I Challenge the Hearthstone Development Team

I really like RNG since it just makes every game very interesting. If done correctly it can actually make the game more about skill since it’s important to realize how to make the best out of your RNG. But of course sometimes it’s just too much variance and I guess that’s the problem here.

If they would actually make a set without any RNG I personally would probably find it very boring. For example the new Demon Hunter has very little RNG. The only Demon Hunter deck I find interesting is in Wild with Witch’s Cauldron.

But there are many that are like you and find the normal and straightforward play style of Demon Hunter very engaging. (Not necessarily the aggressive play style of Demon Hunter. Just talking about the consistency and lack of crazy RNG here.)

And I say it could be possible that all the classes and all decks you encounter are like that without interfering people like me that just want to have fun. But how you ask?

The answer are custom play modes. This is what we truly want and need.

Let’s hope they will hear us and after consideration maybe implement it in one way or another.

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