t.

Simply because of the insane overpower of a lot of cards.

If you want to improve the game all they have to do is dial down the power over a year and it can become playable again.

But that won’t happen, because the foundation game mechanic is - no matter that you are on 1 health and will lose the next round, you will draw a card that will spawn a full board of taunt, minion destroying, hand destroying, deck destroying legendaries and YOU will win the next round against your 30 health opponent.

It is the drama and beauty of this game, no matter how bad you are at planning and executing a built strategy you can win in one round with one card you were waiting for.

Until they are all removed and lazy, complacent, unskilled play is punished it won’t happen.

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Too much content that will make me feel like buying packs again instead of playing battlegrounds they won’t do it.

While I enjoy battlegrounds I think they were a complete mistake to add to this game as it just eats up my time that would be for the actual game. Instead of me falling behind in my collection and buying more packs my life is simply becoming more busy and I don’t mind basically just playing battlegrounds and arena instead of pushing for rank 5 legend. Laddering has become boring to me.

They really should have just created a tournament mode already instead of BG’s. The incentive to keep my collection up to date has for me been waning for a while BG’s with life getting busy made me not care. They should have given us something like this a long time ago to make something besides playing ladder an incentive to keep up our collection. Instead you made while an enjoyable game mode a mode that just cannibalizes our time and makes it harder to keep up with a competitive standard collection and somehow expect me to fork over more money then ever to play a mode that’s becoming tired out. You guys are idiots but what can I expect you guys made heroes of the storm so dirt cheap to play I litterally didn’t play it for a year at a point came back bought everything in game currency and was like yeah this game is going to go bankrupt. Here we have a reverse situation where you have cannibalized your player time for the same game and now are trying gouge us for like $300 a year I’ve played since open beta my collection is decent but even I can see you’ve made a huge mistake.

You need to actually do something like Blizzard I’m not paying just to keep grinding ladder with the same decks with 6 different cards.

then they need to justify why ruining the game for everyone is fine. this has been a constant debate of blizzard forums. forcing ppl to play one way does not encourage more pr new players, infact it does the opposite.

look if the pay to win net decks dont have ppl to beat up on blizzard wont make money.

Do you even know what this suggestion is about?

It’s about a game mode where you can play however you would like to. If you think some cards are “overpowered” you can ban them in your custom format. And maybe you can come up with a creative rule set that “punishes lazy, complacent, unskilled play”. You should be excited about it, because it would allow you to play exactly how you want. Wouldn’t that be great?

I’m not quite sure what exactly your problem is. It seems that you don’t like spending so much money on the game, but can’t keep up otherwise because you enjoy the new mode Battlegrounds so much.

Of course in “Tables” you would generally use cards from your collection. But did you know you can borrow decks when playing against friends? Or maybe you would enjoy playing with a Whizbang deck against another Whizbang deck? How about a “pauper mode” where only Commons and Rares are allowed?

I think you might find something to enjoy if something like “Tables” would become a real thing.

In a way I can see how this is actually a very valid concern (as silly as it may sound at first). Most people buy cards for this reason (to win) and if more people play “just for fun” they may not spend so much money. Although I have to say that “meme decks” are generally more expensive than “net decks” so there’s that. Maybe people would then start playing more with “meme decks” and buy even more for that? Well

There is the “problematic” feature that you can borrow decks in friendly games. If people would start playing more with their friends and organize themselves better their sales could start declining massively. (In Theory only 1 for every 2 players needs a full collection to play with whatever they want.) Nevertheless I like that function and really think it should stay because it’s awesome to share decks with your friends.

For this game mode to realistically come into being we would need some way to at least compensate for this potential problem. I personally think the best solution might be a subscription system where you just spend X money to have access to “Tables”. How much? I don’t know. I would be willing to spend 30 € per month, but I don’t think many others would be willing to do the same. Maybe 15 or even just 5 per month? But I think a subscription system would do nicely here.

I’m not quite sure what exactly your problem is. It seems that you don’t like spending so much money on the game, but can’t keep up otherwise because you enjoy the new mode Battlegrounds so much.

Of course in “Tables” you would generally use cards from your collection. But did you know you can borrow decks when playing against friends? Or maybe you would enjoy playing with a Whizbang deck against another Whizbang deck? How about a “pauper mode” where only Commons and Rares are allowed?

I think you might find something to enjoy if something like “Tables” would become a real thing.

I don’t have a problem with the idea of tables I’m actually supporting it. I’m just insulting blizzard with their current direction of the game as to why they do need to do something to shake up the same old grind for a collection to play ladder going forward. It’s becoming more expensive for the same experience.

I’ve actually been a pretty strong supporter of this game for a while and bought most pre-orders and lots of bundles but its getting tiring just to play ladder. Battle grounds just quicken my exit from wanting to work on my collection. Something like tables would be very welcomed.

I’m sorry I have to lump all these replies into one huge comment but Blizzard’s Forums rules don’t allow me to post more than one comment at a time. So I apologize.


If you want to improve the game all they have to do is dial down the power over a year and it can become playable again.

The problem with that is you risk lowering the amount of packs sold. If the sets aren’t good enough to warrant a purchase, Team 5 loses money and are placed on the chopping block when it comes time to cut costs.

My concept removes this problem since individual cards can be banned, so annoy Team 5 until they listen to the community and give us the ability to make custom games.


While I enjoy battlegrounds I think they were a complete mistake to add to this game as it just eats up my time that would be for the actual game.

I agree, the introduction of Battlegrounds shows what complete disconnect there is between the developers and players. Nobody was asking for an auto-battler for Hearthstone. We WERE asking for a Tournament mode, and we can see that they didn’t put much effort into it.


look if the pay to win net decks dont have ppl to beat up on blizzard wont make money.

My concept capitalizes on the fact that it uses Wild sets as well as Standard ones. What that means is that it is more incentive for players to keep up their collections in order to play.

Also, the only people I ever see complain about P2W netdecks are players who want to complain about the meta, regardless about what class/archetype is on top, and add nothing to an actual conversation when it comes to fixing any kind of in-game economy other than “Give me more free stuff”. So Team 5’s priorities at that point are to make money, because people are still playing the game for free whether they’re in Legend ranks or not.


Yes, but it would only improve certain aspects of the game, which mainly seems to involve your alternate game mode.

I am talking about generally and for the common good.

The two worst games I have played doing my daily quests in the past week are dragon decks from the new expansion.

One Galakrond player character the other just OP dragons.

True I was playing my scrub random daily quest decks but they are obviously unbalanced.

Why should there be an option to play a 5/4 on round 3, a 5/5 on round 4 and then by round 9 have a board full of dragons including legendaries?

Or have a +3 attack hero character each turn being healed by it’s life steal minions? Death Knight player characters again for anyone?

Answer - it shouldn’t and simply is because of power creep in every expansion.

Moar!!! simply doesn’t work each time to trump the Moar!!! from the previous and the only way to ‘fix’ this game is to dial it down.

With - as you say - economic consequences in the name of balancing, fair play and fun.

Which is why it won’t ever happen and HS is just going to become more and more of a parody of itself each expansion.